Jim Acucksta btfo by based old lady

Jim Acucksta btfo by based old lady

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Calling people Nazis who aren't part of the 9,000 or so neoNazis and Klansmen that consider it a complement will spark rage.

The face of losing, Jim Acosta.

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Winning big league!

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my sides. It's an old lady?
>ma'am I have every right to be here

oh yes, 2018 will feel as 2016 all over again. It's gonna be beautiful

>feels like 2016 all ovet again
I want to go back.

One more

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This year is gonna be leaps and bounds more amazing than 2016. Kek loves even numbers. If you thought that 2016 was a rip in reality, just wait to see what happens the rest of this year.

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We're in this to win it. We can never fall asleep again. We came so close to losing this Republic to the leftists, permanently. Now we put our feet on their throats and we press, and we don't stop pressing. We must vote out both the dems and the rinos and vote in patriots that will maga. No prisoners.

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