Japs are rats.
Two weren't enough!
Japs are rats.
Two weren't enough!
Other urls found in this thread:
He says on the japanese imageboard.
You're a goddamn roach living in the rat's den.
Didn't take long for one of you filth to show yourselves, did it? Just couldn't refuse the bait, could you, rat?
You wish a real Japanese person was in this thread, haha.
Shhhh, quiet user!
What's that sound?
Vietnamese farmers! Run for your life mutt!
t. Chink with a proxy
They're our counties greatest ally right now. Show some respect.
yes mutt keep praising our invention
And when youre too weak to support your own fat, be sure to rely on us for your medicine
Go back to bed Chinaman. Japan is literally the best Asian country and not because of cartoons or video games. They call out filth like you who chew with your mouth open, thieve off of others' ideas and be a general nuisance.
Wooow, it took two nukes for you to defeat me.