many people want communism back in Russia, and I want someone on here, agreeing, or not, to have a debate with me on it
Communism is russia
Other urls found in this thread:
The more die the better
So I agree
I mean seriously
Maybe some 70 year olds. I doubt 25 year olds want it back. Although in the end, it was less than a century of history in a nation with over 1000 years of history, so really a drop in the bucket.
That's irrelavent since federation is even a smaller drop in the bucket
If you can't spell irrelevant correctly, there is no chance of rational discussion here.
as it turns out the second largest political party is the CCCP
communism is gay
Many brainwashed people don't know the shady intentions of such an evil ideology.
>not a single Russian in this thread
>many people want communism back in Russia
fucking idiot
The protocols of the elder of zion clearly show jews pushing bourgeois republicanism against monarchies though.
>many people want communism back in Russia,
Actually it's not true.
>Russia promotes right wing extremism and neo nazism in the west to destabilize it
>the West starts to promote communism in Russia to destabilize it
lmao lmao LMAO
Life under communism:
*You have no freedom or right to control your own destiny. The state tells you where you can live and what jobs you can have.
*Consumer goods are poor quality and in short supply--it can take months to purchase a bicycle, TV set, or coffee table.
*Jobs are mostly assigned based on your status as a member of the proletarian class such as "worker" or "peasant", or because you have connections to some party bigshot, and you could be denied a job if a member of your family did something politically unacceptable.
*If you complain about anything, you go to jail or a labor camp.
*Religion is either banned or strictly controlled by the state.
*You need permission to travel outside the country.
*Food is poor quality and limited in supply--markets often only have a few items on sale. People literally get sick and experience malnutrition from the shitty diet.
*There are no free elections and government officials do not have to answer to the public.
*All media, art, and entertainment must conform to the state agenda--this includes glorifying the party or the leader and schlocky propaganda art of muscled factory workers while demonizing whatever ideologies/people/countries the party wants demonized.
*The print and electronic media only report whatever news the state wants you to hear while not mentioning what they don't want you to know.
*There is no independent judiciary and you do not have a right to a fair trial or legal representation.
*Hotels and apartments are bugged, so be careful what you say.
*Some cities are "closed" meaning you cannot visit them without official permission.
He's completely correct
source on the West pushing communism?
Russian communists are generally very anti-western
We want socialism tbн.
Maybe a market one.
The Soviet Union was stable and much less corrupt than modern Russia. It was also poorer, at least for urban dwellers.
Russian communists today are mostly older people nostalgic for the economic security of their youth and young people concerned about inequality and geopolitics.
how do everyday Russians feel about your government and economy?
Mainstream ex-communists in Russia are now the URP. The current Communist Party has no connection to the CPSU and is more Menshevik than anything.
Just imagine a Honduranian who doesn't have education (exception Christian school), who was a part of terrorist group, who speaks only English with thick accent became dictator of USA via revolution. What would you think about this ruler?
This is analogy for Stalin in Russia.
This analogy only works if the Honduran guy is an exceptional autodidact and is hyper-aware of political theory and philosophy.
Stalin may not have been as smart as Lenin, but he was still a formidable intellectual. Check out his work on imperialism.
Feels like you have no garantees. Average salary is about 20k (150+ usd) per month. Education (diploma, for example) doesn't mean you will take a good work. Pension for old people is laughable, young ones are don't even counting on it (pension) in future.
As we say "if you want to live, you should know how to spin" where "spin" means "going forward no matter how shitty the situation is".
That's pretty much it explains the current economic realities.
I ain't reading all that shit nigga
>Stalin was forever painfully insecure about his intellectual limitations. His Orthodox seminary school education was no match for Lenin and Trotsky's lofty erudition, and in order to better himself, he maintained a vast library of books which he underlined and wrote extensive notes in. He also hired a philosophy tutor to help educate him--after the tutor attempted to enlighten him on Hegel, Stalin became frustrated at his inability to digest the German philosopher and thereafter developed a loathing of German philosophy.
>He wrote numerous dry books and tracts on subjects of all kinds, from Marxism to architecture to agriculture and he made himself the ultimate arbiter and censor of Soviet culture. Yet his true aim, to become a Marxist theoretician, remained unrealized. His inner circle were sometimes of lower birth than him--Lazar Kaganovich for instance had once been a part-time sheepherder.
>When Stalin died in 1953, the housing situation in the USSR was dire. Scores of families lived in squalid homes and apartments, often multiple ones per dwelling. The Soviet dictator's personal tastes in architecture centered around monstrous wedding cake skyscrapers--he once said "The capitalist cities such as New York have great, tall buildings in them. If people were to visit our cities and find no skyscrapers, what would they think?"
>Life under communism:
>*You have no freedom...
Just stop reading there
He's right, you know.
I meant that you don't need to read any further
"No freedom" pretty much sums it up
Hell no. I only can agree he wasn't completely dump, but his iq was 110 at max. This is not enough to be true intellectual but enough to rule country in conditions of unlimited power.
Only old fucks want that to happen because they actually didn't starve to death and USSR was way more powerful and influential than current Russia
It's not related to communism at all
People want communism back since doing that will automatically allow them to get rid of Putin and his friends.
>*There are no free elections and government officials do not have to answer to the public.
>*All media, art, and entertainment must conform to the state agenda--this includes glorifying the party or the leader and schlocky propaganda art of muscled factory workers while demonizing whatever ideologies/people/countries the party wants demonized.
>*The print and electronic media only report whatever news the state wants you to hear while not mentioning what they don't want you to know.
>*There is no independent judiciary and you do not have a right to a fair trial or legal representation.
>*Hotels and apartments are bugged, so be careful what you say.
>*Some cities are "closed" meaning you cannot visit them without official permission.
Nothing has changed since then. Everything ^^^^^ there still holds true.
You mean socialism? Well, I don't think majority of people actually want USSR back. It's more like they want all the good things from it, while keeping access to commodities we have today.
So..they want socialism
They want government with strong social policy.
Hi, Nikita.
The USSR essentially performed a national lobotomies in several countries (Russia included) by systematically murdering every free thinker, innovator, unorthodox person, etc., that they could find, for generations, which simply cannot _not_ do lasting harm to a society. I think it's going to be a long time before there's anything resembling a stable civil society in Russia
>In his 1962 work "Conversations With Stalin", Yugoslav dissident Milovan Djilas wrote "[Stalin] was truly the ultimate exemplar of someone who is willing to destroy 4/5ths of the population for the benefit of 1/5th of it. Every crime was possible to Stalin, for there was not one he had not committed. For in him was joined the criminal senselessness of a Caligula with the refinement of a Borgia and the brutality of a Tsar Ivan the Terrible. I was more interested, and am more interested, in how such a dark, cunning and cruel individual could ever have led one of the greatest and most powerful states, not just for a day or a year, but for 30 years. There is not a single prominent Soviet scientist who has not gotten into trouble with the authorities at some point. In Stalin's time, it eventually came to pass that all art and culture were banned save for what Stalin personally liked. His tastes were not exactly good."
>implying USSR fucked up society more than centuries of slavery
Slavery in Russia was definitely bad but there are lasting consequences when you kill or imprison (and then eventually kill) millions of people who behave certain ways
You can imagine that any person could have been born a serf. Just a question of the lottery of birth, really.
Not so when it comes to ideas and free thought. When you target people for how they behave, you end up killing off an essential part of your population. Everybody has their role to play in society.
Every single person with high enough IQ and decent social skills flew abroad. They weren't killed en masse. Look at this as giving the other countries a favor. It's a good thing. Ever heard about Sikorsky, for example?
>national lobotomies in several countries (Russia included) by systematically murdering every free thinker, innovator, unorthodox person,
so how did they put the first man in space if they killed every innovator? USSR even attracted some brilliant western scientists like Bruno Pontecorvo to defect
USA needs communism. You guys are peak capitalism, it's rotting and the smell goes across entire world. Once most important country goes socialist, everyone will follow you and world will finally be a better place
You see why he destroyed Trotsky and surrounded himself with water brains--he could not tolerate anyone with a higher educational attainment than himself. He also lived in a bubble and was remarkably ignorant of how the average person in the USSR lived. This ended up happening once again under Brezhnev, another phenomenally out of touch individual who didn't know anything about the deteriorating economy and living standards in the country as the 70s unfolded, but was more preoccupied with how many long range bombers and random African countries Moscow had under their control.
Pontecorvo was a lifelong communist though.
When your whole culture was shaped in conditions like that, consequences are huge.
>so how did they put the first man in space if they killed every innovator
by using an authoritarian state to plan an entire economy to that end, regardless of how many people suffered as a consequence?
this isn't complicated, comrade
They put the first man in space because they couldn't make small enough nuclear warheads due to their less advanced manufacturing technology so had to build an oversized ICBM, which was useless for its intended purpose, but could launch a much larger payload than American rockets.
That's my point. It's going to take a long time for things to recover. I've got faith in you guys, though.
but you said in your post that Soviet Union killed every innovator which is simply demonstrably untrue and basically a complete hyperbolic nonsense. would you like to revise that statement ?
There is nothing to recover from. After 400 years of shit, this is our natural state.
This picture is probably older than Jow Forums
The kleptocracy thing Putin has going on can't last forever. Eventually, though, his reckoning will come. It won't be pretty, either. But after that, there will be opportunities for change
We've got the same problem with Trump. We're just in a better position to deal with it. But we've also got much more to lose
Russians are ultimately too dumb, poor, and have a slave mentality to ever attain civilized world status.
>We've got the same problem with Trump. We're just in a better position to deal with it. But we've also got much more to lose
epic meme
>The kleptocracy thing Putin has going on can't last forever.
"If I go to sleep and wake up in a hundred years, and they ask me, what is happening in Russia, I answer, drink and steal."
>Nikita Khrushchev's denunciation of Stalin in 1956 was a shocker throughout the communist world. An editorial in China's "People's Daily" remarked "Stalin made some mistakes, but he was on the whole a good, honest Marxist." Mao Zedong had many grievances against Stalin, but correctly divined that discrediting him would undermine the entire legitimacy of world socialism. "Stalin needed to be criticized, not killed." he said.
>Khrushchev defeated his political rivals during the attempted July 1957 coup by accusing them of being complicit in Stalin's crimes or at least of standing by and doing nothing as they unfolded. Yet perhaps Mao was ultimately correct--Khrushchev could point fingers at Molotov, Voroshilov, and the other of Stalin's cronies, but he could not overlook his own slavish obedience to the late dictator, especially during the late 1930s purges when he reported back to him "I have proudly brought you 20,000 enemies of the people." Therefore to destroy Stalin removed credibility from not just Khrushchev's rivals, but ultimately himself.
if that’s ok with you, I will do the revision
1) USSR killed, arrested or deported too much of technical intelligentsia, and only relented in suppressing them due to external pressures. Remember, technical specialists were not of “good, proletarian” class
2) it can be demonstrated that soviet educational system did not produce good scientists en masses or proper environment for them. Skip one generation after pre-revolutionary education and that becomes apparent. Soviet academic structures, instead of rational drivers of progress and innovation, as envisioned, were places for educated to waste time on goverment money
You're always welcome in America, buddy
We're all from places like that
>another thread where people who don't understand socialism argue about socialism
good lap dog shill for porky some more, it's definitely not Capitalism destroying the West. I-it's the immigrants! Now give me your vote!
Indeed. Nearly every notable Soviet scientist or engineer was born pre-1917. Those who came up and were educated in the 1930s onward were mostly useless and taught nothing but Lysenkoist bullshit.
>another socialist who thinks people don't understand socialism just because they don't like it
democratic socialism is fine but the authoritarian socialism of the ussr was complete garbage, fuck off. you're the left's equivalent of a Jow Forumstard neo-fascist
Thanks, but I would rather go to Europe.
3) USSR science was political - it had to conform to the “science” of Marxism. Some theories and disciplines were deemed heretical (false, borgoise) and destroyed, in some cases literally . Famous examples include cybernetics and genetics
4) USSR scientists were cut off politically from world scientific community. They could not participate in exchange of ideas and thus doomed to retread and lag behind. Exceptions (access to world scientific press, international conferences) were under tight political, party and intelligence control - and as a result became one of the privileges of bureaucrats and party stooges, who saw that as golden opportunity to buy western clothes and such (yes, that was a GREAT privilege, that people fought tooth and nail for)
>authoritarian socialism of the ussr was complete garbage
They said themselves they weren't socialist, it was a revolutionary transitional government. Orthodox Marxism said Capitalism was necessary and that revolution would happen in the developed world- that's not what happened. They managed to industrialize faster than any country on Earth, competed with the largest economy in the world for decades and in many areas surpassed America. Their goal was to trigger global revolution and they were doing just that until we invaded and stamped out ANY hint of socialism in the developing world. And look where neoliberal Capitalism has gotten us. The West is in decline, cultures destroyed, families ruined, working class pitted against working class- immigrant scapegoating while the very people running on an anti-immigrantion platform profit off their cheap labor.
It is like that in China as well. All the notable writers and intellectuals they had, who were educated prior to the PRC, are gone now. They've passed on and since almost everyone alive today is a product of the communist era, the country is intellectually dead.
I have a massive dick and everyone should suck it
That it did, particularly Lysenkoism, which was officially discredited after Khrushchev's time, but the unfortunate legacy of which still tainted Soviet science.
>They managed to industrialize faster than any country on Earth, competed with the largest economy in the world for decades and in many areas surpassed America
You know there was a reason Hitler got caught off-guard when he invaded the Soviet Union, right?
What are you even talking about?
Soviet industrialization was almost 100% dependent on the West--first in the 1930s when US and European companies built factories there, and in the Cold War era when they stole every technological and military item that wasn't nailed down.
Collectivized agriculture was such a profound failure that Moscow had to import several million tons of American grain in 1973-74 to not have another famine.
Soviet Union was literally a backwater hellhole of a country around the time of the Weimar Republic. Hitler assumed the Soviet Union was still that backwater hellhole which would be more of a pushover than Ethiopia, and they were wrong, waaaaay wrong.
5) Establishment was anti-innovation after a while, because it was built on religious adherence (of a scholastic kind) to Marxism-Leninism. Any action or idea had to have foundation in the sacred words of the current or old party ideologists or classics. Rational, critical thought was antithentic to that and so academia was stripped of influence in society and industry, and in some cases indigenous research was to be replaced by reproducing western technology by party degree (happened with USSR processors). Moreover, planned economy and bureaucracy acted as weights on adopting technology. For example: did you know USSR had state-mandated shared repository of all source code? Can you guess what happened to it?
6) a lot of , if not majority if technological advances in USSR came from the hated West, either licensed, stolen by intelligence, leaked by sympathisers and in most important cases - taken by force from Nazis. Indeed, it can be claimed that looting of German industry gave USSR science its biggest but also last push. For example, precision instruments from Germany were used in USSR research facilities until the end of USSR...
It still was. Their war machine ran off the factories that Western companies built for them and they needed the American shoes, medical supplies, trucks, and radios from Lend-Lease or they'd be fighting the Wehrmacht barefoot with bayonets tied to sticks.
user let me ask you- why do you think America was so terrified of the Soviet Union? Cuba, Vietnam, North Korea. The Red Scare, anti-socialist propaganda on the television with no actual explanation of what socialism TRULY is. Do you genuinely believe it's because we were the good guys who wanted to save the world from evil, or is it because the wealthy who run this country knew damn well what would happen if socialism spread through Asia, Africa and through Europe. U.S. global hegemony would collapse. Don't forget our own government planned to crash an airplane full of Americans to justify invading Cuba, don't forget the Republicans got rid of the gold standard in favor of the petrodollar with Saudi Arabia, don't forget they lied about WOMD, sent Americans into the middle east to die for oil. Do you really trust these people?
>Hitler assumed the Soviet Union was still that backwater hellhole
Doubt that. Soviet Union was industrialized by American and German engineers. It's not like that was a top secret information.
Communism is a pure theory, it can't exist, you dumb faggot.
Pretty sure the Republicans losing the Spanish Civil War had Hitler continue to assume you’d just flop and die (or have a shit ton of infighting because multi-nationality country)
>a lot of , if not majority if technological advances in USSR came from the hated West, either licensed, stolen by intelligence, leaked by sympathisers and in most important cases - taken by force from Nazis. Indeed, it can be claimed that looting of German industry gave USSR science its biggest but also last push. For example, precision instruments from Germany were used in USSR research facilities until the end of USSR
During the early 50s, the RP-1 spec for rocket propellant was developed by the American chemical industry since aviation gasoline was unsuited for use in rocket engines. The new fuel was soon adopted by the Soviets for the new R-7 ICBM.
Now here's the thing about that. We didn't exactly publish information about rocket propellants back then--rocket propellant engineer Mary Sherman Morgan's son recalled that her work was mostly secret and she seldom talked about what she did when he was growing up. The RP-1 spec was finalized in 1954 and design work on the R-7 began shortly thereafter.
So ask yourself just how fast and efficient they were at espionage work. Pretty freaking good all things considered.
Communism is the most ideal socio-political system where all people can live happy and equal lives. It's nothing strange that people dream about a paradise.
No, I don't think that's what he really thinked.
The CCCP should resurrect
Let 's save Russia from the depths
Berlin Wall and DDR should also be resurrected
Let's protect East Germany from immigrants
I knew he was overconfident as fuck at the very least, considering he declared war on a great power while fighting 2 other ones (Britain and the Soviet Union) because Japan was autistic, despite Japan not even invading you guys like they were supposed to.
Based Korea.
Remember we live in a Capitalist world, where the wealthy run our politics, our economies, our military- remember that when people tell you "socialism always fails". It can only exist and thrive when revolution occurs in the developed world. Until then it will always face powerful opposition, sanctions, and war.
> why do you think America was so terrified of the Soviet Union
Fear-mongering on the part of the establishment
Personal computers in the Eastern Bloc were nearly all clones of American and Western European designs--the Apple II and Sinclair machines were the most widely cloned, and clones of CPUs such as the Z80 and 8086 were extensively produced.
Internal documents circulated in the Kremlin during 1980 presented a grim outlook about how Moscow in the long run could not hope to beat the US technologically or in the sense of having an appealing, marketable ideology.
>I knew he was overconfident as fuck
He thought that this whole blitzkrieg thing is unbeatable.
you realize all western inventions were heavily subsidized by the government though. The idea that this is an example of the free market is absurd.
>Doubt that
Government subsidies were at best an accessory with free market demand driving most innovations. For example, the personal computer revolution in the 70s-80s was primarily the result of West Coast hippies who wanted to have their own computer and not have to buy timeshare use on the local university's mainframe.
The transistor was invented in 1947; while it could be used in military electronics, it was as much or more useful in consumer appliances such as portable radios.
If the free market was irrelevant, the communist bloc should have been able to develop their own electronics components indigenously and not have to just clone whatever Intel made.