Attached: 161215142150-duterte-qoute-12-super-169.jpg (1100x619, 113K)

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He is only talking about the Polish ones.

Attached: european jewish numbers.png (553x752, 173K)

I don't know, but let's run with it.

Spread the word. From now on it's "muh 3 million".

Where the fuck is this from? Also 3milion of "polish" Jews, stop joking.

post war and pre war census data.

or you can try this one - source in the title

Attached: Report_of_the_Anglo-American_Committee_of_enquiry_regarding_the_problems_of_European_Jewry_and_Pales (1700x2200, 267K)

glad hes doing away with so many flips. based. ever notice how theyre a disgusting mix of chink, nigger, and spic?

Attached: 8F348130-B28C-460D-939C-6A157445CCA5.jpg (456x453, 50K)

The real number was changed in 1992. They struck off around 3.4 million deaths from the record. More Jews are said to have died in the holocaust than the number of Jews living in Nazi occupied areas. In reality, around 1 million Jews died. And it was proportional to the number of Jews who were in camps. About 15% of people died in the camps by disease, starvation, or being shot.

quit lionizing this flip gook you faggot, go back to the daily stormer where fag anglin fucks those little gook subyumans.

le abominacions.

I see a merchant.

Attached: 1464991765026.png (270x326, 1K)

>prewar : exactly six gorillion
Typhus is a terrible disease. Too bad the allies bomb the rail and supply lines

>Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry
Yea fuck that shit. This is the same propaganda bullcrap that was working for creation of Israel from puppets like Churchill through Balfour all the way to the Lord Rothschild.

There is so much propaganda pulled into 6 million estimate in connection to talmud and its 6 million required to create state for the Jews world wide (Israel) that it shows how everyone just lies through their fucking teeth while anyone going against them is viciously attacked and their career destroyed.

Attached: 1491124142841.png (800x4017, 674K)

He's not denying 3 million you ape, he chose 3 million because it's the same number as the one used in the comparison.

To say that 3 million Jews died isn't denying anything, it's just not mentioning the rest of the figure. It's not an incorrect statement.

the man is on mooncrack let him be

yes. Of course the fact that they were in the camps was not the allies fault. Too bad (for your narrative) that the bombing was largely ineffective. that the villages next to the camps had food. that the typhus epidemic at Auschwitz is recorded, and caused relatively few deaths. that the 400,000 hungarian jews that arrived there and were murdered on arrival do not correspond with when typhus was in the camp.

that your entire notion is wrong.



and yet you post the American world almanac as a source.

which is a sports trivia book. which in its 1948 edition and others stated celarly that they were using 1930's data because they ahd not updated their figures because of the war. What you think they had people in Poland going door to door asking "are you jewish" in 1942?

this stupid argument was debunked when it came out fifty years ago.

pic related - the 1948 book with the source not cut off (unlike the version you see deniers use that cuts off the bit saying it is old out of date data.

Attached: world almanac 1948 uncropped.jpg (1325x1081, 698K)

My government really went apeshit crazy aftet he said that. We would nuke them if it wouldn't cause elderly aid cost to jump up

here is the 1949 version - updated.

(your graphic is wrong about the dates by the way)

Attached: world almanac 1949.jpg (3960x3060, 3.67M)

I've spoken to backpackers who say that the Phillipines is completely drug free now. They no longer get offered drugs while walking the streets there. In every other country, even the US, they get offered drugs on the street.

/ourguy/ confirmed

I can type this too with different figures, get your drivel out , rabbino

Mate stop with this smokescreen bullshit.

I posted that pic to show that you can't take any info after Nuremberg trials seriously since it's all fucking fabricated both for the deniers and believers.

>muh 6 millions
This shit is so egregious it just laughable. There were 6 milion propaganda pushed way before WW II and even before fucking WW I. You never even answered why the is every "denier" or even a revisionist attacked savagely, people are being thrown in jail for just questioning the Holocaust, fucking countries like Germany or Canada have specific laws that prevent you from even trying to revision this bullshit under the threat of jail.

Ursula Haverbeck 89yo woman was fucking sentenced to prison like a fucking WWII criminal just for questioning shit.

So will all respect to you and anyone that disagrees but you are full of shit and that's a fact.

shut up it never happened

your graphic is also wrong about Hydrogen cyanide needing to boil to evaporate - it has a vapour pressure sufficient to make it effective as an evaporative system down to -5 degrees centigrade according to the makers.


also the diesel engine lie - not only can you get lots of CO from a diesel if you restrict the airflow in - so your graphic is wrong, but also the people who maintained the engines all say they were petrol engines, as used in the gas vans which they made first. The germans were not stupid.

also the idea that it is complex to use - you forget the nazis used it to delouse clothes, ans it was made to be easy to use - they had lots of experience with it. you can vent a room just by opening a window - the gas is lighter than air, adn once it falls below deadly levels it is actually possible to breathe it without harm in low concentration. the manufacturer says so. it was also not explosive in the levels used for delousing or (much lower level) human killing - the manufacturer says so.

if you don't trust me trust Faurisson - he has the document on his blog site.

your figures for body disposal are also incorrect.


redpill yourself nigger , it's all lies
>muh 6 gorillion
repeat ad nauseam since 1905 in news papers
>magically appears in 1950
yeah fuck you

show me a real census figure then

go on, dare you to try

>(((your graphic is wrong about the dates by the way)))

>l just for questioning shit.
and advocating a real holocaust. she is like all deniers deeply anti jewish, (fair enough) tot he point of advocating murder.

she exonerates mass murder in order to advocate it.

I have yet to find a denier who at heart does not actually want to to do it.

I go to filipines nice boom boom?

but the stories in newspapers are usually about the jews in russia (where there were about 6 million, some stories say 7) or in eastern europe (where there were, guess what, about 6 million jews, although some say 5)

there were also lots of stories about other numebrs - depending on where int eh world they were

saying "it is all a plot" because some stories sauid one number while lots of other stories didn't, is stupid.

when they killed the 5.6 (give or take a few hundred thousand) million it was a matter of chance that it was about 6 million.

Attached: 4 5 7 million.jpg (1498x2734, 1.71M)

the testimonies about blue faced cyanide victims are all wrong, lies lies lies
>about spinning knives
>about gigantic electric chairs
>about steam kill rooms
>about acid pools
>about mountains of ashes
>about electric incinerators
>about cages with bears to kill jews
masturbators, railcars tipping jew babies in flames, showerheads with cyanide, rapist dobermanns, krematorium sausage, trucks of gass

>all jew fantastic ideation
I know I was there, I was gassed 6 times.

no jews died in russia either , my point exactly

>and advocating a real holocaust
Stop with this lies. You clearly didn't even fucking watch the interview she was sentenced to jail for.

>I have yet to find a denier who at heart does not actually want to to do it.
David Irving. Has never any problem with Jews nor the Holocaust, was literally apolitical and unbiased but after doing REAL research he got his life ruined by simply doing his job.

So stop with your fucking kikery since now it's fucking obvious you are some kind of JIDF shill if you clearly don't see the pattern here.

Oh and that bullshit with 6 million pic related. The number is constantly used through the history of 20 century yet they only connect this to WW II events that as a consequence created Israel. Yea but no, fuck off.

Attached: muh 6 million.png (1920x1149, 1.23M)

get lost liar

wow look at the C O P E from the little mongrel. its S E E T H I N G

Attached: CC3E7613-4455-4C5D-818D-2EDAEF73F6EA.gif (410x273, 1.98M)

So you think that all of those bone thin camp workers and corpses were not caused by typhus, but that was just the norm and how all prisoners lived throughout the war? Doesn't sound like something worth sustaining during total war. I would guess the Germans would be using those camps to utilize resources, not waste them in their war against Bolshevism and international Jewry

Attached: claims2.jpg (1600x1175, 356K)

Bet you plan to retire here cuz u can't get laid there you white pig cuck.

>his reason to be proud is how easy his countrys women are

Attached: 2AFC143E-F2E6-4FCB-96BA-B2F60799E91D.jpg (480x360, 26K)

Not exactly right. Easy applies to UK women.
Philippine women are just incredibly cheap due to the relative value of the dollar.

wait timeout. double deja vu. i swear ive had this exact same exchange and thread multiple times before in the past year