Serbia has received approval from all European Union member states to open two more chapters in the negotiations on EU membership.
I for one welcome open borders with Serbia. However the border with Bosnia will probably never be safe enough to expand the Schengen zone
Serbian women are hot sluts. Put canadian women to shame honestly.
Bosnia is basically a Saudi Arabia colony
- In the 1990s Saudi economic aid to Bosnia had a religious agenda.
- Their money was almost exclusively devoted to building (and rebuilding) mosques and madrassas.
- the Saudis “would not give money for building factories . . . They would only support building mosques.
- Arabic is reportedly the “official language, ” and local Bosnians are only allowed into the compound if they work as servants or cleaners.
- Bosnian women becoming second wives to visiting Arab men, who establish “parallel families” in Bosnia alongside their original families in the Middle-East.
>- In the 1990s Saudi economic aid to Bosnia had a religious agenda.
Meanwhile the eu keep spending trillions in dindus and refugees
Serbia will be a good partner for Hungary
Not a good partner for Germany
Time will tell when Serbia will be officially a EU member
When Serbia will be strong again Europe will be strong again too
>Meanwhile the eu keep spending trillions in dindus and refugees
Specially Merkel's Germany
Fuck off shills, not a single human with gram of brains in Serbia wants to join the EU
No lol, you seem to not understand, open borders = free pass to dijaspora and out of this shithole
Can't imagine living anywhere else, at least for me this place is heaven
Fuck EU and w*sterners we do not want you faggots and your demonic cult leave us alone
>not a single human with gram of brains in Serbia
You're not human in fact you're a kebab
>for me this place is heaven
When Serbia will be a EU member it will be like Hungary probably and then this place will not be a heaven anymore for kebabs like you
>talks shit about other countries
>too ashamed of his country to show his flag
Come on kebab...
dunno if you get what butthurt means, expected from a memeflag
Some 52% of the population would vote in favour of accession if a referendum were held tomorrow, compared to 24% against
Based , keep posting. EU is the only way for us. Shame they didnt open all 5 chapters we were ready for
Mosques are terrorist factories.
>There are people on this page who unironically believe in this
> it will be like Hungary probably