It's been two years since Trump got elected. When the fuck are we getting a wall?

It's been two years since Trump got elected. When the fuck are we getting a wall?

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something something jews

We're probably not. He, apparently, can't do it by edict.

Have they selected the winning design, yet?

Kek. Once again, you faggots have been bamboozled into eating whatever diarrhea Drumpf is ejecting and begging for more. KYS and post the video.

>2 years
It seems pretty warm for January user

So China can have a great Wall and that's fine but America can't?

EVERYONE can have walls, but not America.

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Of course not. Dats raciss n shiet

It's being built, senpai, relax.

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~Faggot Trump

>It's being built, senpai, relax.

Show proofs

He is here for another 2 years, then another 4 at this rate. Plenty of time. You get the foundations right before you start to build your house. We all knew the deep state virus was embedded deep and would put up a lot of fight. The last 2 years have been antiseptic. A lot has been done already.

Fucking liar. There has been little to no construction on the wall and what little has been done has been done so "strategically" to force spics to walk a few miles East or West to get through the gaps.

Drumpf is a fucking joke and lied to us about the wall, the only reason I voted for him. If nothing else, we would've had a political affirmation of our sovereignty as a people. Instead we get "omnibus bills" and more cucked whites apologizing to shit skins for his tweets

>Flint still doesnt have fucking clean water

>worring about the wall

weird priorities

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If every supportive citizen of the US bought just 1 brick and laid it, they'd have the wall built in no time and for basically fuck-all too, costing thr country literally nothing in taxes.

It's already being built you impatient leftist cunt.

does it matter most illegals just overstay their visa to get in anyway

Yes. Because with the other sources delt with our resources can better focus on reaming the visa overstays.

You’re retarded.

Even if trump has 150,000,000 people supporting him the wall needs to be roughly 1000 miles long. There’s more than 150,000 bricks in my house, let alone pretending that’s enough to pave a mile of a wall.

This is going to be a 30-40 billion dollar project easily, and if I had my way I wouldn’t pay for a cent of it. The amount of good that we could do for actual societal progress with 30 billion dollars is mind blowing. Building walls isn’t societal progress, it’s just a 30 billion dollar waste that a ladder can be used to overcome.

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Also undocumented aliens that cross the border are usually the worst of the bunch. People overstaying their visas usually need to first go through background checks, obtain the visa from the embassy, show stability in their home countries, and have enough resources to come in the first place. Of course it's not a legitimate way to come, but ultimately they are below in terms of priority in comparison to those who cross borders.

this is a retarded plan

He's still waiting for the check from Mexico to clear.


Flint is full of niggers. I don't care if they drink toxic waste.

All of Donald Trump's grandchildren are Jewish.

He's going to run on building it.

his whole family is

>The Demonrats successfully stopped Trump from building a Wall so far
>this is his fault, I will never vote for him again

love this meme

>I swear that I will build a wall.
>Oh man so I tried to build that wall but the Democrats told me that I'm not allowed to!

hate this trope

Yes, that is more or less how it works, you can't just get everything you want because you are president.

White people having functional societies is racist

>You actually expected Trump to do the things that he promised to do? You thought he would do the things that you elected him to do?
Shit like this makes me wonder why I even vote in the first place.

this is now a homer thread. CHeck em.f ro the power.

It sounds like you just aren't mentally developed enough to understand.

never, because it turns out he's a faggot

Explain it to me then Einstein.

He's trying, but congress has to pass spending bills. Seems more like a second term project anyway.

Silly rabbit, walls are for yids.

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Tell me you aren't retarded enough to have thought there was going to be an actual wall? The "wall" is just a metaphor.

It has to be funded to be built. He has demanded Congress fund it, but immigration reform bills and the budget decisions have both refused it.

>We need to spend the 30 billion on societal progress AKA Gibs

Gtfo nigger

>force spics to walk a few miles East or West to get through the gaps.
Forcing people who want to cross towards areas which you are securing is iterally how you increase patrol efficiency.

can we build the wall out of subhuman corpses? it worked in 300

Still wont get you no pussy though. Food for thought incel :]

he said mexico is paying for it dumbass

the great wall is
A. not on the Chinese border,
and B. was built thousands of years ago.
great argument tho!

Is this an epic troll meemee??

No I'm simply stating the substantial lack of puss puss you'll be receiving if the wall is built. Nothing more ol' sport!

Thats okay, we have 6 more years

Never, baby. Just sit back and enjoy the ride.

Republicans will nuke the filibuster after the midterms

>minority party
>nuking filibuster


Sneed's farm is in the way and he refuses to negotiate with a cityslicker like Trump

Fuck the wall, just give me a machine gun and minuscule amount of authority in removing collective undesirables.

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