/christ/ - Christian General

>All all Denominations welcome.
>Please do ask questions.
>We will answer them to the best of our abilities.

This general is for all Christian denominations, as well as those who do not have faith or are interested in Christ to ask their questions. Please refrain from shitposting.

Please be civil with your arguments in between denominations. This thread is for everybody to get together and discuss the thing we prize most our faith in Christ.

The New Testament online for free, arrows at the top to turn the page
biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew 1&version=ESV

Older translation, considered to be much more accurate but takes longer to read
biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew 1&version=KJV

Online Bible for those who do not have ready access to one at home. Remember there is no race to finish the Bible, read it slowly and take in what it has to offer. If you have questions, ask. If you get tired of reading, finish for the night and think over what you have read as you go to sleep.
A site that lets you choose a type of Bible and then have sections read to you. There is an auto play feature to this.

Two nice general Christian ideology Youtube channels.

And some direct video links to fill this General original post out a bit more.
>Faith vs Works
>Why does God give no direct proof of his existence?
>If God is so loving why does he send us to hell?
(The previous videos may have differing views from some peoples personal views)

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Other urls found in this thread:


bump digits confirm christ is with us

Bump for Christ


Bump for the good lord, we need him now more than ever.

You can run on for a long time
run on for a long time
run on for a long time
sooner or later God'll cut you down


What did he mean by this?

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>Christian thread
>Not linking to Commonfilth

How many of you are converts as opposed to raised in the faith, and what is it that brought you to the lord?


I'm a convert myself. I started reading the good book not too long ago and felt His presence as I read.

If I don't believe in the existence of god, but still behave like a good human being, be just, hard working and have a trad family, am I still alright to you guys?

How old were you? What did you consider yourself before? God bless user, i'm glad you've found your way.

Atheist fag here. How do I believe? I get this question doesn't make much sense, but I've been struggling with this for a long time. I want to believe but even if I say it too people, read the bible, act as though I do, I never truly believe in christ in my mind. I don't fear hell as I don't believe in it, but I can't understand why I would be sent their for my inability to change my thinking entirely. Any advice?

I'm 21. I considered myself a strict atheist during my teen years. God bless.
Checked. God is with you. Also just pray more. Listen to Christian music. Read Christian literature. Fully immerse yourself in Christ's glory. God bless, user, and may you find the Lord soon.

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>All Christians Are Cucks

>All Christians are Cucks #2

>All Christians are Cucks #3

>All Christians are Cucks #4

>All Christians are Cucks #5

>Cucktianity: What Is A Covenant

>Cuck Identity

>Cuck Identity #2


Synagogue of Satan debunked

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Reminder to wear the miraculous medal for many graces

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Checked. You're alright with me as long as you're doing your best.

You seem like a pretty level-headed fellow. Look for evidence of Biblical accounts, that about did it for me. You can start with seashells on mountains. I really need to make a big list of all those type of things one day to share with people... Anyways, just keep digging. Jow Forums is a board of truth after all.

Checked. I used to be an anti-theist. I began to realise a big part of the death of the west and decline of white people, is that they've died spiritually, and we'll never recover or be worth saving if we don't rediscover God. I started as a cultural Christian, reading the bible and trying to follow it, I had some quite out there experiences. In time I began to unironically believe in Jesus as the lord. Try practicing the faith first, and let your soul follow. I hope that helps.

Checked. What's with all the GETs in this thread? Anyway, please do make a list! Would be much appreciated. God bless!
Checked again! God bless!

Remember, anons. Whatever happens, we WILL prevail in the end.

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Of course you're alright with us! But that doesn't mean you're saved. Have faith in yourself and your ability to search for truth. God will be there when you find it. Good luck user!

None of you are actual christians desu.

Says who? You? And why do you think that?

Thanks. I don't care if I'm "saved". I just want my peers and family to have a life and future better than my own. If that happens and I go to hell, I'm fine with it.

Dude if you feel the need to validate yourself then just accept that Jesus is the son of God.

I used to consider myself a pagan, but recently i've been listening to Mysterium Fasces, and Florian Geyer has really changed my view on Christianity in general.

I do have some questions though. How can one actually justify being a white nationalist Christian? Wouldn't it be contradictory to the teachings of Christ, to favor one group more than another?

Thank you.

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I just don't think one needs to believe to be a good person. I asked because you guys are alright in my eyes and I just want us to have our differences but be cool with eachother

Galations 3:24
There is neither jew nor greek (or black or white or w/e) for we are all one in Christ Jesus


Let the faith of this former atheist, now coptic monk inspire you

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3:28 sorry

I have a really controversial opinion on race. I'd like to hear what others in this thread have to say on the topic, though.

Your choice, being the offspring of Adam - you inherit sin, by being the offspring of Jesus (by believing) - you inherit righteousness

I think the story of the tower of Babel might be revelant here. I'll save my more underdeveloped ideas on the subject for another time.

Yes and no. Christianity was born out of oppression, but it was also born out of a need for a central, authoritarian religion. In the end the bibles teaches you both to love your neighbor, and teaches a hierarchical view to the world. In many senses, it's a lot closer to NatSoc ideology than general nationalist ones/conservative ideology.

What's Hell like? Pretty sure I'm going there since I'm a gay.

If I believe that spiritual authority comes only from the Bible, specifically the passages about Jesus Christ, and that salvation comes through faith in Jesus Christ alone, but this faith has to be true and not fake, what denomination would be closest to my beliefs?
Am I just a basic bitch Lutheran?

Mate the bible is the revelation of God. It's the story and practice of the entirety of everything

Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces.

you'll be an alright person, but we want your soul to be saved. try praying and finding God.

> You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
Jeremiah 29:13



>In many senses, it's a lot closer to NatSoc ideology than general nationalist
I don't know. I think Hitler may have struggled a great deal with his Christianity.

As others here, I was in your position a few years ago. I didn't believe in God, used to be a militant atheist, the kind that would troll christians in youtube comment sections.
After a while it faded and I became more agnostic.
One night, I just opened myself up to the possibility of God's existence. I imagined that God and Jesus Christ were 'there', spiritually present, waiting for me to finally accept them.
All I had to do was completely open up, completely discard my ego, be completely honest about the things I've done wrong in my life and continue to do wrong.
I was overwhelmed by emotions, I felt incredible guilt and sorrow for what I had done, like I had disappointed someone I deeply loved.

Then it all went away. All sadness, all guilt, all worries, everything was gone and I just 'knew' that Jesus Christ was there for me.

It's difficult to explain, but all I can say is, strip your soul naked, if that makes sense. Completely open yourself up and let God in. At least that's how I managed to find Him.

That view is broadly Protestant. Here is a controversial opinion you might consider with regards to the Bible: listen and obey. You'll be surprised just how far away that will take you away from many denominations. Read it from beginning to end with the full intent of obeying Gods every word.
"And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God." Luke 4:4

Truly inspiring story, user. Glad you're on the right path now. God bless.

Nice thread, O.P. How are you doing yourself?

Just a reminder

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just because you love all people and want their souls to be saved, doesn't mean you want to destabilize your society by encouraging mass migration from people that undermine your social cohesion

there is a difference between the political and the spiritual

I was raised musilm by my father, but during meditation about 3 months ago, the Lord came to me and revealed himself. The experience was so overwhelming that I had no choice to believe, and have found myself wrapping my life in Christ slowly, but surely. I'm trying to find a church to join and then get baptized, but it's hard because there are so many different denominations in my area. I'm not sweating it though, I have faith that when the time is right the Lord will guide me where I need to go.

Kiss my atheist arse

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I'm doing alright. Still getting over a breakup with my fiancee from September (we were together 5 years, starting to doubt I'll find another woman I could trust as much as I trusted her). I suffer from depression and some other things, but when I focus on God, I feel at peace. A feeling I rarely, if ever, get otherwise.

I sort of view NatSoc as a kind of modern rendition of King Solomon's Israel. Would like to see what others think about it.

Also this.

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Why not just skip the fuss and identify as Christian and not some funky denomination. We're supposed to be one church after all!

This thread came in a good time for me. I have a question about life after death.

What happens exactly? Are we judged and go to heaven or hell, or am I having a limited vision here?

I ask because this question is one I have been asking myself since I was a kid, and it scares me a lot. It cannot be avoided and hell, it can happen very suddenly. It does not help the fact that I was an atheist for a long long time, so even though I dropped this set of (dis?)believes , the idea of a certain... Eternal darkness and nothingness scares me, and my mind cannot conceive anything other than that. And it is scary because it is unknown, and because I kinda like to live you know. Even though the world is all fucked up, I still enjoy it, the simpler things of life are just so good, like the morning breeze or the view from the top of a mountain.

So, I guess you can say that atheism still got its grasp on my mind, even though I'm trying to fight it off. And it scares me. What can I do?

well that's what I usually do when I'm asked, but then they ask "yeah but what specific denomination" and I just don't know how to answer.

Pray. You might try Compline at this link every evening as starters, with the sign of the cross at the beginning and at the end. archive.is/9Zy2I

Don't base your faith on the local church that you might start attending, because churches can be weird and you might feel uncomfortable round them if you try to go to far too fast on their terms (often parishoners can be excited by people who are interested in participating and can inadvertantly rush you).


>Acts 17:26
>and He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation,

God made us all different, race mixing would be destroying the creations of God. The bible is often pro-nationalist, and when talking about Christian love for your "brother" and people, it's not the modern day, hippy love, which is just the pursuit of comfort and cummies. Christian love is often authoritarian and requires leading your people to the right path and protecting them from sin. It's anti-degeneracy. I see no contradictions between my faith and my white nationalist ideology. Also, the new testament is the most anti-semitic book i've ever read, way more than Mein Kampf. I felt so at home reading it for the first time, it's the only text i've read that rants about them as much as I do. It depicts their character and faults so well. Don't forget, Christ talking about jews said
>Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.
>John 8:44-45

Time to go back to your desert shitholes, spiritual semites. Also stop shitting up this board.

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Good for you for going towards what's good for you.

>Don't base your faith on the local church that you might start attending
My problem is the greater Christian community not having relevant socio-political answers to todays struggles,personally.

Don't be a denomination bro. We are all one in Christ Jesus

God bless, friend.

Converting to Christianity was the best decision of my life. I too was a fedora tipper who read Dawkins and all that other new atheist tripe. I'm glad I moved beyond that because it was a depressing road to travel down.

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I've been trying to find my own niche too. I find it more truthful to identify as non-denominational

Blame Satan's Minister's Luther and Calvin which ended us up to over 40,000 separate churches.


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non denominational is just a buzzword for "I am too pussy to make up my mind"

So what do you suggest I do if I'm mixed? I have 4 'backgrounds' 'ethnically'. Am I not supposed to start a family or what?

>true "existential" atheism burning with hatred of a seemingly unjust or unmerciful God is a spiritual state...
This is where I am and have been for a while. I'm just sort of wondering where you go from here? I don't know how to even begin to believe in God because the idea is revolting and immoral to me.

cringey larp thread

try to genetically assimilate yourself into one specific ethnicity
if your offspring do the same, after a few generations your kids will be virtually one ethnicity and your mixed status will not exist anymore

or "I believe in Christ himself"

That actually makes sense, user. Thanks. I think my idea of Christianity being hippie and tolerant are remnants of my atheism/paganism.

It's a place of healing, so it's not necessarily meant to be a battlefield, especially when the clergymen are at work. I personally don't like the disorganised feeling of many types of churches, it seems like there isn't a united front even when one is badly needed as you imply. That's why I ended up with a liturgical group that "fits the ticket" for such concerns. I can go there and do a group prayer by reading, kneeling and bowing without having to express myself in anything out of the ordinary or too uncomfortable. Like being in a martial arts with discipline or in a military unit, kind of.

Christ who literally made his own church and whose Apostles lead them all. That doesnt sound non denom at all

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God bless you. I've had really overwhelming experiences like that too. People think you're crazy if you talk about it so I try not to bring it up, but I do believe God communicates with us , these experiences can be life changing. I believe I was given a vision of heaven once while I was praying. I'm a massive depressive and have some suicidal tendencies, I believe Christ was trying to show me why I can't ever do it. I'm glad you've found your faith, I hope it remains strong in you user, the Lord will show you the way

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it's because people don't understand the difference between Motherly and Fatherly love anymore. This is because of the breakdown of the family in modern society.
It means something that God is a Father, it's said many many times that he specifically is The Father. This is because Fathers have a different kind of love than Mothers. Motherly love is more nurturing, whereas Fatherly love is more correcting and judging.

"hippie jesus" comes from the incorrect idea that God loves us like a Mother loves her child.

I'm sorry, that was rhetorical. In the end I'm attracted to girls that I can have a deep and ideal relationship with, regardless of race. So I'll stick with that

Revelation 20:11-15New International Version (NIV)

The Judgment of the Dead

11Then I saw a great white throneand him who was seated on it. The earth and the heavens fled from his presence,and there was no place for them.12And I saw the dead, great and small,standing before the throne, and books were opened.Another book was opened, which is the book of life.The dead were judgedaccording to what they had doneas recorded in the books.13The sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and Hadesgave up the deadthat were in them, and each person was judged according to what they had done.14Then deathand Hadeswere thrown into the lake of fire.The lake of fire is the second death.15Anyone whose name was not found written in the book of lifewas thrown into the lake of fire.

Revelation 21:8New International Version (NIV)

8But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur.This is the second death.”

Friendly reminder:
"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." Proverbs 9:10

Yeah true actually, I guess I just have problems with authority

>It's a place of healing, so it's not necessarily meant to be a battlefield
That's the bs I'm talking about. It's a battlefield whether you like it or not. I'm not even talking about the church. I'm talking about taking the church outside of the walls. Christians suck at this these days. Any given answer is basically live and let live anyways even,no, especially for groups that don't share that mentality.

Don't forget about the situation of your potential children because you're too worried about your own happiness.

That's a quote from Father Seraphim Rose. Read his book, "Nihilism", then read Seven Storey Mountain by Thomas Merton and you'll be on your way. Merton was an atheist who became a Trappist monk, one of the strictest monastic orders in Catholicism. Was also an atheist who made the leap from being a marxist philosophy professor to a coptic monk. Let these stories of people who found God inspire you to make the leap yourself

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One thing though. Jesus is high priest but we dont call him 'father', so why should we call lesser priests like the pope or cardinals 'father'

Psalm 27:14King James Version (KJV)

14Wait on theLord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on theLord.

It's not B.S. and if you don't need healing then you aren't trying hard enough in your work as a failing layman, user.

I can't help with the hell question, other than to say it exists, which I know isn't satisfactory to you.
What I will say however, is that I know with utmost certainty that there are dark forces that exist in this world, and they do whatever is within their power to exert control over us. Some people call them demons, spirits, whatever. They are evil, fell entities that come from what I imagine must be the darkest pits of hell and fuck with people, syphoning their energy and dragging them down to darkness.
This thread came at the perfect time for me as well, as I'm utterly convinced one of these entities is near me right now. I had an extremely vivid dream and woke up, and I can feel it's presence. Luckily I've got Jesus Christ to surround me with holy flame.
I said the Lord's prayer a bunch of times, and just happened to see this tread which I interpret as a sign from the Lord.

I know it.probably sounds crazy, but I see these dark entities all the fucking time. Mostly after my conversion. I have a theory that it's kind of like a two way mirror, once you can see them, they can see you. No, I don't do drugs, I don't drink. Any of you Christ Bros ever experience anything like this?

Matthew 23:9King James Version (KJV)

9And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.

I have faith it will be all right.

People literally call Jesus "rabbi" and Paul paints himself as a spiritual father in his writings. I am an agnostic seriously looking into all of these things. All I find are things that make a non denom view completely unscriptural

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>It's not B.S.
Losing a culture war and not having an answer for it is most definitely bs. I need learning. I need wisdom. I need people by me ready to fight both spiritually and mentally with soft power and if it came to it hard power. Maybe I'm just salty because my priest said it was a Jewish religion, and I was promised Greek.

Exactly aye. thats why I'm not 'catholic' but Christian

Actually no, I tried Baptists but they were too cucked. I haven't found something I can get on board with without reservation yet. I follow Christ, not a church.
I honestly don't know how to answer that. I don't know what the bible says about it i'm not going to pretend to. My personal opinion would be to find other mixed people, but that's just my opinion not something i'm citing biblically. What ethnicities are you?

Meaning "teacher" but

English Irish Spanish Hungarian


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