It is clear that Christianity is on its death throes all over the western world...

It is clear that Christianity is on its death throes all over the western world, people don't take it seriously anymore and the churches are turning empty.
What then should the new religion of the west be? Should we stick with what remains of Christianity? Should we even have a religion? Give me your thoughts Jow Forums

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If you're picking your religion by whether it works rather than that it's truth then you're lost whatever you do.

the internet will ensure that no religion that's easily contradicted by basic observation will last long. information is too easy to access. a neutral anthropological study on an indigenous people is enough for someone to realize their religion is a socio-cultural tool or proto-science.

it's already replaced itself with a random set of superstitions and moral realist views, i.e., killing is wrong, enslavement is wrong, racism is wrong, pedophilia is wrong, homophobia is wrong, etc. etc. all views that become religious when claimed as axiomatic. this is why it confuses me when moralfags say that we need religion for morality's sake. morals are a long way off from dying.

Create your own religions
However practice only in your own family and start taking over the world


Europeans need an extremely conservative ethnic faith for themselves. Until this happens and they are able to form parallel societies to the states that are now openly replacing them then it's all just valid platitudes.

Imagine if all white when orthodox Jew or armish tier overnight with a faith exclusively for themselves. We'd win the war in a generation. Instead they'd rather march with tiki torches and other profane and easily subverted nonsense. Sad.

Imagine 50 million "Amerikarners" united in the USA, it would be unstoppable, no about of semetic importing would stop it and the tribe would have to show their hand openly in order to stop it.

Put it this way, if Christianity was intended to protect us, it already would have. As it stands it's just another vehicle for Africanization.

Science proves religion.

LEE STROBEL The Case for a Creator Full documentary

bump, let's have a discussion for once!

People tend to grow out of fairy-tales when get get older


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It really doesn't. with equal or even lesser use of fallacy I can claim proof of spiderman.

So Europe should be atheistic?

Create extremely conservative religion where family only looks for self-gain
Make it center around race and family

One of the great things about christianity and being a christian is you can make fun and make light of Jesus or God, try that with Muhammad.

when will we see similar outpouring of joy before mosques? why discriminate muslims?

I mean all I'm asking is to see a faggot jerk off a minaret. Is that too much to look forward to?

You have a long ass road ahead of you if youre still repeating bitch tier arguments like that

Better than ad hominem.

there's no "new religion of the west", if there's something that ends up replacing christianity it'll be the worldwide inverted spirituality of the end times that'll characterize the reign of the antichrist

A new Christianity will rise from the ashes into the age of Aquarius. It will bring about an empire the likes of which hasn't been seen for centuries. Instead of being based on handing off authority gathered from below mixed with hearsay it will be based on authority granted from above and infused with righteousness. There will be the traditionalists and the heathens, where before all was chaos. Many clerics of the heathens will agree with the traditionalists and will organize, making paganism a reborn tradition and purging out the abusers from their ranks. The atheists will reject the heathen and build their own temple to existence and knowledge. The heathens will still occupy the mire sitting amongst the temples and their numbers will dwindle unto nought.


abrahamists are engulfing the whole planet
either Europeans push them away for good, or they will put the final nails in our coffin

>defeatist meme flag trying to sow discontent
(((who))) could it be I wonder


I'm not trying to sow anything, I want to facilitate discussion lad

Since when has the desecration of religious monuments with symbols of sodomy been permitted by the Church? Have the Cucktholics gone as far as to allow that?

>What then should the new religion of the west be?
None. Why do you think religion is necessary?

nice get, but do you think Europe should be atheist?


kys, Christ or Death

As you appeal to ignorance repeatedly. Anyone can call obvious fallacies, it's not the same as actually having an argument.

Religion is necessary to control the masses that are too stupid to be their own moral compass

This. The truth is eternal.

pointing out fallacy in an argument is a perfectly valid counterargument. what are you even talking about. where is my appeal to ignorance in the first place?

Studies done by sociologist Rodney Stark show that less than 5% of people attended church in the 1500s. You think Muslims actually pray 5 times a day? very few people are serious about anything - they prefer immediate sensations and entertainment escapisms

>what remains of Christianity
Remove all the Catholicism and CIA proddie memes and it’s just a story of Central Europeans and Balkans running around in the desert. Jews are mixed race Balkins who over identify with the ancient tribes for political reasons. The 1000 year reign of Christ was the Byzantine empire. Bibles in Slavic languages are much less jewed than English ones. Maybe it was a mistake to bring the religion to the west. They decided to throw away the offensive parts and cherrypick and misinterpret verses to justify cuckoldry.

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If you think Christianity is dead, wait three days

Is that when the war with Turkey starts?

Morality without religion doesn’t exist.

clearly you've never spoken with an SJW.

>Should we stick with what remains of Christianity? Should we even have a religion? Give me your thoughts Jow Forums
Trim off the essential bits of Christianity worth keeping + add some Greek philosophy + add Classical Conservatism of Edmund Burke + a pinch of pagan tradition (changing of the seasons etc) + a study of European history and history of western philosophy

= something new and specifically European that people can rally around.

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There should be no religion. Spirituality is a totally made up concept amd we dont need fairy tales and myths in our modern age.
The sooner chrustianity and all that die out the better

>. this is why it confuses me when moralfags say that we need religion for morality's sake. morals are a long way off from dying.
> plebit fagot thinks his plebit views are moral

Now, I demand that those pro-"pride" fags do the same in a Mosque...Of course they won't.

They'll get the rope first, fucking traitors.

I don't have moral views. Most people do, though, including a vast majority of irreligious people. You should learn how to argue without relying on strawman.

How lacking in awareness does someone have to be to call themselves a Christian while using a graven image of Christ's corpse as a foil for their political bullshit?

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>morals are a long way off from dying.
>Ireland legalises abortion with landslide for "Yes" side

Christian (((morals))) and their greatest ally, the eternal jew, is what got us in this mess.
Full rejection and extermination of everything abrahamic/semitic is the only light in the dark.

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I'd also think that a look at whatever elements of Shinto/Buddhism help keep the Orient strongly nationalist would be worth adding into the mix too.

abortion being justified is a moral view. it's just one that you disagree with. "woman's rights", etc.

Sub 110 iq retarded atheist.

I'm not an atheist.

It is clear that the White race is on its death throes all over the western world, people don't take it seriously anymore and the White wombs are empty.
What then should the new race of the west be? Should we stick with what remains of the White race? Should we even have a race? Give me your thoughts Jow Forums

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We need a new religion.

Has anyone realized how the most degenerate pics come from Ireland...? What the fuck did went wrong so badly in 20 years that from one of the most religious conservative countries they advanced to pic related, gay sodomitr marriage and abortion...? Was the whole population replaced by some Jewish lizard aliens one night all of a sudden?

Religion is already largely irrelevant among whites, and in the future all whites will be atheists. Christianity is dying and paganism won't ever be significant. It's debatable whether this is good or bad, but it's what's going to happen. Anything made in the future will have to take this fact into account.

We should either do Chrislam because we need the strength along with the softness to have a society where everyone can exist.

Mormonlam where Joseph Smith is recognized as another Prophet of Allah for America, again Jesus is still in Heaven cleansing the sins of the faithful but Muhammad is cool. Prophet becomes more like an ideal person sent by Allah to save a generation of mankind, we could see new prophets someday. Its not like Christianity that refuses new prophets.

Or a new Technoreligion, mixing Joe Rogan inspired drug ideas like everyone goes on DMT, LSD, and computers and robots are invented to become our leaders while we increase the thing that makes humanity special, our spirits. Our Jesus Christ will be Machines and AI. It carries zero baggage from previous religions and just seeks to take knowledge from all religions. Eastern philosophy such as transcendentalist and Zen are important to learn to tap into the conciousness. Its a bit like Unitarianism but far more concerned with connecting humanity to a new and singular ideal goal of complete spiritual evolution rather than aping other peoples old stupid religious voodoo bullshit.

Every form of religion that brings humanity closer to evolution will be used and that is it. Even Native American Shamanism if that is what it takes. Nothing is off limits, perhaps even Satanism.

Fuck off with your semite shit, sandnigger.

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Christianity is dying in these countries:
> germany
> britain
> sweden
> netherlands
> denmark
> spain

Do you notice anything about them? They are cucked beyond belief and dying out at a rapid rate. They have nothing to live for anymore. Therefore the answer to me is simple. Uncuck the people and christianity will rise again. Or more precisely, begin to follow Christianity and your country wont be cucked anymore. There is no other way. You cannot just create a new religion. Christianity is only religion of planet earth. The same amount of people will be muslim eventually probably, but the much more diverse religion will be christianity. Almost all muslims are from North africa and ME. Indonesians are converting to christianity, buddist are converting chinese are converting, even ME will convert the only thing that slowing it down is violence/laws against christians in those countries. As these laws die out they too will move toward christianity.

Christianity is the religion of the past present and future and always will be. The question is do we still want Europe the bustling central hub of Christianity and of the world or are you ppl going to cuck out and die off?

is kind of ironic you know when in the west people treat christianity like a joke meanwhile in my place, some muslims convert to christianity.

but many of whom converted to christianity voluntarily without old marriage problem in indonesia didn't tell their familly first about it, like couple of years and you know if in your neighborhood the place where you born and raised know that you converted to christianity.

you are definitely going rejected by society near you and the radical muslim who really followed the Quran will wreck your body apart because in Quran if you commit Apostasy (murtad) the only punishment is death or became muslim again.

so yeah is kind of funny to see things in western when christianity is treated like a joke but in here some peoples actually tired of being muslim in this place.

>A new Christianity
it will be the same christianity just more united and passionate. We need to come together stop arguing amongst ourselves and focus on making christianity great again

> is kind of ironic you know when in the west people treat christianity like a joke meanwhile in my place, some muslims convert to christianity

this. its because they are a dying culture. they think they are better than the religion that created so they will be replaced by other who care about it more

True, but normalfags don't care. Too much information that goes against their brainwashing. Nuchristianity is all they know. At least old Christianity even if not completely honest had Templars.

> plebit fagot thinks his plebit views are moral
Morality is not and never was universal. Read more Nietzsche without becoming blackpilled or a nihilistic faggot and you'll understand the game.


*tips fedora*
*supports sodomy*

Nationalism is coming back hard in Europe soon you'll see patriotic full blooded Christianity back as if nothing happened. Look to Russia it will be the same thing then we'll get WW3.

This fucking retarded meme of muh based Russia needs to die.

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Paganism can work but it needs to get rid of the larping/cosplaying/feminist/"everyone welcome" aspect.

Its worse cause the patriarch is technically employed by the state too Putin should stomp him

But its not? Catholicism in particular is growing faster than Islam in African and hold an almost exclusive hold on the Chinese population.

Christianity is dead in Europe and America. The rest of the world will learn from that mistake.

>old mariage problem in indonesia
what i mean by this is.

in indonesia you can't officially married if the bride and the groom religion is different so many people that love each other but their religions is not the some actually make some sort of stupid religious conversion to bypass the Constitution.

the man or the woman convert their religion to their spouse, its no matter if the man convert to the the woman religion or vice verse as long as they're religion in the same boat and they now can officially married and most of the people that do stuff like this they change to their original religion after a weeks or months but i know some people that actually stay to their spouse religion,one of my classmate mom for example she is former muslim, his dad is batak which is predominantly christian ethnic groups in indonesia his mom remains christian to her death.
>Christianity (2.53%)

You believe everything was created by nothing. That's your first flaw.

Politics are the new religion. This is why leftists, who are mostly atheists or nihilists, are so determined to push their political beliefs. They feel that their political beliefs are the ONLY morally acceptable way, and therefore everyone needs to follow that way. There is no such thing as "friendly disagreement" or "civil discourse" because it's not just a political discussion, it's a very real religious and moral one.

The image of Christianity in the West needs to change from this walk all over me turn the other cheek shit back to proud, strong, moral men who rule their families and their society together with a tight fist and with conservative values. Jesus is the way, truth and the life either way but the image of Christians these days has purposely been distorted to look undesirable

So? Those are officially reported government figures in a country where the government enforces an atheist ideology on the populace. People still attend mass illegally. Its estimated that China will have more people attending churches in 2030 than America.

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Go back to the basics

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Wew lad, we all know you dont belong here

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That baby is going to look retarded.

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I agree ameribruh

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There was a new korean variety/reality show called let's dinner together that started aired last year where celebrities ask random houses to invite them dinner and I was surprised how many christians there are in Korea.
When I noticed it I wanted to take screenshots but I had to start watching the whole show again, because sometimes they mention it (like when couples met in the church) but other times you can tell by the crucifixes or images around the house.

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