I was thinking of moving to Mexico

I was thinking of moving to Mexico.

>Strut across border.
>Squat in abandoned houses.
>Don't bother to learn Spanish.
>Don't pay taxes.
>Only associate with other whites.
>Get into gunfights with Mexican gangs.
>Knock-up Mexican women and leave them.

Doesn't that sound like fun?

Attached: 1511233394728.jpg (768x1024, 194K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Knock-up Mexican women and leave them.
>Don't bother to learn Spanish.
>Don't pay taxes.

Damn. That does sound like fun.

Yeah it does actually

Should we set up a colony?

>Kidnapped by cartel
>Photographed with nuts sitting on flayed head

god speed user!

Attached: mexitard.jpg (910x1024, 110K)

That's a gook

That's why we take our guns with us. Mexicans are fleeing Mexico because of the violence and corrupt politicians, and we're going to invade Mexico for the fun of fighting the cartels.

Yeah, I know. I meant to post this pic instead.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 338K)

Mexico tends to arrest its illegals though.

>Dr. Gay MD

Attached: wheez.png (440x325, 67K)