Pro immigration

>Pro immigration
>Pro globilization
>anti protectionist
>Actually makes sense
>backs it up with historical facts

Can somebody that actually knows what the fuck he is taking about tell me how this guy isn't right?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Because he doesn't 100% on the same page with Trump



Globalization is a world with free market
Globalism is a world under Socialist control that benefit only the elite

Cherry picking of their "facts" while conveniently ignoring the ones that makes them wrong

first of all, he looks like a soiboi that enjoys taking it up the ass, FACT.

second of all, immigration does not help the country they are immigrating from because there are simply too many people to make a difference, we need to help the people there, on their land if we so wish to. FACT

lastly, globalization serves no one but the corporations, when we become a homogeneous mess we lose our cultures, our will to fight. This along with anti protectionism is the first step to global slavery.FACT


>Pro globilization
Stop right there and take a look at the highly civilized European countires that just tried and failed to form both a single currency and a federal states of Europe. If we can't do it, what hope the entire world? The EU is like all socialist ideals, corrupt to the core. Globalization defies human experience, it demands flawless overlords, morally pure, and without the inklings of sin.

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>some soiboy goy
Literally who?

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some faggot called "visualpolitik" with cringy video intros

Well. Currently only China can live without whatever trade with other countries.
No-one would exist without globalisation as no nation is big enough to be self-sustainable.

These issues are not actually cut and dried, and there are no right or wrong answers. It's basically a difference of opinion, and you can find facts and statistics to back up either argument.

Obviously, if you want to keep your country ethnically homogenous, immigration is not good, and you can provide evidence to prove this point. I haven't heard this guy's opinions on immigration, but I would guess his pro-immigration stance is based on economics and doesn't make any arguments related to racial homogeneity. Same thing with globalization. There are arguments and evidence against it, but I would wager that he's focused mainly on the benefits (again, economic) of globalization.

Why are you such a retarded human waste


>there are no right or wrong answers
Lowering my living standards = ALWAYS WRONG
It's not a difficult equation m8.

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>"he looks like a soiboi that enjoys taking it up the ass,Fact"



This Canadian does not know how Facts work.

I can't stand this ugly faggot

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Fuck off Simon, you bald prick. Oh, and you have awful taste in clothes.

No idea who this guy is so assuming it's OP pushing his dying YouTube channel

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You think China could feed itself without trade?

I only support global free market, not open borders

But on higher level, you can exchange goods with anyone. You could buy a product in internet to be shipped from Australia. Isn't it globalization?
I mean globalization according to .

>Lowering my living standards = ALWAYS WRONG
And both sides could argue that your living standards would go up.

Arguably that's what's gotten us in this mess.

Mass immigration only benefits the elites, corporations and those who exploit it for their own gains. The common locals always end up getting the short end of the deal and the immigrants themselves do not gain that much either
This has been proven from time to time and various writers, philosophers economists etc. from all the sides of the political spectrum from Marx in 1800s England to Scalfari here in Italy of have agreed on it
If your only argument to sustain mass immigration and all of the inconveniences and roven disadvantages that come with it is "muh balding guy told me so on YT" you should unironically hang your self

>supporting something good
huh... what is your plan Schlomo?

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Thank you this is the nicest thing anyone ever told me on this board

Schlomo, please, so tired of your tricks.

How can you have a single market for Planet Earth without political unity alongside? Britain was soild the EEC as a single market, and within about a decade the project had shifted into "lol it's actually a single European superstate, too late to pull out now..."
>Circumstances have rendered the need for European unity imperative on our continent.
AIEEE the very first line is a fallacy stated as fact! THE VERY FIRST LINE.

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The only argument against globalization is fear. Fear of the future, fear of those different than you, fear muh race will disappear. Fear fear fear.

Understand context and that much of it is still valid criticism of the existing project regardless of whether you agree with that initial premise, animenonce.

>biased interpretation of historical events twisted to fit a specific “progressive” narrative
>historical fact
Pick one. Saying that WWI started in 1914 is a fact. Interpretations of an event, such as the end of apartheid, is not.

N-No problem Kike-san~! *blushes* hehe~

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The third world can't build themselves, and the first isn't allowed to colonized them, so we must harbor mass illegal immigrants in an effort to advance their bronze age cultures.

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globalization is one step closer to transhumanism.

its not about muh gibs, its about the individual liberties of people, if you were born in Madagascar to Malagasy parents, should that be your life? would you be ok with me telling you that, that's all your worth and that you cant move from there and the only jobs you can do are being a fisherman or a toilet cleaner earning £1/hr.

now say under a globalized system with open borders (not no borders, theres a difference) you move to a neighboring country where you work as a mechanic earning £5/hr, for one if its something you want to do, you'll be more productive at it and this arrangement actually benefits both the migrant and the host nation, it creates wealth. where theres a demand for labour, people should be allowed to go there and compete for work. naturally this would mean abolishing the welfare state, but thats a good thing. Earn your job or fuck off you parasite

>The common locals always end up getting the short end of the deal
the common locals should do better than the migrants then so that companies dont have to hire people from abroad. you're taking too much gibs

I know, I was just pointing it out m8.
Then we get to this paragraph:
>This task, in its first stage, will be internal and spiritual. Europe must get rid of its traitors, parasites, and « distorters »
That means us Jow Forums, they are talking about you and me here. Having pre-established the need for a European Superstate, they now redefine positions of citizens just going about their daily business trying to stay afloat as either FOR this utopia or AGAINST this obvious folly. This reads like the Calgrove Calegri Plan Part 2: This Time We're Serious.

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>if you were born in Madagascar to Malagasy parents, should that be your life? would you be ok with me telling you that

>Can somebody that actually knows what the fuck he is taking about tell me how this guy isn't right?
Asking this here is pretty hilarious

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>How can you have a single market for Planet Earth without political unity alongside?
I don't think anyone should lobby for free market globalization, I believe that countries will sign free trading with each other as their own choice and sometime in the future inevitably we will have a free trading world. No need for one political union to enforce that

Britain didn't just spend the last 2000 years throwing off the Romans, the Normans, Absolute Fucking Monarchy, the Horrors of Feudalism, Conscription to the Furthest Corners Of the Globe with Imperialism, fight two devastating World Wars at vast economic and human cost to now hand over the country to a shower of cheap-assed Eastern Europeans and unrelentingly awful Africans and Pakis to test some Lefty professor's pet economic theory that anyone on the receiving end could tell you was a bad fucking idea, chum.

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The things that built the West are the opposite of those things. Makes you think.

You cant be pro capitalism and anti immigration. This is why I cant take the majority of this board serious.

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Because most companies, industries etc. are not gonna hire you if you want a respectable treatment and a decent salary instead of Abdul who asks for 50 cents a day plus a slice of bread, is ok with being whipped on the spot and doesn't even know what unions are


All his arguments are based on (((economics))) which only benefits the Jew at the top.

If it is wrong to let polar bears go extinct and the death of Amerindians by war and mainly disease was bad then letting the phenotype and distinct genetic characteristics of white people go extinct is bad too.

pathetic user, you're no different than those commies you probably whine about then. if you want to be a leech then fine, but dont hinder the rest of the worlds progress with your poison.

Economists already did the calculations, by agressive border policies we are surpressing a 200% increase in wealth, someone labour in a shit place like Tunisia is x2, x5, x10 more productive in a place where infrastructure is in place such as the west. when you combine this with the fact we hand out free money to people who cant be assed working and contributing to the economy you begin to get an idea of the kind of wealth thats being talked about here.

wherever you live, prove your worth by showing what you can bring to the table, not by what you can take off of it.

socialism is not a bad thing, its literally, in a simplistic interpretation, control of distribution of product to those in the community... an attempt to balance, vs capitalism which is take what you can get, keep the common man subservient. Id say if one benefits elite, its capitalism.

Ahah? Why not? loads of people are.

((they)) are genociding whites thru Fourth-generation warfare, involving the following elements:

-Terrorism (islamic, antifa, economic, anti-white)
- A direct attack on the White culture, including genocidal acts against civilians.
-Highly sophisticated psychological warfare, especially through media manipulation and lawfare (Soros, NGOs, Brock, Shareblue, academia, multicultism)
-All available pressures are used – political, economic, social and military (deep state, Soros, globalization, open border rapefugees, economic crisis)
-Occurs in low intensity conflict, involving actors from all networks
-Use of insurgency tactics as subversion, terrorism and guerrilla tactics


>Because most companies, industries etc. are not gonna hire you if you want a respectable treatment and a decent salary instead of Abdul who asks for 50 cents a day plus a slice of bread, is ok with being whipped on the spot and doesn't even know what unions are

then out compete abdul, are you worse than abdul? if you want the job, then get the job. clean toilets, trim hedges, do what you have to do but contribute to the economy. prove you're better and more hard working

Capitalism is pro immigration and free trade, simply because of cheap labour and bigger markets. Literally the sole reason for this rapefugee flood is capitalists wanting to keep wages low.

Lol, just look at his nose. That's a lampshade.

if you cant compete against people then you dont deserve to live. sounds harsh but thats the way the world works user, man up and get a job.

you might hate me for saying this stuff, but its only for your own benefit. this world will eat you alive if you dont do everything you can to stop it from doing so.

Nowhere in the definition of capitalism is pro-immigration mentioned. You can have private ownership with 0 immigrants. You’re conflating what the majority of current big business owners want with the definition of capitalism.

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None of those things are inherently bad if you remove welfare from the equation

Replacement of white populations is inherently bad

from January 2000 to July 2006, starting with Bush NWO leader's Housing Bubble, home prices surged 900%

Avg price of house around 1998 before globalisation and free-trade went full swing
>$180k in NYC (boros)
>$190k in Bay Area
>$150k in LA
>$120k in DC
>$140k in Sydney
>$120k in Melbourne
>$140k in Toronto
>$130k in Vancouver
>£70k in London

Avg price of house after 2004 massive free-trade/open-borders
>$800k in NYC (boros)
>$1m in Bay Area
>$600k in LA
>$500k in DC
>$900k in Sydney
>$700k in Melbourne
>$600k in Toronto
>$1m in Vancouver
>£400k in London
before free trade:
>domestic production of goods
>goods were affordable and of high quality
>lowest cost of living
>affordable housing (house costs only 2 times the annual salary)
>90% white

after free trade:
>homeless/opiod/suicide epidemic/white genocide
>highest cost of living
>unaffordable housing (10-20 times the annual salary)
>plummeting life expectance
>shit quality products that kill you
>millions of illegal shitskin locusts invading and killing whites

Wouldn't happen if welfare wasnt there

The pizza pedos are worse then you could imagine. If the truth came out, even shitlibs and sjws would be joining up to kill politicans in the streets.
They are on a hellraiser toture porn level of fucked up. Weiners laptop had pics and vids. Several of the nypd cops who investigated , harderend cops who deal with gore and murder on the normal were brought to tears and nausious vomiting, had to be restrained from immedatly trying to going to plot and kill the suspects.
>imprgenating underage girls and killing them upon birth
>raping the newborns and eating them
>eating children brains
>drug use , every drug imaginable involved, cocaine, lsd, meth, heroine
>children and babies totured and killed out of Bordem
>eating kids and babies alive
>babies hung from hooks and raped
>babies and children hung from hooks by the dozens, like a reverse vald tepes
>groups of children raped, then killed at once in rooms specially designed to drain the blood
>bodies eaten, dissolved in acid, burned and thrown into an pit
>several keep trophies, penises, fingers, bones
>children living in cages
>children dismemberd and used as quadriplegic sex toys, killed when they come of age
>children fed other children and babies
>gang rape of babies, passed around like a bong
>many divisions of cops, cps, and foster homes designed to bring kids
>hospitals lie about babies in incubation dying, and bring them pedos
>most live kids action kids shows exist only to "hire", advertise, and move kids
>all the while, the suspects act completely unphased and nonplussed
>if only you knewqwww

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user please do more research other than google search definitions. capitalism encourages the idea of free movement of peoples, if you restrict people you're just being retarded and inefficient.

if City A has 100 doctors and 6 patients but City B has 94 patients and 6 doctors, what should happen? should the doctors and patients just stay where they are?

dont be stupid user, where labour is needed, people should be allowed to move there and generate wealth

>I believe that countries will sign free trading with each other as their own choice and sometime in the future inevitably we will have a free trading world.
So another baseless assumption, relying on some sort of takeover by morally pure superhumans, then, in direct opposition to all of known human history? Well, could happen, we'll wait for the superhumans to reveal themselves first though, eh?
>Economists already did the calculations
Would this be the same economists who told us Brexit would produce a recession m8? I think it was. The professors paid by the EU? Do you believe Philip Morris scientists when they tell you smoking cigarrettes isn't addictive too?

Get reckt m8. The evidence of your own experience right here in the UK for the past five years should show you all of this is utterly self-serving bollocks. WHERE IS THE NEED FOR A EUROPEAN SUPERSTATE? In every one of these grand documents, this need is never demonstrated, it's just stated "yep, we need it, so let's do this [insert insanity that's only going to effect the lower 40% of income earners as a test here, oh fuck, it's gone batshit, eh, whatever, call 'em racists and move on]"

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Lol you retard. Does something have to be explicitly stated for it to be true you moron? Capitalism incentivizes immigration from third world countries into the west simply because of profit maximization, it doesnt matter whether Adam Smith or some other economist talked about it 250 years ago.

I could agree with that theory but even a small number of immigrants who aren’t on welfare could destroy a nation (((them, for example))) so immigration is still inherently bad.

There have been decades upon decades to let workers acquire some basic rights, protection, decent salary, humane working hours etc.
Nobody with a sane mind is gonna flush them down the toilet to go as low as Abdul's level
Not to mention that both you and Abdul would lose but the only one profitting in either case would be your employer, are you willing to lose to let him gain? That's a slave's mentality

You can have immigration without open borders

And you can have freedom of association

The housing bubble in the UK is sustained by The City of London laundering blood money from Russia, China, Qatar and Saud to name the big four. It is a massive money laundering scheme into hard assets, and the government loves it because they take a huge, huge cut of every transaction.

If we brought back some hard borders and displayed some fucking morals and refused to trade point blank with all four nutil they approached human decency in the treatment of their citizens, everybody's lives would be better in even the short term.

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Oh ok so I guess America wasn’t capitalist from 1776-1965? If not, I support whatever economic system you would like to label it you fucking autist.

Money should be backed by the labor of a citizen of the country inside which alone the money has purchasing power.

Africa and South America ate literally saving the human race from extinction. This is a statistical fact.

Globalization is literally just something the US invented so that we could cultivate an alliance network against the USSR and attain energy security. Now that the USSR is dead and we have plenty of our own energy, there's no reason for Globalism to keep going.

the short term gains of globalization will be eroded quickly with massive blowback

anybody could see that and I don't understand how politicians and the current business sector could be so short sighted
meanwhile we're ignoring the most important growth industry we have, space mining is possible with technology we have now, we're talking about mars when there are huge deposits of rare earth minerals flying past us on a regular basis

short sighted, there is a future in space

>global capitalism does not favor elite over common people

You can still support private ownership and closed borders, retard.
can =/= should

Living by cold rational rules leads to cetrain doom.

Real man trusts his gut instinct.

Increasing the size of your population leads to influence, so ideally you would want as much immigration as possible without it affecting your nation, but it is obviously not that simple

And then there is the benefit you get brain draining the rest if the world as well

UK is overcrowded with shitskin foreigners

Globalization is the reason why. If housing markets and other local markets were not subject to influx of cash from thousands of other millionaires from hundreds of countries the bay area prices would be more affordable for domestic people.

This is what is going to happen in a globalized society. Hot areas for real estate or where wealth is already aggregated (like the top 20%) of countries will open their local markets, whatever they may be, to foreign competition. San Franscisco, New York, Chicago, Dallas, Paris, Rome, London, Barcelona, etc. will be inhabited by multi-millionaire+ people, of various different races. This will push out the lower class millionaires into other areas, which will have a domino effect.

What is happening to San Francisco is just hyper-gentrification.

What is going to happen long term is that this hyper-gentrification won't last. A multi-ethnic, racial society can only function with excess wealth and material resources. The second stress is introduced into the system, via economic downturn or war or natural disaster is when people will hunker down into basic tribal loyalties (Balkanization). I expect to see that San Fran, Paris, London to into either MegaCities like in Judge Dredd or just get fucking abandoned like Detroit.

Importation of poorer individuals from other countries only hastens this happening. Global wealth or hyper-rich can move, as wealth is not static but fluid and is used to prevent disaster or accrue resources. The rich will move on to other areas, the carcasses of the cities/industries/factories will be left behind to rot, until they are built up again by the middle-class to be re-invaded again.

Globalization is basically wolves eating sheep because the pens aren't guarded.

These guys will happily take money to shill whatever you want user, if you get paid $50-60k for a few videos you would put a shit load of effort into it too.

>>homeless/opiod/suicide epidemic/white genocide
>Muh poor white people genoicded ;_; pls

this is actually fucking laughable user. i dont know whether to take you seriously or not, but i'll explain things a little bit so you understand.

these are inevitable downsides of having a welfare state, people in your own country stop working, and the migrants that do come, some of them arent working either and that exacerbates the problem. do you know why those house prices are so high user? because people who actually work, and work hard, people that succeed can afford those houses at that price. why the fuck should i ever have to lower my prices so fuckbags like you can have a place to stay? if you want it, then work hard and buy it, stop crying and whinging about it because that wont solve anything. get a decent education and then do ANY job that you can, the only people who tell you its impossible are the lazy fucks down by the job center or welfare center whatever they have in the states.

i'm going to let you in on a secret, prices will keep rising, more people will keep coming and your politicians are bought including daddy trump. you have no idea what you're up against, Trillions with a T, are at stake and if you think crying about it on an anime image board is going to solve your problems then you have another thing coming. I urge you to work and shut the fuck up, theres a chance you might end up with the good life if you do that and if you choose the opposite then it was nice knowing you user, the future doesnt need people like you.

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We need to fight, not with fascism.

But with community building.

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Daily reminder that China is the BIGGEST NARCO STATE on the planet. The Chink drug cartel is BIGGER than mexican, afghan, and south american drug cartels COMBINED.
China is the SOURCE of heroin, fent, meth, mdma and precursors of cocaine. The dirty money from illicit drug trade is laundered into acquiring western businesses, corporations, properties, and is responsible for creating housing bubbles throughout the West.

Chinks turned mexico into a narco state during 2000s, coinciding with china entering WTO.

deal with the chink/mestizo/shitskin problem and you solve the drug, housing, white genocide and economic crisis.

>China as world's largest Fent, Opium and Heroin producer, that dump there products on Capitalist market.


>Would this be the same economists who told us Brexit would produce a recession m8?

are you implying i'm somehow pro-remain?

i don't care, either way, now that we're free from EU laws, i will actively advocate for even more immigration and less regulation for businesses which is actually better than when we were in the EU. if we cant get the polish, we will get the poos and the pakis and the niggers, they're cheaper anyway.

if we have a vacancy here and someone isnt taking it, the answer isnt to higher the wages and bleed money, the answer is to find someone willing to do the job, if that triggers you then suck my dick.

Don't know who this fucker is, but I can already tell you why he is wrong on immigration. Previous waves of immigrants came at a time when America was expanding; expanding west and building its industrial base. We needed people to go work the mines and the factories, we needed people to settle the wild country and develop agriculture, we needed people to grow because we had more land and resources and jobs than we had people who could do it all. That is not the case any longer. Especially not if we move in the direction of globalisation, overseas manufacturing and majority domestic service economy.

>Pink shirt
>S0yB0y glasses
>Shitty facial hair
>Bald cunt
Why should I take any advice from this faggot?

Ask the founding fathers- they actually fought against tyranny. Maybe there's a reason they were against open borders. LOL you motherfuckers are dumb as fuck.

>talks about short sighted

>has no plans to sustain his increasing perccenatge of elderly population because of the long term reduction on population growth

>local sellers have no one to sell to because the polulatuon is dying off with no immigratio into the country

>reduction in national ptoductivity because no one to do the shitty low tier jobs

>lack of technological competiveness because the best engineers in the world immigrate to more open countries

>the short term gains of globalization will be eroded quickly with massive blowback
I agree. There are no morally pure Supermen to oversee it, so it will be a massive asset strip on a global scale, with the peasants like us footing the bill.
Utopians forget that Star Trek occurs after a massive world war that wipes out most of Africa and Asia. That's cannon. All of these pet professor's theories work with tiny, stable populations, like ones found on a Starship, for example, not Europe. And if Europe can't work together God help the rest of the world where xenophobia is the absolute accepted norm.
SF does indeed appear to be another microcosm test of this bollocks. And they all just see to pretend the tent cities aren't even there.
I was in London last week for the first time in a decade. Fucking Hell. At night on the way back to the station, there were hundreds of blacks just littering the streets in blue sleeping bags. Like it was normal.

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Reminder that almost all our meth/heroin is imported from China by Chinks and yids
Deal with the Chinese problem, and you solve the drug, housing problem

Three Hong Kongers and a Chinese national were arrested

Officers found more than Aus$1 billion (US$712 million)

Four people were arrested in Sydney on Thursday and charged over the shipment of illicit drugs and chemicals contained in three shipping containers that arrived this month from the Chinese port of Ningbo, Australian Federal Police Commander Chris Sheehan said.

Customs officers found 159 kilograms (351 pounds) of methamphetamine worth an estimated 107 million Australian dollars ($75 million) in the backs of the bar stools. They found 340 kilograms (750 pounds) of ephedrine, an ingredient used in methamphetamine, in the powdered soup packets.

Australian police have seized 180kg (396lbs) of methamphetamine hidden in a shipment of kayaks from China on Wednesday. Officials said the shipment was among the largest they have intercepted and had an estimated street value of £99m. Customs officers became suspicious after x-ray scanning a container of 27 kayaks and found 19 of them contained bags of drugs. Five people have been arrested in connection with the seizure

A total of 585kg of the substance - known as 'ice' or 'crystal meth' - was smuggled into Sydney hidden in shipments of chemicals from China.

Almost double the previous Australian record of 306kg, police say the quantity would have sold for $438m AUS (£297m).

Both are accomplished better by encouraging eugenic breeding

No, I'm implying your appeal to authority is baseless m8, do keep up.

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My point is caring only about your material standard of living is part of the problem.

The US can do it too.

How does it make one a leech you cretinous whig?