What name do we give people who are white people who are racist against white people, you know what im talking about. Those white people who think that they and all other white people are to blame for everything. We need something like uncle Tom but better. Incel, s.o.y. boy, nah something more original. I've been trying to coin a term but am having difficulties. Any ideas?
Uncle Tom - But for Whitey
yea yea we all know that but it has to be something more encompassing than that
there are libertarians and right wingers who also do the same
Leftists TRAITORS.
Cuck you brainlets...
uncle david
Wasn't cuck the usual word?
good goys
nah thats more for people who let others fuck their gfs and wives in open relationships who are muscles twats
> let's appropriate black people expressions yet again
Cracker, you most likely have an IQ lower than 90, and it shows.
OP is a brainlet.
baizuo (白左)
come on guys think about it
yea perhaps but that still doesnt seem accurate enough cause that references people who go along with the jewish conspiracy
its too vague
it has to be something that hurts the normies when they hear it
Shlomo Steve
Yeah we co-opted it to mean let others fuck your country, as it's the same mentality. Dumb leaf.
ohooho nice
i like that
Lets see, how about... cuck.
Black people love using that name as negative connotation for whiteness. It’s perfect becuase it emphasizes that plus it’s feminine so we can use it to attack males too since liberal males are extremely unmasculine
Not yet hung niggers
thats been done already ozzy
i would have thought you ozzies could shit post harder than that come on goi get some vegemite into yah
cuck gained prominence here because it was used in a "cultural cuck" sense ie men that would rather have other cultures come in and teach them "how to live" because their own culture was "inferior" - basically anyone that preaches multicult
its too heavily associated with the "alt right" and "bigots" though, so yes there is need for an all encompassing term that can be used even by nancies that felt "cuck" was too vulgar.
how about
as in a fake altruist
as in they preach and virtue signal purely to project themselves as moral when in reality its part of a popularity contest
my 2c
Race Traitor.
Shabbos goy
thats, not a bad definition
but has to be more uncle tommy in the sense that its someone who hates themselves or their own race, like an emo or goth but is specifically about white people you know
Why not? Want to elaborate or just signal asspain?
I call them traitors honestly desu, the word suites them.
Yeah its a thinker
a cuckoth
(((fellow whites)))
exactly it's already been done. It's a thing. Your thread is leaf-brained retardation. Youre shit. You're a cum drooling fucking idiot. You're not coining a term, you're being a massive faggot.
that does not roll off the tongue at all
Race traitor
>TFW fascist wyfoo tending my books...
Terms for inspiration:
self loathing
self hatred
fake altruist
popularity based altruist
more idealistic than rational
it would if you had a cock in your mouth, try it.
yeah it doesnt take into account lowest common denominator, and that is the secret to success, to pander to them
its my first thought though, will be thinking more on this
in china they are called "white something" cant remember
maybe we're going about this wrong anons, what we need is something thats instantly recognizable rather than offensive in its order of operation, it needs to be able to not so much roll of the tongue but be less than five syllables probably, like, a whiney whitey or joyful goyful or like, a caucasian menstruation idk
whiney whitey is good but could easily be turned around
Literal wiggers
Niggerlover. Keep it short and simple.
yea wiggers for sure suits that actually but they're also super gay and its been overdone
that more describes white people trying to be black gangsters
we're trying more for white people who just hate white people you know
joyful goyful people
Citing racism will not lead to mass adoption, you need something benign to catch on with mainstream.
This will never work. You're working against a group that really shuts its ears to facts and reason no matter what. Anyone with any sense will see through the bullshit on their own. No need to call out whites for being the equivalent of an uncle tom because these people won't care.
hmmm true
subtle is better suited for this term but like
it has to be recognizable doesnt it?
is there an obscure word here we arnt utilizing?
oh shit
shabbos goyim
verbatim, what I'm here to post
what if we called them something that they think is nice, let them popularize it by themselves, and then we turn it around with memes and then theres no turning back for them
White women.
I don’t understand why y’all don’t like Becky. It’s straight to the point. Niggers don’t like white liberal use it as an attack towards liberal women that help them. We literally should use the word that their “allies” use against them.
yea they sortof did that with cuck
could work
strong position
smartists because they are smmmartttt
yea we need a fusion between uncle tom and cuck
i like it.
>you fucking becky bitch
>stop being such a fuckin becky
>oh you're on that becky shit again
it could work.
The best one I've seen was Uncle Shaun.
lol you baizuo
idk its a chinese word
it already has a decent definition for what we're trying to express doe
that and calling them a becky
Uncle Cuck
one becky and a group of beckies? or a group of beckys?
Cuck bucket
lol ooohoooho
i like that
thats a good one
cuck dumpster
It works even better when you realize that Rebecca is a Hebrew name.
Baizuo doesn't have the right sonority. Where I live, the offensiveness of the cuss words depend on how they sound, not their meaning.
Try to use lettres like C, K, T, R, N, P,
music for inspiration
Perfect. Jews are the biggest liberal trash around. Plus blacks love to say it’s not racist to call white liberals Becky.
Karsonya Wise Whitehead, associate professor of communication and African American studies at Loyola University, told NTRSCTN over the phone that the term actually has two meanings.
>One use of "Becky" is simply to describe a woman considered beneath the speaker's level. The other is to refer to "a white woman who is clueless, who is kind of racist, [and] who makes statements without knowing what she's saying," said Whitehead.
The Chinese already made a term for it. "White Left" is what they call them.
Uncle Tom was the name of a character in a book. Find a character in a popular movie or TV show and large audiences will understand what you mean just by using that character’s name as an insult.
Whats it translate to again?
yea good idea, better yet find a person in real life who fits that description
should be easy enough
they are everywhere
now this is thinking
>This will never work. You're working against a group that really shuts its ears to facts and reason no matter what. Anyone with any sense will see through the bullshit on their own. No need to call out whites for being the equivalent of an uncle tom because these people won't care.
Honestly I think just causing them to chimp out of the best medicine. They aren't going to get "Turned" they just need to be exposed as the mental cases they are for the middle ground to speculate and laugh at.
but it needs time to seep in for full effect
That's not a bad idea actually. Calling Americans Canadians as an insult.
Cuck Turnip ? Does sound pretty bad desu... I wouldnt wanna get called that..
aunt bruce, because he cut his balls off while his daughter was getting fucked by niggers
is that a winner?
no wait...
thats still a cuck doe
Literally the funniest post in this thread. You dumb fucking shitskinned subhuman nigger
what about the name of our lovely prime minister. it doesn't really have that snappy venom to it though. on the other hand, absolutely everyone would immediately know exactly what you were insinuating if you called them a "trudeau".
justin jennings?
sjws love trudeau too, this could work
it is catchy though, you dont wanna be an Aunt Bruce do you?
It also means that white women love giving blow jobs.
So anytime you are arguing with a white liberals about black people just tell them “ there you go again Becky, giving Tyrone a blowjob”.
Fuck user I think you’ve got it!
“Look at this fucking Trudeau...pathetic”
lol kek
A fucking leaf pretending to not knowing any chingchinbingbong
Dummkopf, translates to idiot in german. Sounds catchy doesnt it anons
this is pretty good, sounds like an insult, makes sense, and correlates to uncle tom. I'm using it.