>white guy starts crossing the street when time is almost up
>jogs to not inconvenience drivers
>black guy crosses street when light is about to change
>walks and makes you sit at a green light as he passes in front of your car
Why is it ALWAYS like this? It’s like they want me to be racist.
White guy starts crossing the street when time is almost up
In the late 80's/early 90's I used to steal cars just to get around in winter.
I miss that so much. I did not put up with any shit at all, none.
never had any pedestrians cause me grief but I would have hucked sparkplugs at their head like I did to people's windows if they cut me off if I didn't feel like sideswiping them.
Life before cameras everywhere. Can't go back i guess.
lol wut? does this even have anything to do with OP or didja just feel like getting it off your chest?
i liek ya, you sound fun
>Being alive in the 80s
Old fuck lmao
Keked and regretk
fuck off grandpa nigger
Because when I see this kind of stuff I miss being able to do something about it with relative impunity.
I encountered a single exception the other day - 1st in my entire life - a older teen nig sped his walking ass up a bit so as not to inconvenience traffic - it was a shock to view and for a moment I was thinking niggers ain't so bad or something
Black people don't cross at lights they jaywalk.
>low IQ
>having self awareness or a high level of awareness in general
> haha, I will never get old
White privilege actually does exist. White privilege is being held responsible for the way you act, making it easier to be a good citizen. This is just the way it is.
>black guy crosses street when light is about to change
>walks and makes you sit at a green light as he passes in front of your car
There's a LOT of white trash that does this shit too. I can't even imagine intentionally inconveniencing someone like this for no good reason.
It's literally just a "fuck you" to the white man. Also there's s bit wanting to look cool
Man people do the shit all the time on the road. They don't use their blinkers when they turn, they cut you off while going way slower than you were, they clog up 2 lane roads driving the same speed next to each other, they drive slow in the left lane, speed up to red lights and slam their brakes at the last second...
At this point I don't even think a lot of these people are self aware, they basically just drive on autopilot and pure animal instinct. No concern at all for other people on the road, only the fleeting thought in their tiny brains and text messages
I've only seen half breeds do that
I often wonder if they're conscious the way we are - if they think, if they've got any sort of internal monologue. I'd bet that some of them don't, particularly because they're often thinking out loud - repeating themselves over and over which takes the form of muttering when alone.
like nobody even stays in their own lane anymore. i dont fucking get it.
I don't know where you live, but near DC the roads are filled with immigrants, probably illegals. They can't even read Spanish, let alone English. I think that has something to do with it
Oh fuck I live in a 90+% white area and I swear in the past two decades they must've just gave up teaching it in driving school or something.
It's this. Also the reason they always ask for change while wearing expensive clothes. I had an old black man explain this to me once when I turned down a young nig for change. He said I did the right thing.
there is a dominance thing with time among blacks.
"dey be on my time"
bacause niggers are subhuman
Had this one wedding train do half a dozen circles in this one strip of road between two roundabouts over here.
The niggest thing I've seen recently.
Thankfully I live in an area without R*ssians