What kind of personal would own a car that looks like this if it was in America?
What kind of personal would own a car that looks like this if it was in America?
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a redneck. anyone from the south
Red necks like those kind of wheels?
The tribal paint is very redneck though I do admit.
A badass.
A nigger
You're joking right?
There's no way a nigger ever owned a Kingswood.
rednecks love nigger shit these days. the older generation good ol boys are still based but the younger ones are a weird redneck/wigger hybrid. if you listen to modern country music (which i dont recommend) its full of ebonics and ghetto slang nowadays
people who aren't constrained by money or expectations of the society in which they live.
>no, the reason why I wouldn't own that car isn't money, nor what might people think of me
I. Don't. Believe. You.
Why not? It looks like shit and is basicly a old opel
Clint Eastwood
Why can't the Soviets come back and bring a bit of order and common sense back to the world.
> Is basically an old opel
you're a fucking idiot
Boomer having a second midlife crisis. Perhaps his son enjoying dadmode lulz. Or a millenial boomer exercising early-stage autism.
But if you're lucky it's a genuine chap who's doing it for real and he'll have some crazy old-timey story to tell you about what happened to him in Nevada and why he had to get out of there or something like that, and also what his second wife did to him.
>Meanwhile in Australia
A wealthy one. Probably 50grand in that motor alone. In a toy for a laugh.
Utes are a useful vehicle
This is possibly the most American-looking ute I've ever seen. I particularly like how you've shoved the engine all the way up against one side of the bay. This indicates very clearly that there is something much more important than the engine that is about to take place in the opening.
Examples of weird new age country music?
If I owned that car the first thing I'd do is change everything but the engine.
Track racer. Smart person who built it or rich person who bought it.
They sold holdens outside of Australia you know?
You do not want to know
I do.
So like Chris Rock?
Chris Rock is like one of those old fashioned respectable upper-class negroes by today's standards.
Fuck off Joe.
A fat bald ex-cop retiree that likes to go to car shows and has diabetes.
As a hobby rednecks types but it would never be seen outside a drag strip or at a car show. Only spics actually drive stuff like that around.
Aussies do badass shit with their cars. I wish the turbo barra fords would have came here.