Valerie Jarret is a Jew. Obama is a Jew. Hillary Clinton is a Jew.
Mueller is /ourguy/ Comey is /ourguy/
Also what happened is that Russian Zionist Jews LARPd as Russians to frame Trump as colluding with Russia. Israeli interference is the truth about this scandal.
Ok thanks, but most of what you posted doesnt really make sense, nor did you really answer my question either. Also, in trying to deal with reality, I can't accept "Hillary Clinton is a jew" when she ran as a Methodist
Aiden Garcia
STOP IT! Are you trying to get his place shut down?
Because the Jews could see the whole thing was compromised from the outset. If it succeeded they'd claim it was all their doing though. Also George Soros is not a Jew? Despite him paying Podesta and all these idiots to do this shit?
Obama's mother was jewish. Strzok is a jew Podesta is a jew. Ohr is a jew. Page is a jew.
Austin Perez
he wont respond to you watch
Luke Brown
I just can't believe the amount of feigned ignorance these shills have to display in order to weasel their way out of the things I post.
David Johnson
everyone is fucking this up >never was any Russian hackers >attacks against local voter registries were Democrats getting info to falsify absentee ballots >APT malware allegedly found by Crowdstrike was debunked as a forgery and they later retracted the claim They were told to "stand down" against "Russians" because the "Russians" were the Obama administration
You have texts from Strzok saying "this is being run by WH", not to mention Clinton's campaign bought the dossier. Comey and McCabe covered up for her and let their nut job agents like Strzok run wild trying to pick up dirt on Trump. You can say Soros donated to her campaign and therefore helped buy the dossier, but I'm saying more in the upper managements of DOJ and FBI it's mostly all catholics with not many exceptions
kike spin theory >the guys who set up the entire scam investigation are really doing it to get to people that haven't been investigated >fbianon .... are you fucking kidding me people with sub 130 IQs should just fuck off and let us handle the hard stuff
Grayson Sanchez
>let us >us You don't understand, do you? You think you can come onto this board and play you manipulative pilpul game but you can't. The truth won't be hidden no matter how much shilling, fake news, fear mongering, calls for violence, or anything else occurs. The swamp is going to be drained and the ENTIRE WORLD is gonna know the truth.
Jeremiah Cox
They received their marching orders from Soros. Even if he wasn't making the plans himself he is the one pulling the strings as the Rothchilds proxy.