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>didn't end in a lesbian orgy
What a bunch of bigots
no one stops them because they cant hurt each other
>crying laughter emoji
Looks like two different mulattas' titties pop out. This seems like it always happens with fighting Negroid females.
at least no one spoke German there
Truly the end of times, this is like watching a more realistic version of The Purge.
just a few bad apples I'm sure you damn biggot
overall fags are a blessing on our societies
now excuse me, I have to help my so put on her make-up before going to tolerance class or the police will arrest me and put me to jail where I will be raped by a gang of xirs
usually gay pride goe smoothly like this:
Titty out at 0:04
Looks like a zoo, unironically.
Pride parades should be banned because of public indecency, there's nothing right about being a flamboyant, attention whoring faggot who needs to announce their presence everywhere they go.
Trash music, trash people, trash city.
even as fags the shitskins are still violent
We can't be considered a first world country. This is embarrassing.
This is the core of lesbian relationships.
That was actually kind of amazing, thanks
This isn't worldstar. Stop trying ti mind control people with this bullshit
look faggots, look what you get with non-whites
Look at the niggers cheering. Chaos, the collapse of all of is decent is their element.
Like no shit the scene would be so perfect if there were buildings were on fire in the background.
I think it's pretty clear that's what they have become today.
Perhaps once they really were about protesting fag-bashings or something...I don't know.
just watched the video, kinda feeling turned on, sad, I'm no fap tho!
so the legend about black girls having nice asses is false after all
I don't want a girlfriend if they behave like the females in OPs vid...
Is this some kind of pretend fight? Can't really tell as they do no damage.
Guys, I'm looking for a picture, help pls. It is a comics about jews giving recording studious to black rappers so that they corrupt the white youth.
>Nigresses dominate
>One white girl with dreads looks especially embarrassing
There's no shame left in society...
when whites adopt nigger culture
The van gundy tweet is kinda funny desu
When I was a teenager I used to be very sympathetic towards pride parades and all that happy horseshit, but as I've gone on I've found there's no utility to them and I ultimately can't find any sort of message at all.
In the 70s it was "We want the government to stop raiding our establishments and for homosexuality to be socially and economically de-stigmatized so I can have a job and a home and not be shunned by my family". Now what is it? "I base my entire identity around my sexuality. Bake me my cake, bigot"?
This is how women behave when there’s no real men around to stop them.
And you robots put these skankarse slimy cunt whores on pedestals. Wtf?
respec, nigga brah u kno'm sayin
That was the first shot in the racial civil war
Can't wait when we become that progressive in Poland.
What are white people like over in Europe? Where I live they're pretty much the same as niggers
Hate to point the obvious but those girls are WAY ABOVE american average which stands at literally landwhales, fair mustache mexican mutts, and niggers.
Are you really in the good side?
>pic related
Post YouTube link. Can't watch Twitter vids on android for some reason.
also black girl in pink at 0:30
gonna nut
Mustache mutt
here, have a different kind of catfight
>that elbow pop at 0:30
Its their repressed desire to be pumped full of white seed manifested in a massive catfight for white dick.
>Click here to continue on and see Part 2 of this report.
NO! i've seen enough
Thot Gang, ooh, yeah, Lil Clit, yeah, Thot Gang, ooh
Thot gang, Thot gang, Thot gang, Thot gang
Thot gang, Thot gang, Thot gang (Thot gang!)
Spend my gibs on Estrogen
My bitch love do black men, ooh
I slap a Shitlord, I forgot his name
I can't buy a bitch no wedding cake
Whites are to blame
Thot gang, Thot gang, Thot gang, Thot gang
Thot gang, Thot gang, Thot gang (Thot gang!)
My gibs cost more than your rent, ooh
Trumps not my President, yeah
Fuck Family Planning…
I unironically thought she was cute.
I have a thing for chubby latinas, don't judge me.
They're mutt-tiplying!
Ayyyyy lmao
The land of free and brave. Jajajajajaaa
Reminds me of this Moot clip.
wtf i love liberated women now
Thought you said TriBeCa, since it applies equally well
Kek wtf , this looks like some brazzers shit user
So many degenerates I can’t take this anymore Godspeed men I’m out.
any one got a mirror? twitter is trash.
>pride parade day
More like, my proudest faps of the day
It kind of is.
>fag/THOT goblinos fighting each other chaotically while nigger music is blasted in the background
Pretty much libtard Murrica in a nutshell.
This. The cake thing made me especially mad
I don't think you can be sexually aroused in this kind of situation
Direct link to video:
This would have resolved the situation and made earth a better place for everyone.
>dat nip slip
tfw no gf
My ears now have cancer, thank you.
Now imagine that for every one of these pieces of shit, there’s 200 men just throwing cash and prizes at them trying to get into their holes. And you’re in a line for a hole just like that.
Imagine the smell my goodness!
It’s no longer about resisting persecution. Now they want attention and celebration of their degeneracy. Or else.
>tfw filthy street fighting mutt lesbo degenerate whore skank gf
they are like like children
a bunch of infantile baboons chimping out
brown / black = primitive species
liberals BTFO
>Stop trying ti mind control people with this bullshit
It's called reality you dumb fuckin faggot
It was because of the long running argument of dropping the B from LGBT.
The Nigger in pinks titty was basically out the entire time. if you like that sort of thing.
Fags in SF didn't even look
Imagine being the paramedic that has to treat these pozholes.
But if liberalism and progressivism win there will be no more fights, wars or crisis... Right? P-progress is always good...
What has this got to do with liberalism? In UK and southern Europe, men fight in the streets over football and their local town rivalries, and most of them are fascists, racists, and sexists
thats pretty hot
It was at a gay pride parade
Kek. The left is coming apart. In two weeks it will be white fags vs black fags and San Francisco is not going to be so fun anymore.
>Fights and thongs
Why be a conservative at all?
Kill it with fire.
This is peak wiemar
My caged cock is happy to hear that!
Two more weeks and then I can finally ruin the orgasm
Oy vey! Cat fight
same user, same
imagine how many type of std they have in their malignant holes
can smell the stench from here
>and it's beautiful
Its like throwing punches in your dreams
>france overrun with niggers
>brittian ass raped by pakis
>russia is worlds brothel
>usa full of mongrel degenerates
the revenge plan is working kameraden!