Browsing too much Jow Forums has ruined my ability to appreciate girls of my nationality. I am a chicano btw. When I sleep with a latina I can get hard but I can't bring myself to orgasm. No matter how hot she is I can't bring myself to orgasm because her skin is brown. When it comes to having sex with a white girl I can easily orgasm because of the thought of doing something so dirty and vile aka racemixing, something Jow Forums is always against. Becoming redpilled on racial differences has given me a racial fetish towards white women. I read that some anons on here too got an interracial fetish from browsing Jow Forums. Oh and as an added bonus one white girl I slept with told me she had a rape fetish of getting raped by Muslims. I am not making this shit up.
I wasn't like this. I liked brown women before. HELP
>I am not making this shit up. there's a 100% chance this is made up
Brody Roberts
Tbh I've only ever been able to cum with white women, when I've been with non-whites I've never been able to cum even when they're doing the craziest shit to my dick.
im hispanic and never liked dark skinned hispanics. latinas, mestizos, etc whatever the fuck we are called. i just think brown skin in general is associated with foul odor. glad im light skinned. ive always been like this though
Nolan Fisher
you have a fetish. big deal.
Michael Lee
The worst is being a white male not in the top 10%