Uncut = White

Reminder that white men have uncut dicks. Removal of foreskin makes you a slave to the desert apes. By allowing your foreskin to be removed you have betrayed your race and culture. You’re also giving money to the Jewish owned lube cabal. Sorry but if you’re cut you can’t live in a white ethnilostate because how do we know you aren’t a Jew?

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So most third world countries are filled with dark skinned whites?

So you're saying all the white men in America who were circumcised as infants because it was the medical custom are not actually white?

More white than your typical cut fag

uncut = natural.

Christians adopting circumcision is retarded. Slaves to your Oy vey masters

Yes. They are culturally Jewish. Their parents chose their race for them. No different than half breeds with one white parent.

A being a subset of B does not make B a subset of A.

Why is it the one who was acted upon rather than the one who acted? If you are cut then your parents are the ones at fault. If you cut your child, then you are at fault. A cut man who doesn't cut his child > an uncut man who does cut his child.

Anons: Not cutting is a bad idea. I just had a boy and talked to a urologist who said that there’s nothing worse than dealing with a 90 year old with infected foreskin. Also talked to a bleeding heart with like 80 adopted kids, some cut, some not. He said it’s a no brainer, do it.

Foreskin is a good idea for wild animals. Once we started wearing clothes, it became more trouble than it’s worth.

We cut the baby. After 5-6 days and some vasoline and gauze, totally healed.

Don’t be a dipshit, circumcise your boys.

Americans arguing on who's whiter based on their dick's foreskin.


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You just want an excuse to look at cock


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Had phimosis, my dick couldn't get hard without burning agony.

Had the procedure, now I can do everything sexually normally.

I'm a desert slave and a traitor, right user?

Easily fixed by not being a filthy person.

Don't be a dipshit, Wash your dicks.

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STFU and go suck off your wannabe cult leader.

white 4 inch uncut dick master race checking in

Parents choose your race by cutting you like a coal burner chooses to have black kids.

Nice anecdotal evidence. Low IQ cut slave confirmed.

You beat off too much.

Seriously Americans are so lazy that their fat asses can’t be bothered to clean.

Mad that mommy let you get cut? Sad mommy let her mutilated dick fetish scar you for life?



the state of Americucks

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>coal burner chooses to have black kids.
Why hate the child over the coal burner. Would you let the coal burner in?



Hey asshole, I didn't have a say in the matter, and would probably murder the doctor who did this to me if I ever find his (or her) identity, so how about you stop making these threads trying to make me hate my life even more than I already do?
Or was that (((your))) plan all along?

If you are circumcised, you have forfeited your whiteness, and are now an ethnic Jew.


Your parents didnt love you enough to protect you from the Jews. You are now marked and will be until your spirit leaves this earth.


do you often fantasize about other people's dick ?

What if being cut increases intelligence?

>do you often fantasize about other people's dick ?
>What if being cut increases intelligence?


Attached: White Love.jpg (388x525, 20K)

Cut my dick off and grew 10 IQ points

If you wanna rid the world of kikes and be 100% sure you got em all, all who are cut must be executed

what if it's because of medical reasons?

As slimy as they are, they'd even go so far as to add some faux skin up there just to be sure. White Scandinavian Baby skin to be precise.
Gay frogs!

How would it?

You have shit genes and would have died long ago in ancient times.

It's not like I chose to have mine removed, baka

I'm from Germany an I'm cut.
My parents were sold Jewish lies.
Most guys cant help if they are cut or not.

I'm 80% German and 20% Austrian

says the amerimutt

Do research

You would have too.

I'm sure you're a cut boi

My parents didn't know any better, and took advice from some chickenshit doctor who wanted to make a quick buck.
Im not going to kill my parents; they were duped. The doctor however, broke his oath to do no harm, so I would have no problem doing harm to him. Fuck off with your blame shifting you dumb luck foreskin having motherfucker, I'd kick your ass for that comment but this is the internet so I'm fucked again while you are lucky, again.
All this hate on circumcised whites is a divide and conquer tactic by (((them)), and you are just promoting it for free like a good little goy.

Mutts don’t choose to be mutts. Sorry but you’re a Jew now.

Most niggers can’t help being niggers. Sorry but you’re marked now.

I didn’t need my dick operated on

You’re the one making the argument and you failed. Not surprised mutilated mutts have low iqs.

Nope nice and wet uncut dick. Perfect for wet pink pussy.

You had really stupid parents then if they thought removing their son’s foreskin was a good idea. Seriously they must not love you if they let that happen. Now you’re marked for life.

Damn OP
Have some mercy

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Glad I am not cut. When done at birth, it effects brain growth in a negative way.

>Get phimosis at 7 because I beat off to much


Yeah only a careless moron would allow their newborn to ensure that type of torture.

If your parents cut you, they never loved you.

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It's not too late to un-jew your dick, anons

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Want picture proof with timestamp.
If you're so proud of your dick how about you prove youre uncut

Only my gf gets to look at it.

I dont think anybody wants a forskin that bad.
Other than OP.
He wants to peel one back with his teeth

Than you're a lying nigger.

K dried up raisin dick.

Cause I won’t show some faggot my dick? K whatever you say leather wallet dick.

To be Jewish you have to be born to a Jewish mother.

>By allowing your foreskin to be removed
3 days old and making your own decisions

My dick is soft n smooth. Dont have a "raisin" dick either.
It's not gay to ask for proof

Watch he'll say your parents are responsible for being lied to

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> Foreskin being cut for whatever reason
> Suddenly skin isn't white anymore

D&C shill really doing (((their))) work for them.

Or be marked.

You have shitty parents that didn’t love you. No different that kids born to coal burners.

Bruh if you cut it’s dried out by 20.

No your parents are responsible for not doing their own research and eating the lies told to them. My parents were lied to too but still didn’t mutilate my dick. You have to be numbed by junk food and opiates to think mutilating your baby is a good idea.

Whiteness is more than skin deep. Whiteness is a culture and dick mutilation is not white culture.

You’re the circumcision shill.