How do we fix the white male incel problem? These men are a shame to their fathers and tio all of their forefathers...

How do we fix the white male incel problem? These men are a shame to their fathers and tio all of their forefathers. They are a disgrace to what it means to be a man. They are incapable of fulfilling one of the most basic requirements of what it has meant to be a man since the dawn of mankind: finding a mate and filling her with your manly seed.

Honestly, I think we should just kill them. They're pathetic and refuse to improve themselves. They scour the internet looking for excuses on a daily basis: statistics, women, blacks, they blame everyone but themselves.

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You a bot?

This memeflag jew is an incel himself, isn't he?


What's wrong, incels? Did I touch a nerve?

>read, go to church, work out

damn i'm such a fucking waste of life for not being a total fuckslut for everything with a hole.

On a totally seperate tangent I would love for someone to try and kill me, if they want my blood they'll have to earn it. I have nothing to lose and they probably do.

have the word "random" in the next post to prove you are not a bot.

tf is an incel?

It is involuntary celibate, ie a person who can not get laid because of because of their outward appearance.

Your mother randomly sat on my cock and that's how you came to be. If I'd known how you'd turn out, I would have used a condom. You must have been from a bad batch.
Where did I say anything about sleeping around, you retard christ cuck incel?


>how to fix Incel problem

Just wait a generation dummy, incels don't reproduce

It's not only because of outward appearance. In many cases, it has nothing to do with outward appearance. It has to do with you being weak, submissive, and incompetent socially.
Most self identified incels COULD get a female if they weren't little fucking bitches.

>These men are a shame to their fathers
These men don't have and/or have a shitty father. Shit parents produce shit children

The incel problem takes care of itself, because they don't breed, and aren't suited to.

Like it was for centurys: Arranged marriage.

neither of the people you posted in the op picture are white, tho

saged and reported

The incel's/mgtow's 14 words is the way to go friend

>I am here to preserve, protect, and uphold the superiority of the white race.

While the ideal is to have lots of white children, if you are an incel or mgtow, it doesn't mean that you aren't equally as important to the movement

Why should a woman be forced to marry some loser?

>everything is genetic
Oh wow. You just solved the West's low fertility problem.


incels are all trash people, they don't deserve a crutch in having kids, let their shit genes die off

They're genetic dead ends.
It's the same deal with the SJW, gay/tranny crowd

Nature always find a way

Can it Jew

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Why should a healthy pal be forced to marry a tube?
Because thats the way it is, that way germany prospered a long time.

You'll have to kill us until we're dead. No other solution.

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A fat roastie

>google incels
>term coined by an unknown bisexual female

hmmm nice try user

Yep, that's how we did away with all the retards, downs...

All of pols republitards are beta incels. Everytime you across some faggot on FB being uppity, a quick glance will always show they are either some half dead boomer, or some completely beta virgin loser who cant get any. Some of you poltards will complain, "nu uh! i am a pussy slayer!" No. You are a beta who gets free Jewy app pussy through tinder. Without it youre as helpless as any incel.

I would feel bad for you losers, but you take your inability to compete, and place that blame on everyone else. You ask for this.

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My father is a shut-in with no friends, no social skills, most likely has some kind of untreated diagnosed personality/mental disorder and also has undiaganosed dyslexia ....

Thats the genetics I was given.

My mum is the complete opposite, but shes the controlling type of woman who wanted to wear the pants in the marriage, and she did, and she still does, she actually has friends, leaves the house, and is a lawyer so earning a shit load more than my dad.

I remember back in high-school seeing Chads fathers and all they were all Chads like their sons....and then I looked at my dad and at myself and realised what the major difference was between Chad and I, it was the father.

>if I convince myself this person is a fat woman, I can save my ego and continue with life as it was!

>everything is genetic
If that was the case, all the women with no or only one children would be "genetic dead ends" too, thus, in one generation or two only women with a high desire to reproduce would be left and the birthrate in the West would turn on a dime and EXPLODE. Let's see if that's the case...

We need to fix women. They're the ones making dumb fucking choices over which guy they end up fucking.

Incels are pathetic men who can't adapt to breed. Breeding is not a human right. If you are undesirable then your blood line dies off. Simple as that.

Fix yourself or KYS


>I know why I'm a loser, but I'm going to just wallow in self pity instead of doing the best that I can with what the mighty Lord has given me.

Women are fixed by strong men. You are WEAK, that's why women walk all over you.
Do you think that happens in the middle east? Fuck no, because the men are strong.

Does an 'incel' problem even exist? Wasn't it just one or two criminals who identified as that, and only as a meme, and then there was a huge media ruckus? This only seems to be a thing in the us so i'm sorry if i'm not informed.

if you're worried about lonely men not externalizing their frustrations on society, then just make prostitutes more available to them and they will cease to bother anyone. Most of them are probably harmless anyway.

Go look at Jow Forums, Jow Forums, lookism, sluthate, ROK, and many other websites. There used to be a massive reddit board called r/incels, until it was banned. Even look at this board, it's shitted up constantly by these losers. There are constant coping threads about women by these incels. There are loads of these losers everywhere.

Shit, you can add an extra mark to your rekt count
I'm off to hang myself, keep it up

If anything if your parents are good you don't understand the outside world so much you shut yourself off from it. If you have a good foundation and others have a shit foundation you can't relate to them at all.

I think he means pairing up couples based on genetic traits instead of social ones. People with inferior genes still wouldn't reproduce anyway.

no, he means having a guaranteed gf because hes too fucking beta to find one himself

>pairing up couples based on genetic traits instead of social ones.
Who do you think is going to agree with such an autistic social order? That would be like an Aldous Huxley distopia.

>your WN grunt
top kek

>Honestly, I think we should just kill them
well im mgtow and if you fail your surprize attempt im gonna fill a swimming pool with corpses of fertile white women and of white children.

>How do we fix the white male incel problem?
Deport ethnic men, problem solved

>go to church
Let's not do that, you're just cucking yourself by being productive while getting nothing in return. You're still a low hanging fruit as incel in a religious community.

>White male
Why did you choose a picture of two non-whites for your OP?

human genocide

It wouldn't be a dystopia, it's literally just arranged marriages, which was the rule throughout the history of civilization, only this time aiming for the production of the highest quality humans. Most incels probably wouldn't get paired up with anyone anyway.

>How do we fix the incel problem?
>Not attacking the root cause which are broken homes and promiscuity.
If you want to fix a problem, target the cause, not the symptom.

Church is still important because it fosters the growth of community and provides cultural identity.

Neither are white

What's the deal with white sups looking for something to kill/ exterminate.

If you honestly believe you are intellectually and genetically superior, why not enjoy life and focus on building something , knowing fully that in time, your race and culture would be only one which remains.

But as incel those are none of your problems, as OP stated he rather see incels die. Growth of community and cultural identity just weaponizes others to be more hostile against you as incel.

How are you going to convince people to do that? How are you going to enforce such an autistic social mechanism? Arranged marriages work because social ties that are created by families. You can't take the social aspect out of arrange marriages, you nonce. Arranged marriages are about getting the best deal for your immediate social group.

He's not a complete incel as he's doing something about it.

Why not try to help them?

We should also kill fags then. Every western religion agrees.

Incels need community as well and as long as you aren't a total retard or painfully autistic, then you will benefit.

This goes beyond the individual though

til elliot rodger was white and not some half anglo half chink monstrosity

Most of them don't want help, as the next part of my sentence, after the part you just commented on, states.

>an armenian and a hapa

I cant speak for others but in my experience other incels are totally and mentally shut off from improving themselves. The idea that they could see progress in any form of their lives is totally alien.

The other case are the incels who had the benefits of good origin (family and support as well as an economic foundation) acquired education, and career but still fail to seal the deal on the social front and have no idea why or how.

I'm at the absolute rock bottom with no family to speak of and less than a hundred dollars to my name but I'm trying.

You have to keep trying user. And it might sound crazy, but I've actually found community here. I've had plenty of good conversations with people and it helps

What kind of work are you doing?

I wouldn't waste any energy or time thinking about women at this point. Crack out a wank when you do and don't think about them again. Work on your goals and try to build a life that will give you at least a modicum of enjoyment. Women will come to you.


If you can't legally undo feminism, at the very least going specific make legally required to have a polygraph test before marriage detailing how many partners you had and their race, how many abortions and the reasons, if health or not. That's it, solved the incel problem overnight. Better men won't take 300-men roasties just because they look good, and average-ugly women won't have the beta provider backup. The main reason incels exist is that because sex starved losers willing to settle for anything exist.

I said it before, I'll say it again: women are not the problem, whiteknights are, they're the worst cancer of the century XXI.

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I've been on Jow Forums since 2007, so I can understand that. As for work I'm trying to find a job right now, but I'm in the middle of absolute nowhere with no car or license, I've applied at everything here in town with no results on 4 months. I'm looking for alternative places to relocate.

when you're 28 and have this.. divide with your peers and consciously realize you are cut off on one of the most fundamental human experiences it begins to mess with you and your head. I'm aware I can just go crank one out to another luna kitseun video but the absolute reality of the situation doesn't leave. I can see why the frustration and alienation leads lots of dudes in this situation to do some heinous shit or swallow a bullet, its a completely cognitive form of self loathing and analyzation that is entirely cancerous.

White men are trash. You only see them with Asians or whites. Same for Asian men, most of them are with gooks and some skilled one get white chicks. Meanwhile black dudes are fucking white, Latina and Arab women out of existence.

Do you live right in a town or far from the town center?
When I hit rock bottom, I was basically doing anything (cleaning, washing dishes anything). Also I would offer services to people around. Just helping them around the house with stuff

Also here

Looks for males are 100% genetic (face/frame/height) and nothing will change this.

And is there a church in your area? You can try going and talk to people. There are always old ladies who need help with stuff around the house


Thats essentially what i'm doing for a few friends, I do their housework and in return I get some food, a roof and they tolerate me. I dont really have any marketable skills I could offer aside from manual labor which I cant even find any work for everyone knows each other here and they always "know a guy", landscaping, basic IT maintenence, or whatever.

As for the church thing there's like 5 of them but I'm really reluctant this is a place I grew up at and I hate it to death. I'd love to go to church just not... here.

I think most people on pol are incels,

The usual leaf being retarded. Niggers can get away with dodging fatherhood, whites will be chased all the way to Greenland if necessary. Also, whites think about what will be about their kids, and if they can't provide, they won't bother.

Let me give you a real life example of this that doesn't really involve niggers: white trash. They breed like beasts, up to seven kids each, live by smuggling, stealing scrapped iron, as in fucking manholes they stole from the public roads, selling shit they got god only knows where without a license. A guy beat the living shit out of a traffic policeman here because he was told to fuck off from selling vegetables on the fucking curb next to the fucking road, because it's illegal and utterly unhealthy.

Two days later, he was back outside, and why? Because what the fuck are you going to take away from the guy? He lives in public housing, you're not gonna kick him out with the kids, he literally owns nothing. And that's why the niggers outbreed us all, when you live like a rat you can breed like one.


Good point


>I'm aware I can just go crank one out to another luna kitseun video
Patrician taste

It's a good job women are interested in more than just your looks, isn't it? Both of those guys could have found a woman if they weren't mentally warped.

Ah I see. It's good that you are trying to relocate. It's tough growing up in a small community with a toxic environment and everyone knows each other.

You are 28? Did you go to college? I don't mean to pry, but I'm just trying to figure out creative solutions.

You could also do tutoring for kids as an option if you are good at math or writing for example


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Guys I actually know the incel community and it’s majority non white.

>Source: Dude trust me lmao

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Some college yeah, fell for the "animation and game design" meme and got entirely disenfranchised with the whole thing, switched majors to compsci and tried harder, and successfully pulled off a couple semesters, transferred to the main campus and got a dorm and all that jazz. Totally fell apart because I was a fuckin' autistic sperg crawling around in my own head all day every day hiding in my room and creating more problems for myself that didn't exist otherwise.

As for math, I'm horrible. Writing? I don't know, I have been told I have a hand for it but I don't think there's any value in it.

Did you end up getting your degree?
I don't really know anything about compsci but I would ask around different boards and see if someone can help with ideas.
I do know that they are teaching that to kids in middle school and high school. Maybe you could tutor?

If I had my degree I would be light years away from my present situation. I've got contacts and the skillset but the field relies entirely on credentials like degrees and certifications. Its not the 90s anymore where you can just walk in somewhere and go "I do computers lol" and immediately get a job. The tutor thing wouldn't be too bad of an idea if I was in an area that had that in their highshcool/middleschool curriculum. All we have here is meth and cornfields.

Here in brazil we have a huge problem of celibacy among black women. They slut it up between 12 and 16, and generally have kids by the time they are 18. Then they complain about loneliness and being unable to find a partner.

In truth, while women may have ease in "getting laid", most women in modern society are more incapable at finding a husband than incels are at "getting laid".

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Is there a way you could transfer the credits and finish it online?
I don't know how online college works, but I home schooled myself with an online program through high school. I took tons of extra credits and finished early.

Also, I know at least for certain things like writing, there are places where you can teach it online. Maybe there is something similar for compsci?

And also, if it isn't part of your school's curriculum it should be. It's an important skill set for the future. Are there places with community bulletin boards? Maybe make a flyer and say you teach it. Find a good pitch for it. I'm sure there are nerdy kids who would want to learn

You're right, women will exploit a beta provider for his resources. She'll never love or respect him though.

I mean, maybe? I don't really know, my brother was an administrator for the university and I'd ask him if he didn't toss me on my ass on account of me being a total loser.

Again for compsci gotta have the certs or degrees for *anything* that isn't entry level fixing printers for a small office, even then depending, they'll require degrees or certs (or both) and experience.

I like in kind of a lower, income, working class smaller city in southern Ontario and there are so many fucking single moms around, like holy crap.

There's just something so wrong about raising another mans kid. Like I'm dating this girl because I want to hang out with her but if she has a small child that kid will also be around 90% of the time so it's like I'm automatically some surrogate dad. Single moms are good for leading on, cumming in and ghosting.

Elliot Rodger had autism
>go to dating site
>post your pics with celebrities
>promise some thot to be an extra in game of thrones or some shit his father works at
>have a bmw
Literally gorillion incoming replies from roasties
If he wasnt autistic he could have drown in pussy

Here’s one of their threads