/TG/ Tawantinsuyu General. Ayllu Edition

Discussion about the Greatest Empire of the New World.

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and the Aztec may man the Spanish would never of been able to take the place if not for the Castilian upper classes possession of Atlantean records of colony's established in the new world . the war Hernán Cortés embarked on was a form of psychological warfare

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It's strange how they managed to find the locations of the Aztec and Inca empires respectively in such a short space of time.

They built fucking highways everywhere

All roads led to Qusqu.

Fuck the Spanish. Not only did they take an Inca ruler hostage but they EVEN RAPED HIS WIFE!


However Pizzaro departed from Panama.

the spanish were well aware of the general locations of the different empires . they had sent recognisance missions up and down the coasts .
Hernando de Soto found huge citys with populations in the 100s of thousands in the early 1500s in the modern deep south . but the citys when the spanish returned were over grown ruins a few years later with endless piles of bleached bones cause a sick man part of his expedition was left in on of the mound builder citys cause he was too sick to move .

I agree, foul Sp*niards.

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Unfortunate to say the least.

Apparently the Timucua were friends with the Spaniards till the end where their descendants live in Cuba today.

indeed it was bad for the native american first peoples the death rate by Diseases brought in from the old world was around 90% between 1500 and 1700 .
the fact is it would of been impossible for the white americans to conquer north america if not for this mass die off .
a common misconception that people have is north america was always a one big forest it was once 50% farm land .
Daniel Boone when he was comming into what would one day become kentucky found forests that had only just begun to grow up in the past 200 years since the extinction of the great mound citys such as Cahokia .

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St. Louis was built on the ruins of Cahokia

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They say the Lakota, Nakota and Dakota originated from Cahokia and headed West after the collapse.

Could be a coincidence considering the perfect location of a city by the Mississippi.

all native peoples in this area would be decendants of the mound or Mississippian culture . the 5 civilized tribes Cherokee and Teton Sioux included .

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well there was no better place for a city thats why the natives americans built there as did the anglo germans and french 200 years later

It was their capital city. Someone should rebuild the mounds again.

keep in mind the reason the usa became as powerful as it did as fast as it did was cause of this river . the Mississippi is the largest area of contiguous farmable land on earth .
as opposed to the Amazon that has poor soil in south america

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The true capital of America. D.C. is overrated. Cahokia is where it's at.

unfortunate most of the dirt from the mounds was used to build St. Louis and to flatten the place in the 1800s before this was done the citys nick name was mound city . there are a few mounds left this one for examples base is larger then the great pyramid

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Interestingly a powerful tribe called the Ava Guarani migrated from the Amazon to the fertile Bolivian foothills and made the Chane their vassals till the 19th century. They were the equivalent of the Germanic tribes in South America.

its sad what was done there is not much left of the ruins

north america is a unexplored place so little is yet known of our lost history . its probably why people here have such a love for our forests and why so many of us believe in things like Big Foot me included

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Maybe the mounds should serve as an inspiration rather than an just an artifact. Building new townships on new mounds may pave the way for a new fertile America with less poverty.

I saw clawed human-like footprints outside of a bar here, perhaps skinwalkers are among us.

funny thing about the Amazon peoples Percy Fawcett was convinced there were lost citys in there and there definitely were just as there were along the Mississippi but the lost citys in the Amazon are hidden under 400 years of tree growth . so little is known of the tribes and cultures from there .

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there are much stranger things at work in the forests man

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that would be a great thing to happen but keep in mind how big these mounds are people here want things done cheep and fast our entire civilisation was built on that idea .

The long search for some El Dorado.

the modern cartel wars are simply an analog of the ancient precolombian ritualized warfare known as the "flower wars". our genes are programmed to take prisoners and sacrifice them to HUITZILOPOCHTLI. it is foolish to resist these impulses. the narcos embrace the ways of our ancestors and that is why they are strong. they have the blessings of our gods which makes them powerful.

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It could solve the sinkhole epidemic in Florida. The Timucua learned that mounds don't sink.

I have seen the videos. They need to legalize flower wars like bullfighting to prevent border conflict.



this is what I heard in 2006 in the forest camping its the famous Ohio Howl , I have found big foot nests in the high lands north of Toronto aswell along with indian burial mounds .

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Could be related to the Orangutan. I tell yer my mother wants to adopt one she loves them so much. Perhaps I could bring a big foot home if it means having a big ginger ape.

lol brother


well I think big foot is just an extremely intelligent great ape . so it makes sence that they might sound like other great apes

well well well What in The Fuck !!!!! they were said to have gone extinct 10 000 years ago here in the americas . honestly man where in the fuck did you come across this .

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No. I just listened to the call that was recorded in Ohio and it is identical to a ground sloth call. Hear this. The long bellow.

I came across this while doing research. The sound was artificially replicated from basically doing a normal sloth call in low bass. I think they just came across the last of Megatherium in Ohio.

well maybe I didn't hear a big foot after all man this just blew my mind .

its possible that the Ohio Howl was not big foot but another thought to be long extinct mammal

man I heard the same thing exact thing here in south Ontario in the Oak ridges highlands

Megatherium was a plant eater. Likely it would kill a Human with one big smack thinking a Human was a predator considering it had a small brain, poor kids man.

You're sitting on a Gold Mine.

the trees are so thick out here I imagine it could just sit around all day by a river bank eating . its a pain in the ass to walk through these forests around the rivers they are just that bad here is an example . the area the sound I heard did come from a thick marsh like area of forest .

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They could swim. Likely they would retreat into a swamp if they heard you.

or even submerge themselves

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man I am putting a video up on you tube about this shit its that big of a trip

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Just one thing, Ground Sloths carried their young on their backs like an Anteater.

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this is my big foot channel when I get off of this hangout ill be putting the videos up here

I see in your first vid the leaves of the trees have been nibbled off.

You mean Kura Ocllo, the wife of Manco Inca don't you

Gonzalo, Fransico's brother really obsessed with her, they gave him a nearly identical sister of her to be his wife but he just rejected her after he found out that he was tricked.

Kura Ocllo covered herself in excrement because of the repulsion to the Spaniards
She was basically the reason for the ~ 40-year long rebellion of the Inca

Sometime after the rebellion started, Kura Ocllo, now 20, spotted a detachment of Spaniards creeping up a steep path to Oncoy, above the Apurimac river, to capture Manco. She organized the womenfolk to impersonate Inca troops to frighten the Spaniards while Manco himself led the charge on the Spaniards, killing all 30 of them.

man that could be white tails but still I am a amature big footer .lmao this the first time I have ever dropped my channel link on 4 chan for good reason . are you much into YouTube ?

Yes Taiwan will be liberated

Nah I'm an online Romulan. Living in Britain makes one wary. Jow Forums is where I feel safe.

man I dig it do not blame you

I do listen to traditional music on Youtube.

I hear Trudeau (Little Castro) is a diplomatic meeting away from being defenestrated from the Canadian Parliament. Modern times are weird, the Old Sloth gives me hope.

I love the tube there are some real crazy you tube communities on there some real underground stuff man I am hooked into . people there are not trump dick suckers so that a bonus

Trump was never the answer to our problems. Merely eases rather than cures the issues in America meanwhile creating more.


inca Ruins in the sacred valley

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Truly the Romans of the Mountains.


Reminds me of the Tola mounds built by the people at the northern frontier of the Inca Empire, in Colombia/Ecuador

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they look exactly the same dam man

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Perhaps the same source of inspiration whatever it may have been.

I think from north to south america they were all in contact with each other at some level kind of like the contact between China and Rome along the silk road .

The Chibchan trail.

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Comfy Tiwanaku

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Hmm. Could make pilgrimage myself.

there are so many legends about this place it was the old worlds version of Mecca . natives would spend years walking to see the place cause they thought it was secred and the center of the great turtle . it is in lake Huron funny thing about it is it has the largest lake on an island in a lake on the planet . there are stories of strage creatures being seen here and they say that it is hiding the ruins of a lost civilisation . another strange thing about the place it is the only place where native people never put pen to paper

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Aztecs and Incas were still at bronze-age level of development in 1500 AD. Nor really useful when your enemies have swords and guns.

Very mysterious. Might visit.

you know, Guarani tribes invaded the Inca easternmost territory, they were ultimately driven off but they caused great havoc, the Incas secured the area more tightly after that, with more troops, walls and forts (pic related), although it wasn't as protected as the northern frontier were they built over one hundred forts and where most of the army resided at the moment, with the Emperor in person commanding them.

Some Guarani prisoners were sent off to faraway Ecuador because the Emperor Wayna Capac was very curious about how those frightening barbarians looked like.

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Their women are stunning.

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come on over to the new world then man my buddy from Luton is dating a Mohawk Chick up in Muskoka

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Hmm. New World it is then. Old World is a bit rusty if you know what I mean.

Womp Womp

No he meant Tawantinsuyu
That was the name of the sum of all territories conquered by the Inca Empire.

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Unfortunate why? If it hadn't happened I might still be living in your basement Dad.
I heard it was the pig he left behind.

Probably be sent to Australia your Brother, Son.

Moar tiwanaku

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>as opposed to the Amazon that has poor soil in south america
And is, you know, surrounded by a fucking rainforest.

I feel like if the USA had gone the Carolinian route and basically turned local tribes into states, we'd have much more sensible state borders. Of course, due to the diseases there really weren't enough natives to actually do that.

the life mass is in the trees and plants the water stays in the sub surface then evaporates . the soil of the Amazon is basically sand it is nutrient deficient . thats why the only thing they can get to grow there is onions beans

What I meant was that, in addition to the soil being pretty shit for farming, to actually do agriculture there you'd also have to deforest around the river, which would be a pain in the ass.

I think the Tawantinsuyu had the best form of organisation. basically sealed the state from any invader.

That reminds me I should plant some Manioc.

I was specifically talking about the USA, but yeah, the Inca were basically a South American Roman Empire. Would have been interesting to see what they'd have gotten up to if the Spaniards hadn't rolled in.

Eventually the Guarani invasions would've become bigger resulting in a successful invasion and takeover by a new Guarani dynasty which theoretically could've conquered the Entire continent with Panama up to Mexico with it.

Raising hell on the plantation more likely, Pop.

I'm assuming some joint Anglo-Native Cahokian plantation. I am a specialist in Alternate History.

Without horses or any equivalent, I doubt anyone would be able to maintain an empire that large.

They were expert nomads, the first Guarani expansion already covered a massive area assimilating and conquering peoples, with the Incas as vassals they could well have conquered the entire continent without the need for a horse.