I'm dating a girl who is like 8/10, has conservative values, but had an african as her first boyfriend, and is regretting it now. Can she still be wife material if everything else is well?
Can a woman who has been blacked be wife material?
Just remember that a woman retains DNA from every sexual encounter. Your children will be blacked from birth.
In my opinion, we need to start shaming these women and ostracizing them. But I know you won't listen
>as her first boyfriend
yeah i bet
as a black person I can tell you.
not politics saged
Help me Jow Forums. I'm a girl who was raised by White Nationalist parents.
They raised me in an all-white community and taught me the importance of the survival of the White race and furthering the collective White interest.
Even my friends, the guys I date and almost everyone in my social circle are either White nationalists or empathic towards the movement.
But ever since I hit puberty, I've always been very attracted to black men.
They just exude this, natural, spontaneous magnetic sexuality that makes my panties wet.
Their beautiful dark chocolate skin, their large robust frame, their ripped, muscular physiques, their primal, masculine facial features, and their confident, aggressive bad boy swagger.
I just can't help myself but to sleep with them.
The sex is always amazing.
Their dicks are large, and they can last the whole night long.
They fuck with this raw, passionate energy, they have great rhythm and their dominance in bed just makes me feel like a real woman.
I come countless of times each time I have sex with a black guy, something that none of the white boys I dated have ever been able to do.
I don't want to lose my friends and family over this, and I do have a White Nationalist boyfriend at the moment.
He's sweet, and he supports me and gives me money, but he just doesn't turn me on sexually.
I don't wanna hurt him since he treats me pretty good, but once in a while I get that craving for my fix of black men.
I can still be a White Nationalist while doing this once in a while, right?
I mean, everybody's got their vices and it's not like I'm breeding with them.
I'm on the pill, so technically it's not racemixing.
This is bullshit.
>Can she still be wife material if everything else is well?
Do you love her and does she love you?
>American school system at work
>1 post by this ID
No hymen no diamond.
Also coal burners get the rope too.
You will never not be able to think about a nigger fucking her.