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Op is a faggot


I really like this show. It's like the default choice when there's nothing to watch on TV

I Dont know Rick it looks Fake

Chad Soros is still hitting the beach with babes.

Best I can do is a lowercase f


Since when have they had TV in Israel, especially history channel

For 500 dollars, I'd be willing to sell my antique "F".

Who gives a shit, you enormous fucking faggot? Please throw yourself into oncoming traffic.

Must have been like porn to you, the way they swindled their customers.

>a jew likes a show about jewing people
imagine my shock

I lel'd a lil, have a (You)

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We have highet gdp per capita than the UK dumbass

In my timeline he was already dead.

Good American show. History channel is our channel, the Harrison's are good Americans and rick is wicked smart.


I mean he's looked dead since the show went to air. He really hung around.

side note: if youre dumb enough to go through a third party when the internet is a thing then you cant complain

fuck off, boomers

The market is rough right now, best I can do is 77.

Best I can give you now is (Y. You have to understand that is going to sit on my selves for maybe a year before I see a profit off it.


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Checked and KEK'ed

Can you at least do 80?

>Since when have they had TV in Israel
They need something to show shoah reruns on.

Attached: annudda_shoah_on_kike_tv.png (1296x675, 1.43M)

Probably was partying a little too hard with Chumlee.


*attempts to sell jar of milky white 'alien urine'*
Let me call my expert


>77 years old
man I'd never guess he was under 80 at least
still F

I don’t know much about F’s, but I know a guy who’s an expert on Fs. He’s going to come over and take a look at your F and we will see what he has to say.


is the best i can do


oh fuck. I like him F.


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