Is Glenn Beck going to be alright? I'm a huge fan of his radio show...

Is Glenn Beck going to be alright? I'm a huge fan of his radio show, and I recently subscribed to TheBlaze because I think he's a great voice for the conservative movement. The media likes to write articles about how TheBlaze is imploding, and they were in talks to sell the company to the owners of The Daily Wire, but that broke down apparently. They keep laying off people, and all news companies are doing that now, but I worry about Glenn. He's a good guy.

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When he walked off CNN, it kinda confirmed his company is fucked. If they were OK, you would say so and keep talking about immigrants.

>Great voice for the conservative movement
>conservative movement
Scarf yourself, shill.

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Wasn't Glen Beck the guy who hosted a show where they talked about how corrupt the federal reserve system was?

I think it was him who had the author of The Creature from Jekyll Island on

When Beck went against Bundy Ranch was the beginning of his downfall.
I turned him off in 2012 when he was talking shit against Ron Paul.

You have noticed that he enables homosexuality almost daily and can be often heard to state, " liberal friends..."

Yeah, I know he mostly walked off because the way Brian phrased his question pissed Glenn off, but still, he could've said "We're doing fine." If it were true.

Glenn Beck said on CNN today that "he couldn't say" (((why))) everyone hates the news.

why worry about the guy laying everyone off ?
its his fucking fault they have to downsize.

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what do mormons think of (((them)))?

Glen Cuck is still alive? I thought he died...

His ship sailed when he didn't get on the MAGA train. Dems already loathed him, he pissed off all the media moguls back when he did his whiteboard specials, and lost half his listeners in 2016-17 by being such a conservacuck.

He means well and his heart is in the right place, and I think he is truly a god fearing christian who wants what is best for Israel first, the US second. He shills too hard on the muh feelz angle and his nostalgia for the founders comes off too puritanical which turns off casual listeners.

Sorry Glenn, your a good dude but you need to chill the fuck out on air. The screaming rants are cringier than Michael Savage's.

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agents of Satan

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He's like the grandfather of controlled opposition

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neck yourself shill, Glenn Beck is the definition of controlled opposition

When Glenn was on Fox he was the one exposing George Soros and the globalists to the world. Breaking it down for regular folks to understand.
But then something happened to him. It was during the Ron Paul revolution. And Fox had a movement to steal his supporters with the Tea Party, and redirect them.
Glenn Beck was among the most effective at it. All of a sudden a movement that was designed to give power was under the control of a handful of people. And Glenn Beck loved it. He had power, and it corrupted him.
He was no longer the same man that he once was. He wanted to control the narrative. He wanted to be a king maker. And he started to talk about how God was speaking through him for Ted Cruz and made it a super creepy thing. It was more than being a Christian. It felt like he was USING religion for power. It felt gross and twisted.
And he has been on a downward slope ever since.


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His talking about Ted Cruz and what would happen if he didn't win wasn't so good. I love Glenn, I love Ted, but Glenn did get a little cringy sometimes around this era. Man, I miss the Tea Party days though. Listening to Matt Kibbe makes me feel super nostalgic for it.

beck is a man that politics has left behind, no one gives a shit about conservatism any more. we /nationalism/ now boys.

I forgot all about this guy until I saw this video yesterday of him arguing with a CNN jew and getting upset and leaving mid-interview.

Savage is actually good though, Glenn lost it a while back

>I think he's a great voice for the conservative movement
This spineless #nevertrumper? I hope he fucking collapses.

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Pretty much no one is "nevertrump" anymore. That movement ended after Trump was elected. Now they praise him when he does something they like, and criticize him when he does something they don't like.

Michael Malice is incredibly based.

"YOUR WELCOME" is now a free podcast because he's gonna do a daily wrap-up show for Compound starting next month.

he recommends tons of great books. here is a list of books I've read because of Malice

-Dear Reader by Michael Malice
-A Renegade History of the United States by Thaddeus Russell
-1920: The Year of Six Presidents by David Pietrusza
-1917 by Arthur Herman
-Revolution 1989 by Victor Sebestyen

plus I have a handful of other books he recommended that I haven't read yet

I love Michael Malice too. Been meaning to read his North Korea book since it's so timely now. I'm pretty sure he posts on Jow Forums too.

Fuck Glenn Beck, fuck Ben Shapiro, and fuck all their ilk.

Most of these "conservative" pundits, are professional distractors:

They are paid millions by zionist jews to push a post-60's-paradigm-accepting boomer-baiting neocon agenda, pushing liberal pseudo-religiosity, alienating individualism, imperialistic wars and bullshit economics while their target audience were being displaced, impoverished, persecuted and replaced by foreign elites (including the kikes themselves) and cheap brown slaves, in their own country.

Some years ago, as the public start to get a bit more wise and angry , they decided to let off the steam, by talking about "illegals", "terrorism" and "radical islam". But their job as death row clowns still the same.

By the way, fuck Jordan Peterson and all those shilled "individualists" whose job is exactly the same.

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During the election to after trumps inauguration he was insufferable
But I've caught a few of his radio shows recently and he's definitely turned around quite a bit

I 100% endorse your post, monkeyman.

This. Glenn Beck will get the rope.

it's worthwhile, but there's one thing kinda frustrating about it.

he plays it very straight, putting the story that nK propaganda puts out about the Kims. and you can kinda infer when it's total bullshit. but it would be a little helpful to have something telling you the truth behind the propaganda.

if you read it, seek out as many interviews and videos you can of Malice talking about nK so you have some more objective facts to contrast with the book's obvious lies.

It's like somebody copypasted this from a post before 2015, you simply cannot be retarded enough to support Beck in this day and age.

He is a level99 zionist

except for a few warning blips, he was decent up until 2013, then full mormon retard mode was too much

This is the funny thing, i'm brown, and every white person i see is either a 68r liberal (former commie boomers from the military times), a dildo leftist (upper/middle class "cool" young people that love pop culture) or a neocon (an ever-growing group).

The part of the poor dark masses that are politically engaged tend to be evagelocons.

Brazil is becoming much more "anti-left" and conservative, but also more zionist, which is a tragedy.

By the ways things are going, in a few years this country will be divided between a neocon multi-social-class coalition (that will surely will end up ruling the country in the next years, if not decades), and the unwashed masses that sell their vote or vote for gibs (with the help of the lesser numbered leftists).

It could be worse, much worse.

But still, i hate to see my country becoming a muscle lackey mind-controlled by jews, like the US.
A western ideal of the likudite establishment.
A brown neocon paradise with a protestant majority.

At least the mainstream neoconservatism here is "modernized" they pretend to be the redpill and anti-globalist! lol.

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In what world is a Brazilian so aware of Glenn Beck and American politics. Shill active

Anybody remember the time when he cried during the election because some little kid was praying every night that Ted Cruz would win?

One of the most hilarious/cringy things I’ve seen.

Never respect a mormon

I'm interested in Jow Forumsitics, that's all.

The guys i talked about are the shills.
Also, the USA is the center of the Zioplantation Globohomo empire, if you didn't notice.

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Glen Beck had a stroke after Trump won

Does anybody have the clip from Beck in the eighties. He called up a fellow DJ to make fun of his wife on the air for having a miscarriage the week before.

Daily Reminder that Mormons aren't Christian.

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trump derangement syndrome. shame, he was reasonable enough to take his kids on one last tour of europe back in 2014 because he knew what was coming.

decent dad, shit opinions

This. All of this. Glenn opened millions of minds on Fox. His work was stellar. And dude sold his soul or something


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To be honest I think nobody even considers him an opposition to anything. He's talking about some weird, abstract ideals (such as muh freedom) he attributes to the founding fathers of the U.S. without ever being explicit about what those ideals are and how could Americans regain them.

Just happy for Michael Malice blowing up in the media, even if he is a jew.


Hes a fucking zionist who advocates protecting baby rapers in Israhell because he hates God and Country.

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Ask us yourself.

discord gg/rmAcNP

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I remember when Fox had a hit piece on Ron Paul when some hookers at a Nevada brothel had a RP for president poster. The message was if you like RP you like whores. Scummy propaganda.

Beck is done, spent force intellectually. And that’s generous. Really he was never smart just had guts and expressed some ok conservative values.
Then maybe 6 yrs ago (((they))) threatened his kids if he didnt stop investigating pedo stuff in the US.
So basically he was de-balled.
And acts like he knows better than trump. Trump might not be the 47D grandmaster, but he is a lot smarter than beck and beck hates him.
Beck’s a fat dry drunk, usually unlistenable these days.

Good question, OP. Here's a before picture from a year ago. Trump curse no joke. Unfortunately I think Beck may recover though due to his lack of further obstinance in the face of God.

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>I'm a huge fan of his show
Stopped reading right there.

Yeah, this North Korea stuff has been great for him. Happy for the guy.

he cray

The Trump Curse. Fuck Glenn Beck

Beck has been larping as a conservative for so long his brain constantly must hum.

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fucking boomer trash boomer