
post people who the vast majority of pol agrees, are /ourguys/ or /ourgals/

Attached: 1200px-Official_Presidential_portrait_of_Thomas_Jefferson_(by_Rembrandt_Peale,_1800).jpg (1200x1431, 262K)

>masonic niggerfucking kikelord

>A mason
>Largely responsible for the constitution that made it possible for America to become a majority nonwhite country in the future

He wasn't all bad, and I understand Americans, like all people, like to be proud of their national heroes (even to the point of being intellectually dishonest). But I wouldn't consider him a Jow Forums-tier figure.

Get the fuck out

Attached: quote-i-have-sworn-upon-the-altar-of-god-eternal-hostility-against-every-form-of-tyranny-over-thomas (850x400, 48K)

thank God he couldn’t live to see this modern world

Attached: 6F96992D-9CAD-48A8-9937-25FAE7D9D0CA.jpg (1200x1776, 299K)

>Largely responsible for the constitution that made it possible for America to become a majority nonwhite country in the future
only white male landowners could vote.

>jeffershit memeing about God
that's a laff and a half

Attached: 1512335753241.jpg (850x400, 79K)


It’s quite sad to actually think about. Not just him, but millions of Americans died to preserve America, only to be betrayed by boomers who decided to give it all away and have them die in vain

>Largely responsible for the constitution that made it possible for America to become a majority nonwhite country in the future
we had a white immigration policy until 1965