so can someone please tell me why this board continues to support a verified zionist shill? is this board compromised?
So can someone please tell me why this board continues to support a verified zionist shill? is this board compromised?
>is this board compromised?
yes its been pretty obvius for a while
>Jow Forums is my own personal stormfag safe space
Goddamn you dumbfucks are so fucking retarded, go back to your containment site
i mean ur right, mostly just wanted to see what nu pol shill hell has to say
and here we go.
people who think Trump is unironcially le god emperor (redditors like you) are a cancer. Trump is one short step in a very long journey than ends with jews in ovens.
checked. what's wrong with Zionism?
would you go as far to say that /ptg/ a good percentage of right wing personalities are somewhat zog hangouts?
Zionists have never been the prime enemy you absolute moron. Nobody with an IQ above room temperature ever took "Le Jews did it all" meme as gospel.
Because he gets shit done and Jow Forums respects that.
>I'm going to fix Best Korea problems
Best Korea has been making groundbreaking progress
>I'm going to make new jobs
New jobs made
>I'm going to screw with other countries in trade
>The butthurt is on the news daily
I'm going to secure our borders
>The tears are flowing as we speak
Trump has been president for less than two years and has already done more than Obongo in eight.
>so can someone please tell me why this board continues to support a verified zionist shill? is this board compromised?
They all secretly fantasizing on kosher dicks in the mouth.
so, we're pro Israel?
found the absolute retard
No its only to make retarded faggots like you mad
because both sides shill for (((them))), but he at least makes me laugh constantly and makes my pathetic life more bearable.
They want to be cucked by little israeli cocks
This, also checked
It for sure is.
Is the daily stormer compromised too? I got ced his stories seem to mirror a lot of breitbarm themes
t. muslim
>leaf posting in 2018
Kill yourself already, sage
Because he gets shit done and he knows how to play the political war theater well, hitting targets and putting on a show so the deep state can't say he didn't do anything, but basically knocking out those targets without any lives lost and then walking off with the fake Israel kvetching over not doing enough.
it's like Jow Forums 180'd on Israel.
who would believe that a few years ago?
crazy how the mighty have fallen for their typical tricks
I can't tell if you're a shill or just a dumbass who hasn't been paying close enough attention.
>posting jews on Jow Forums
Roughly how long do you think he'd last without Jewish support?
As for Israel I love the salty tears it generates by it's mere existence. I prioritise my enemies and mudslimes are way at the top the list.