What do you think of black right-wingers?

What do you think of black right-wingers?

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Unironically based.

Unironically based

>what you think of niggers

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I don't mind them. Usually good Christians and the men don't abandon their children.

They bite the jew hand that feeds them. Little do they know that an ideal right wing society is devoid of niggers, or at least all the bad stupid niggers have been cleansed off the face of the earth.

Actually rebellious unlike the coons who copy everything Hollywood tells them is cool. Based blackbros are the real alpha niggas.


I don't care if someone agrees with me politically, I don't care how smart they are, I don't care how they live their life or what their character is, if they're a nigger, a woman, a gook, a spic, or a slav then they don't deserve rights and should be enslaved, deported, or killed.
This is obviously a sound position and not at all reductive.

So they also understand Marxism is a failure.
Good for them.


Based!!!!!!! Maga!!!!! The Democrats are the real racists guys! Israel #1!!!!!!
So the other day I told some millennials that they just need to work hard! When I was their age I had a house and a factory job with a pension. Kids these days dont know how easy it is!

All 3 of them are ok I guess.

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Irrespective of how you feel about any race, surely its better that any given person is right wing rather than left wing?

I've not met one in my country which hasn't been overtly christian or just turbo-entrepreneurial. They tend to be on the extreme side of the spectrum but never really authoritarian unless they're entire life revolves around god as alot tend to. The religious types kinda weird me out but the ones who don't want to be another statistic and want to push themselves for a better life are admirable. Alot of people in my area are visibly afraid of black people though so they either try their hardest to fit in or turn against the community, it's always funny to see their interactions but I've always got on with them

based based

nice try schlomo

>He thinks niggers actually give a shit about whites

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larping as conservative in order to fuck tradthots

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They're fine, but I probably still will stay away from them.

I'm not a kike, as you can see I hate everyone who's not a white male, we need that ethnostate pronto.

Haven't you heard of divide and conquer? A unified ethnic group is way more dangerous than one that is infighting over political identitarianism. Don't be stupid racist. Be smart racist.

They don't need to as long as they know about Jews.

Stormfags are too cucked to accept anyone not white or Jewish who rejects Marxism

Sometimes I think the alt right is a psyop by Marxists

I wish them well in their own lands among their own people, as it should have always been.

>Sometimes I think the alt right is a psyop by Marxists

it's redundant but swap jews for marxists and yeah, it is.

This actually poses an interesting question. Either in the event of a race war, or in terms of slow and gradual social manipulation, is it better to be opposing a unified yet ignorant ethnic group, or a divided and infighting ethnic group where a small segment may be more intelligent and aware?

They should all be drowned like the subhuman rats they are
plebbit is that way nigger lover--->

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Useful nigger idiots.

They need to go be right wing somewhere else

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Maybe if we looked at/treated them as just dark-skinned Americans, we wouldn't have to care so much.

One day you grow up and see that not all blacks are niggers and not all niggers are black.
>inb4 faggot
>inb4 t_d
>inb4 boomer
>inb4 kike


I think they are actually brave to face all the backlash
>not whining about oppression
>not being niggers
Yeah, I am totally cool with conservative blacks.
They are the answer to all of their problems
>pic related... very down to earth commentary on racial wedge issues

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they don't like your average blacks

Mostly this desu..?

I was quite interested in Tommy Basedomayor while he was on jewtube. Somehow (((they))) fucked with his channel enough he went to twitch or some such and I stopped watching.

I don't mind conservative niggers, but they're particularly unique. They just regurgitate the same shit that whites do, not really providing any new insight or solution to the problems at hand.

There really aren't very many of them. They are based as fuck though.

they will also agree like with like
and we will self segregate communities
of course some will crossover and intermingle, but this is what is beneficial for both

show us new insight and solutions then

>sucks teeth
>you aight niggerboy

Try watching ABL Live
He's not as niggerish as Tommy... I think he is an excellent example of what black men can be when they free their mind from kike bullshit.
UncleHotep on Bitchute lurks here a lot so he's one of us


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This dude is one of /ourguys/


I enjoy letting my wife have sex with other men but I'm picky about who has sex with her. Black men are not an option UNLESS they're right wing and based. She doesn't find them attractive anyway though.

Dudes like Uncle Hotep and Jesse Lee Peterson are fighting to good fight against the Nigger.


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>What do you think of black right-wingers?
They don't care, we're nothing but nigger to them, I learned this the hard way, FUCK THEM.

This why we need christkikery gone.

>What do you think of black right-wingers?

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They should go be republican somewhere else :)

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Go back to /the_donald dumb kike boomer faggot

Correct answer.

is that the pro-Trump Dave Chappelle with the hat?

Nothing bothers the Left more than Black Republicans. Even better: A true, huge, conservative movement in the black community, that overshadows the left completely.