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Other urls found in this thread:


>100 billion

What was worth at its high?

>((to be worth))

so Facebook payed some jews to fool investors about the social media meme

World's largest legal escort agency

>no revenue

We are doomed.

Attached: 1514352637957.png (1920x1080, 1.48M)

>((($100 Billon)))

It's owned by Facebook?

Ifeel so dumb...

IG is the media that controls the mind of all stupid women. Kill it and win. The way to do that is to take over. We need to flood IG with traditionalism and values.

Then they must have revenues of at least 30B.

Or..Or...and hear me out user.
We could repeal woman's suffrage by simply requiring every voter take a literacy and candiacy test before voting.

That would cut minority and woman voting down by 98%. Which would allow order to return.

That may not be a good thing...

Attached: 541.gif (500x333, 447K)

A website where you share images of food and diamond dozen models is worth $100 billion . Wow, what a time to be alive.

how much should Jow Forums worth?

(((according to (((data))) )))

This is the exact reason the market will crash.

Tech stocks = .com all over again.

About 6 million

This. Speculative bubbles are bad.

>how much should Jow Forums worth?
Six gorillion

>diamond dozen models

Attached: download.png (640x640, 111K)

When you count the P&L from SNAP's sex trafficking business lines, $100bn is actually a little conservative.

Attached: 1529762425566.jpg (890x890, 327K)

There will be a rapid rejection of over socialization very soon.

Then go public you pussy.

This website is priceless

Attached: 1521736186881.jpg (480x480, 31K)

its way better than facebook. its nothing just my friends and coworkers that I like sharing pics and videos of their every day lives. no politics or sob stories.

>I like sharing pics and videos of their every day lives
>Sharing pics
>Wanting anyone to know about your personal life.
Fuck I wouldn't even own a cell phone if it wasn't a necessity in life.

Let me ask:

Hiro, how much did you buy Jow Forums for?

Attached: 220px-Hiroyuki_Nishimura's_speech_in_Sapporo_20050831.jpg (220x238, 13K)

It's simultaneously the most valuable and most worthless website in history. It's great.

Attached: 1263066443139s.jpg (600x600, 38K)

The souls of a thousand children

>dude silicon valley lmao
>dude startup unicorns get those stock options
>dude there's been like 3 or maybe 5 of these companies that have made it in 15 years holding a highly-tenuous valuation lol

Where is the cash flow?

The one thing you can't fake in valuations is cash flow.

No cash flow no value.

Valuations based on speculation can vanish overnight.

>The one thing you can't fake in valuations is cash flow.
kek, kids these days, don't remember those bandwidth the dot coms buy and sell from each other?

That's the value Jews see in a platform almost exclusively used by thots for self-promotion and escort services.
Makes you think.

estimated revenue ~2,7 bln in 2017

We should all be very skeptical of these numbers. They are basically invented. Maybe I'm economically retarded, but I just have this feeling that there's no way to actually know that a FREE app is worth that much.

IQ requirement of 100 minimum, also combat veterans regardless of IQ.
Women won't fight in wars for the right to vote, and they average at about 8 points below their male counterpart.
