Jow Forums BTFO


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Is that really a win though for Californians though?

What qualifies as content to be fact-checked? Content from Californa, or all content? They don't have the manpower to stop the our weaponized autism, user.

It's not.

How can I apply to be a state sanctioned fact checker?


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>State-sanctioned Fact Checkers

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it's going to be deliciously ironic for california to be the spark of the upcoming fascist dictatorship

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yet another law, from a state that can't follow the law, that will be shot down by SCOTUS
You know I wonder what the Supreme Court has been thinking these past couple years, they've had their plate full because of retarded libshits.


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>Claim to be liberal
>Authoritarian policies
Fucking pick one

Once police, fire, and ambulance services collapse in california The First Purge will begin

The Ninth Circus should be abolished by Congress

What constitute content? A tweet? An infographic? Blog entries?

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If they mean all data, that would literally include every ping of information sent via electronics. How to enforce???

I agree
the funniest part is that SCOTUS literally ruled last year that hate speech = free speech, so I don't know what this retard is trying to accomplish.
Mind you that ruling was UNANIMOUS

Attached: hate speech is free speech.jpg (2478x2086, 1.58M)

>How to enforce???
They don't

What about code itself? Would all those Silicon Valley companies have to allow the state sponsored fact checkers to review it?

Source, faggot! Also, that image says it was from April. Has anything actually happened with this?


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when will they rule for free speech in the workplace though? that will destroy big tech

Then why bother proposing the legislature when you know that not only will it be IMMEDIATELY shot down, but that it's utterly impossible to enforce?

>nutty ass bill that wont see the light of day
This is hyperbole at it's absolute worst.

Its probably more just a way to throw anyone they want in jail. They dont like you "oh looks like you posted unauthorized content off to jail with you"

Nobody said liberals are smart, user

Leftists are fucking morons, that's why. They do dumb shit like this all the time, they're just usually not this blatant.

Why the fuck are any whites still living there?

>that will destroy big tech
big tech provides the tools to curb free speech

this plays exactly into our hands. the more california fucks up, the more its citizens wake up.

>tfw not getting gulag'ed any time soon
sometimes it's nice to be a burgermutt

Hahaha awesome.

exactly, the punishments will end up in confiscation of them all.


You can just assert that their bill is unconstitutional after being caught in its grasp and take them to court at that point.

True, they did think that criticizing Trump's hair would prevent him from achieving the office of POTUS.
>the more its citizens wake up.
I can definitely confirm this, many California bros around here, even in LA are awakening. It's slow, though.

What's important to remember here is that this ruling was 100% unanimous, every single justice said hate speech = free speech. This is KEY because libshits like to believe they can be "right" by policing thought, when even queen jew in the courts says hate speech is free speech, you have no leg to stand on.

They are creating one anyway, I'd rather live in one where my race survives.

>Jow Forums meme base
Memes here are the OC that gets eternally reposted on Reddit and other social media sites.

The same state that basically decriminalize it so you don't need to tell someone you have AIDS before fucking them. Lol

it's only a matter of time before you have a cataclysmic event and there's riots in the streets over government incompetence

I don't want to hear Californians talk anyway


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

so i don't get access to the meme base? what are you trying to hide?

>decriminalize it so you don't need to tell someone you have AIDS before fucking them.
But this helps kill off gays.
Many people in my neighborhood don't trust the government in the slightest, yet continue to vote for a larger government (leftism). Why tho?

Of course, some chink wants to impose some kind of state-authorized propaganda, it'll die on the floor, the bay area technocrats will pay out the ass to not have their content under the government scope luckily.

>State-Sanctioned Fact Checkers to Approve Online Content

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Return from whence you came

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>no link to the actual bill.
C'mon now.

I would not have thought I'd say this but your copypasta is getting extremely boring. if this is some sort of psy-op against the goyim, then you should consider suicide by some hilarious means.

>it's going to be deliciously ironic for california to be the spark of the upcoming fascist dictatorship
Should have seen it coming to be honest.

people have been posting that exact propaganda with that exact spacing for years longer then anybody has ever whined about spacing.
You seriously do out yourself as a newfag interloper when you bring it up.

You are the one who needs to go back.

Well, wait a minute. Let's make sure you're qualified first. Are you extremely left and unfathomably biased?

Off yourself.

Holy shit those digits were close

It is if they pick who is doing the checking

I really wish that place would burn to the ground.

Nice pasta. Stick it up on a flier or record yourself sharing those points with a liberal. We don't need to see this for the billionth time.

You try too hard

The loony left has gone full blown totalitarian. We are the liberals now.

Fact checks the fact checkers?

OMFG its DoA in the courts, whatever

>When the socialists and "anti-fascists" become fascists and regulate, censor, and skew information and speech

Jesus Christ

I swear you fuckers are almost as bad as the australians. Why do you linger here any further?
How did this happen, I wonder. Was it pandering to minority pressure? Or was it raising millennials as the "trophy generation"? Or just the propaganda in the media?

it's still reddit spacing, it is just older than our irritation with it. and this kind of monotonous tldr shit would be extremely counterproductive if meant seriously. therefore it isn't. maybe it's the work of some spastic kid who doesn't know any better, and maybe it is just an attempt to make discussion of these topics tiresome in some way. whatever the reason, the poster should die of asphyxiation while eating huge dicks.

Yeah but this time they don't do it with subtlety.

The left realized long ago that they cannot win the debate, so their only option is to demonize and censor their political opponents.

It can't really hamper discussion if everyone just writes it off as copypasta from le reddit.

Where do I sign up to be a fact-checker? Put me in coach!

california wins by tyrannizing californians? stay retarded, it doesn't mean shit for the rest of the 49 states

and it won't hold up in federal court

california loses

Fuck. Someone just get me out of this hellhole already
>holocaust class
>insulting people sends you to jail
>forced to learn about gays in health class
>surrounded by spics
>no freedom of speech
>second amendment violated with a new gun law every month

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don't listen to They are doing it so that they can retroactively fuck people over.

>How did this happen
The left has always been totalitarian, but they were using the "boil the frog slowly" approach to get there. The problem is when the frog started to move they cranked the heat all the way up to try and kill it before it jumped out.

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Indeed. I have seen things that I created reposted all over the place. My children

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But how can anybody live in a liberal paradise if the state isn't there to protect them from biggotry?

virtue signaling to their constituency

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Unironically, it was giving women the vote. Women outnumber men, thus as soon as they got the vote, they became the primary audience for politicians. Women are easily swayed by appeals to emotion, and here we fucking are. Show pictures of babies crying and women will be up in arms, reason be dammed. The whole shitmess that is western society is purely an exercise in what happens when you put female ideas into action. People have been predicting this since the 70's. It was the logical outcome. Women are ruled by feelings, not logic, so these voices were ignored.

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Federal law overrides State law.
This is California wasting its citizens money that they don't even have.

>california gloriously cucks itself out of it's own rights
womp womp

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>Conservatives are the BAD GUYS
>STOP having opinions NOW
>Try and kill the first amendment

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>Be Leftist State Senator
>Step 1: Propose ridiculous authoritarian legislation.
>Step 2: Claim it's fighting naziism or somehow hindering Drumpf
>Step 3. Get shot down because it's fucking stupid.
>Step 4. Claim everyone who tried to stop you is a white supremacist.
>Step 5. Campaign next cycle on a platform of fighting valiantly for Social Justice
>Step 6. Get Re-Elected
>Step 7. ?????
>Step 8. Profit.

hahahaha suck it UK!
licenses are baby shit
you don't even (((fact check))) your countries opinions
>tfw first to get thought circumcised

They already got rid of the 2nd amendment in Commiefornia, so now they're going after the 1st.

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dumb frogposter

arrest and execute said Californian senator. being a politician doesn't give you any rights to squish our freedoms of speech and assembly. May all anti-speech faggots and niggers be physically removed in every way possible

>you can check facts but not ID for voting

"fact checkers" need to be executed. Call them what they are. Disinformation spinners.

This will get struck down by supreme court within a year if it passes

To all the idiots saying it's impossible to enforce think for a second.

If you make it so any statement requires approval or license they can just bust people whenever they want. Think of it like a driver's license for speech, people speed all the time but only have to be caught once before you can assess a massive fine.

you just described pelosi

>"boil the frog slowly" approach to get there
Not really
They don't believe slippery slopes are real they're just retarded

this guy gets it...

This is why bundling a bunch of different shit in a singular bill should NOT be allowed. Ron Paul mastered this idea and now its out of control.

The answer is yes, after being fact checked

You mean this SCOTUS?

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yeah, well, it isn't very effective, that much is true.

There needs to be some kind of threshold, where if you’re passing law after unconstitutional law, that you’re automatically kicked out. You ought not to be allowed to swear to defend the constitution of the United States and then spend your entire term trying to subvert it.

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So the Ministry of Truth then.

>They don't believe slippery slopes are real they're just retarded
not gonna argue the "retarded" part, but I am coming to the conclusion that the ostracization of slippery slope arguments as logical fallacies is part of the ideological warfare from the part of the left. so instead of not believing in it, they are trying to get as many people as possible immunized against noticing trends.