Did Trump just tell the Democrats that they will get btfo if they attack his supporters
It's Happening
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Race war now
hahahaha, he called a black woman "an extraordinarily low iq person"
can't wait for the inevitable 3,000 "TRUMP IS REVIVING RACE SCIENCE - AND IT'S TERRIFYING" articles
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
Have you been to a metropolitan city lately? They are predominantly subhuman nig-infested shitholes. Take a look at inner city school scores and tell me all about retards.
Robert DeNiro is a black woman?
Mental Maxine, the most corrupt politician currently serving in the USA, she lives in a house worth more than 10 times her lifetime earnings, lock her the fuck up.
How can someone who owns a square mile of land be somehow more retarded than someone who posesses rights for 100 square feet of concrete?
>worthless tenement plebs in the city do what theyre told
Some things really dont change. Try owning land, more people might take you seriously
Shut the fuck up extremely low I.Q person!
your pasta gets so very old
why do you morons always fall for this obvious bait? that guy posts that image in every single trump-related thread and always manages to get a gazillion replies
just ignore him retards
Donald's not even bothering to hide his power level anymore.
Cityfag here. Voted Trump in the primaries and the general. None of my leftist urban retard neighbors suspect a thing.
I just like being around fun stuff.
Come on Trump you beautiful orange bastard let us legally kill commie's you know you wanna
Will he pardon his supporters if they defend their lives by taking another?
Is it time?
The leftist hacks desperately want to call him a racist, but doing so would involve acknowledging that blacks have extremely low IQ's
My God the genius of the man knows no bounds
Fucking this that rural and suburban schtick has been around since the election how new are you faggots ?
You're right, he does not deserve a reply. I rather give him a beating for being such a mentally impaired idiot which of course is not possible without a teleporter.
I lived in a city in my early 20s. Its definitely nice to have access to a lot of different stuff but it really got old after a few years. Im still pretty close to a major metro but having a piece of land is extra comfy.
Someone post the jew baiting in a trump thread gif
>It's Happening!
Crazy dems are now blowing up retirement homes and shooting at firemen! Ahhhhh!!!!
>extraordinarily low iq person
holy fuck lmao
did he just call the democrats the party of crazy old rich women?
did he seriously just do that?
Nice. That's the plan for us, too. Just want to get that shit out of my system before I run off innawoods.
You want a civil war, bitch? YOU GOT ONE.
scream and bitch more you fucking hypocrites
New Thread Theme: youtu.be
Extremely low IQ detected
>Left: let's genocide whites, but first we'll make them a hated minority in every country on Earth that they live in
>Right: No
>Centre: Some immigration is OK, but...
>Left: YOU FUCKING RACIST NAZI. You just have White Extinction Anxiety. You should want to become a persecuted minority because of colonialism and slavery and shit. It's "karma"
>Centre: I don't know man, you leftists sound pretty fucking fanatical
>Right: Welcome to our world
how is this man not emperor of milky way yet?
We're not bitching, we're welcoming it. The faster they try, the faster RWDS will come to a city near you. Better hide shareblue shill, you'll be one of the first to go.
left cant meme
stop embarrassing yourself
all leaf women belong to America
>Be careful what you wish for Max!
agreed. their men cant take care of them or protect them.
>a guy that spent several months in calgary and edmonton and realized leafs are WAY more cucked than they let on
He still gets you's from idiots though, even though he's been posting it for years. It's 10/10 bait.
>and now I’m here getting redpilled in the Jews
Really backfired for them I’m thinking
Would explain his kids
Dumping twitter salt
>this is impeachable
she's a stronk black womens and this
Omar Navarro character doesn't stand a chance
of beating her, Jow Forums.
Wakanda forever nigga
Italians are not white
Keep this up leaf and we'll go full Jow Forums Pot on your ass
that's right, city people are the scum of the earth, always falling into extreme decadence and decay
in every country the population in large cities supports faggot shit and destructive policies
our ancestors had it right, only land owning men should have the right to vote
“Let the Trump team eat in peace.”
(Fuck that).
Let the American children live in peace without being shot at school.
Let the immigrant children live in peace without getting put in internment camps.
Let the American people vote in peace without collusion & voter suppression.
>waters makes threats against sitting congressmen
>trump says careful what you wish for
>"making threats is wrong"
and for the finisher - how better to advertise yourself as someone that cannot shut up without thinking things through than to add "Says" on the end of your handle
I love how there's no mention of race at all by Trump, but someone has to inject it into the conversation.
Racism is only a thing today because people feel the need to be a victim.
It's simple, really. If we stop selling to them, they die. Therefore, they need to use the power of the state to artificially inflate their buying power, and force sellers into selling.
When is Q going to drop the bomb? This mad man is setting up so much anger. First the border and now this. THE STREETS WONT BE SAFE FOR THEM!!!!!
Yeah! In Novemeber.
>wall of preachy asspained text
Holy fuck!
Trump will create the Rightwing Deathsquads that we have been memeing here for years.
Collective memeing is real and it works!
>tmw you will be able to help exterminate the leftist parasite in America
Feels good, man.
He is only half Italian
Mad max? beyond thunderdumb
Trump curse incoming.
He can't unless the crime is Federal.
"Harass" is just liberal dog whistling for 'smash the fash'.
We're onto you!!
And if democrats have their way, literally every crime will be federal as they have a burning desire to remove power from the states and concentrate that power federally. They are essentially pushing for a tyrant, just as long as that tyrant agrees with them.
All income groups above 50k were won by Trump
>muh democrats!
How the fuck did this woman get into office?
That tweet is amazing!
Hahaha. I now agree with abortion
thank god for planned parenthood, you should have made niggers get abortions sooner.
based orange faggot with a fat ass, i hope he drops a nuke on Detroit.
Maxine Waters and her supporters can eat shit!!!
her constituency is ghetto
>being obsessed with Trump's ass
wew lad
Take a look at Maxine Water's district.
Are civil war prep threads still getting purged? Is it time yet?
fuck burgers, 1v1 faggots, slide thread, much wow, so sage.
i accidently shared a pro trump post on my facebook.
did i just ruin my life?
>Someone baited responders with an explosion and killed firefighters
>Name and Race not mentioned because niggers
They are going to be so upset when she gets charged for this
dont tell me you wouldn't
>he can't tell Jow Forums is happy about this
most dishonest dangerous president in history.
He could very easily create laws under the patriot act, given the current declared state of emergency, that supercedes a given related state law per the supremacy clause of the US constitution and then pardon anyone for any reason if things get bad enough for him to not give a fuck.
"There are some things that even I won't do" - Frank White
Not surprising.
“Urbanization affects mental health through the influence of increased stressors and factors such as overcrowded and polluted environment, high levels of violence, and reduced social support.”
Low IQ and dangerous
nice Sven... unironically nice