Given the diminishing status of the white race in the world, wouldn't this mean that less whites would hold more value in society? Think about it, everybody knows that whites have higher IQ and that they are the most attractive people. Why would you want a white majority population in which you would be nothing special with harder competition in the labor force, ane harder competition in the love department? Why would you want a harder life? In a white ethnostate you wouldn't even know or care about the majority of the people anyway. Why would you want to decrease your individual value over the collective?
Imagine whites were the 1% right now. Holy fuck you suddenly are worth more than gold and everybody will worship you.
>Holy fuck you suddenly are worth more than gold and everybody will worship you. Yeah, because walking through the ghetto with all your wealth is such a safe bet right?
Elijah Gutierrez
>the bull ring This is the only piercing on a woman I judge, this piercing tells me an awful lot. I wouldnt fuck her with a niggers dick
Isaiah Stewart
The point is that everyone will have an equal IQ as their status is depreciating.
Sorry, I don't have time to stay and disagree with you about racist genetics.
Ryan Butler
Agreed. No other piercings bother me like this one.
Jack Murphy
ya, because envy and jealousy always bring out the best in people especially low iq, superstitious people
Oliver Thompson
What you're describing is not far off of being a guest worker in China today. But what white people are facing is more like what happened in Haiti.
Thomas Martin
>Imagine whites were the 1% right now. Holy fuck you suddenly are worth more than gold and everybody will worship you.
she claims to have lived in SA and actually believes this bullshit.
Michael Parker
I took a walk tonight and there was a little crowd outside an ice cream shop, and I noticed a very cute blond in a little skirt >mfw bull ring'd
Eli Cox
Exactly what kind of value does a white have in a nonwhite nation? You only exist to pay gibs to nogs until the machete welding mobs hack you to death because the corrupt nog government can't proved water and power outside the capital so they blamed all the troubles on the ebil white man.
Sebastian Gomez
Stay clear, you aint missing anything user
Cameron Watson
it means that natural blonde blue eyed women are going to belong to the mega rich only. That will be the final death knell of the white race.
John Young
>bull ring Wew lad, perfect girl otherwise
Julian Thomas
White men are responsible for destroying white countries. Their endless greed is the source of non-white immigration, fueled by their love for cheap brown labor. Secondly, white Christian churches have worked tirelessly to help non-whites pour into white countries. Only now as the collapse is happening before our very eyes are whites finally faced with the consequences of their limitless stupidity.
Have other groups grown powerful because of the stupidity and unquenchable greed of white Christian men? Sure of course. Everyone is scrambling to gather as much wealth as they can before we're living in the Fallout universe. But these other non-white power structures were not the cause of this mess, they are just the benefactors.
You can learn from this or not. I don't care. It's the truth and deep down, you know it. But if you don't believe me go visit 20 or 30 businesses owned by white conservative men and see for yourself how many of their employees are low paid non-whites.
It's literally the future white men chose and it is our own self-inflicted apocalypse.
Easton Thompson
If you are a white minority you will be pretty irrelevant for the gibs.
Are you white? Have you ever been to South America, Asia, or the Middle East? Whites are treated like gods.
Carson Ortiz
the air is better at the base of a mountain of gold than it is at the peak of a mountain of shit.
>what white people are facing is like Haiti More like South Africa
Thomas Ward
That's because whites are guests in those lands and the people there are doing business with the whites so of course they treat them well. Whites don't live there or at least not many. Ever been to South Africa?
Blake Carter
Can I use this quote?
Parker Hall
Carter Cook
I have no clue why so many otherwise-cute girls choose to get THIS piercing. When I was younger it was a nostril piercing at worst, and only the freaks had a bull ring.
Aaron Kelly
because being a white minority means you become "white gold" aka enslaved and subjugated
Blake Perez
>everyone will worship you no they will traffick us as sex slaves, medicine, all manner of retarded shit
Eli Miller
For Africa and Asia I believe it
Mason Jackson
retard, it will be like what is going on is South Africa right now.
Levi Lopez
Great you can use my dick. Sceptum piercing is hot if its smaller and not a huge ring. Generally, they like BDSM or rough sex and I'll gladly oblige
Cooper Green
i think you mean air is better at the base of a mountain of shit than it is the peak of a mountain of gold because atmosphere is a real thing
Jackson Jackson
why would you walk through the ghetto?
Brayden Collins
What fucking fantasy world do you live in?
Joseph Wright
HAHA no shit. in 50 years white peole will be hunted for our superior organs or some gook voodoo shit LOL
Jose Martinez
No. Here in America you dingus. 13% of the black population would be a significant majority when you live there as the 1%. And let me tell you. People are going to fucking hate you.
So your question boils down to, why would you want to compete with equals when you can dominate inferiors. You think a black majority planet is going to value white people? No, once we lose power in the world, we'll be farmed like chickens at a slaughter house. Go ask the Boers.
>Literally Helter Skelter theory Manson please return to your grave
Noah Johnson
Thats gonna be a dude when you show up or some nog that will rob you.
Ethan Brooks
That's not how it works. Whites aren't held as in high regard as Asians. They want us fucking dead end of story. If we were 1% of the population they would make us illegal and kill on sight.
Blake Morales
Tinder is unironically full of those descriptions
Julian Diaz
Its actually a lot of fun in a monogamous relationship. It requires quite a bit of trust for more experienced BDSM play. It takes discipline, both physical and mental control. Having a girl fully submit to you and then bringing her arousal to the edge so even the most minor bit of penetration creates so much stimulation she begins to tear up.