How do we stop white people bashing other white people?

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Stop being stupid and white at the same time.

Identify them as the Jews they are.

I don't know. Someone once said that people like this think they are so superior to POC that they act like sanctimonious guardians of them.

Says the faggot flaggot

the aussie could not have said it better

It's an epidemic and now minorities are openly bashing whites because it's acceptable now. It is now normal.

This short was bad, everyone in the theatre started awkwardly laughing when she ate baoboy. It was one of the worst cases of mood whiplash I’ve ever seen.

What's empty nest syndrome?

Like, old cat lady crazy?

What is it?

Marxism has completely brainwashed groups of people now into seeing whites as the "oppressor" bourgeoisie class needing to be overthrown by the oppressed proles.

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Are you sure that isn't a jew?

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>How do we stop white people bashing other white people?
Why would we want to? They're turning white people away from the Left in record numbers.

(((other white people)))

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I cant wait for when we can kill off the last of the white people once Trump is out of office and dance in the streets as they run red with their blood!!!

This is what whites get for the deaths of over 6 million Jews during the holocaust!!!!

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fucking this

Oh that's adorable.

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>that schnozz

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Kek, was about to comment on how nobody seems to have picked up on this. Real white people don't do this shit.

The left strawmans it's entire narrative.



This is an obvious Jew but other than that ban social media. Stop giving validation to attention whores.

>How do we stop white people bashing other white people?
when the white people getting bashed stop acting like effiminate faggots.

Actually, as a white person and someone who saw that short, I DID get it.

It's not that hard, mom is sad because she pushed her son away and makes up for it by overeating.

Son comes back and things get worked out.

Also, they are Chinese.

Take away cigarettes and porn.
Blame it on the jews

>Pixar CULTURALLY APPROPRIATES Asian-culture, and people are rightfully outraged


They don't begin doing this until after they have become so completely and thoroughly demoralized that recovery is all but impossible.

This person is so defeated, so smashed, so shattered inside, that they are living out their life as a cruel parody of their own race. They are literally like elves taken by the dark lord, tortured and mutilated, a ruined and terrible form of life, and now perfected, weaponized, and turned loose on their own race.

How to stop these people is to not allow any more white people's spirits to be totally crushed from a young age and continuously, ceaselessly.

We need White Power to save the next generation.

>White people: lets make historical movies and tv shows
>Black people: why u only cast whiteys u raycis? Just cuz dis shit in ancient rome dont mena judius seezar cant b black

Fuck off, that is the Anglicised version of a traditional German name.


Seriously I'm also white and it made sense to me as someone who has strong family values, I think anyone should have got that regardless of race, it could have worked with any family. Though I admit I chuckled when i saw that not only were they Chinese but Canadian. Reminded me of Vancouver.

Please. Real white people don't watch Pixar. Real white people, like me, live in a society that indistinguishable from a Napoleonic aristocracy located somewhere between King of Prussia and Hazelton in south-eastern Pennsylvania.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, I'm sorry, but you're probably not white.

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