Female here
How the fuck is this allowed?
Female here
How the fuck is this allowed?
Care to elaborate?
What is? Growing a beard?
Cuz it looks manly as fuck.
He doesn't look that bad
tits or gtfo
What's the problem? Either he's an ugly chinlet or an ugly nose with a gross, overgrown beard. Either way, he looks disgusting.
I'm a beardlet, I'm allowed to do this???
you are one to talk
looks disgusting with or without beard
you degenerate whore
kill yourself
He covers his face with a beard, you cover yours with makeup.
That looks like a transwoman, maybe manly in Cucknada
Men growing beards to cover up their genetic deficiency (small jaw/chin). It might trick women like me to accidentally breed with him, and ultimately have a beta child.
tits or gtfo
You're most likely a sea cow, no one is looking to breed with you.
Implying your superior breeding stock in the first place.
Beard transplant
That's a trap!
Have you seen what makeup does roastie?
Besides you've got a meth epidemic to worry about, stop complaining about beards
Yes, since it's a chin/jawline that ultimately defines a man. Thanks for this valuable insight, caring about the appearance of a man outside of his grooming habits is faggot tier. Dating is a kike invention and causes instability, women should not be entertained, they should be controlled.
I didn't comment on it, I just said the beard was manly. Cut that beard off and put it on anyone else for all that matters.
"Female" not hardly. Tranny maybe.
>Meanwhile JewSA had the highest cuckold porn consumption rate in the world
Guy really needs to mew.
In my experience FtM trannies are generally reasonable people but the MtFs are fucking nuts.
No idea why.
Still looks like a pussy
At least he has the genetics to grow a beard. Lots of guys dont.
Haha yeah beards are btfo. I have a five o clock ahadow because I personally like it but beards are so fucking itchy I can't grow one.
you are the mono brow that posted here before and posed like antifa. Get out, we don't like hairy tits
what does being a female have to do with your post?
Facts bruv
check your chin privileges
>Female here
tits or gtfo
the incel known as nochin
>Have a jaw that could smash boulders
>Can't grow a beard no matter how long I don't shave
How have you faggots memed this into a good thing. This should be emasculating
>Falling for the beta male beard meme and asking if it's fair
If you hangout on Jow Forums and you fell for that you deserve to have fucked up kids
I have a nice Nordic jawline, I just like having a beard
>falling for the Gillette jew
keep those unnecessary expenses goy
Age and ethnicity
How the fuck is makeup allowed?
There's your answer, you stupid self-awareness deficient cow.
you accidentally breed with a jew? i don't think so, race traitor. into the oven you go, worthless cunt!
You wear makeup bitch
Oy cunt.
You know the rules.
> Unironically choosing genes over love
This is why you never out yourself as a girl on the internet.
you know the rule
Stop dating online and talk to him in person
Beards cant hide beta losers unless they hide behind a screen
>the absolute STATE of chinlets
weak jaws and recessive chins are signs of weak men and inferior stock
Half Irish, half Portuguese (islander, not mainland nigger)
As someone who actually has a jaw: I agree
tfw good jaw and shit but no beard
so close to being die hard tier badass
No different from make-up, roastie
this thread is fucking retarded
I don't have a bad jaw at all, but my lips are nearly nonexistent. I've had a beard since I was 15.
A shaved face and a sharp jaw will do you more favors than a beard.
Where do you think you are?
Give it time. You'll probably start seeing more growth closer to 30.
Hello female. Everyone is waiting.
god it is 2018, we know that femanons browse Jow Forums.
>but muh internet culture
grow up
I just realized my solution to being a chinlet
Femanon, we're gonna need to see those tits for researchical purposes
>what is makeup
woaahhh 6 million written on a cigarette. cause, like, it burns like ash.. haha woaaah dude you're sooooooooo edgy i am impressed. I wish I was as witty and edgy as that, and you smoke too. you must be a really cool edgy, witty, slick guy who gets lots of women and has a real dark sense of humor huh? lol no, fuck off you pretentious cringelord holy shit total you have the most cancerous cringe, little bitch poser faggot
That girls is incredibly uncreative. Too bad too few guys ask anything of her. She has close to no experience when it comes to giving (outside of being told to do things).
Get a load of the canal fag with his white knighting and adulting.
That rule is about punishing anons for seeking attention by claiming to be female without reason
The whole thing about how there's "no girls on the internet" isn't literally true, it's a chan rule. You aren't aupposed to be fenale here, you're just user. And if you are female you're an attention whore, show tits or gtfo
1) What are we, fucking mindreaders?
2) Tits. Now.
I shave. Unlike you abo sheboons.
Having a shadow is masculine af though
pics too small cant read em
>How the fuck is this allowed?
Give up the makeup and we'll give up the beard roastie.
back in 04 the only faggots with beards were shitlibs crying about dead sandniggers. Now the current generation of faggots suddenly think they are manly because 'muh operators' in their favorite s o y of duty game.
Are you a Jew, or something? This picture gets posted on Jow Forums all the time.
Stay mad, kike.
low res, cant read
look at the amount of replies this thread has, is it really that relevant?, if she identifies that she is a girl then thats what she is.
if you actually have a good jaw line then women will much more prefer that. i used to have a beard, but when i shaved i got a good amount of comments on my jaw
> 80 replies
> 2 posts by OP
how does it feel to be enlightened by your own intelligence ?
sage goes in all fields
>but we women are allowed to use make up to trick Chads into breeding us!
We have facial hair and you have make up, fake boobs, lip surgery and even vagina surgery yet you complain about beards. How about you fuck off.
because it doesnt come off at the end of the day so no girl cares
Femanon here. I personally love the shitstorm that starts everytime some poor faggot makes one of these anti women threads. Gives me a chance to see just how upset I've made everyone and chuckle a bit.
You think jokes about kitchens or showing tits bother me? It just goes to show how much power any random female holds over you, they can pull your complete attention away from a topic just by having a vagoo.
Sure, you'll act tough and cynical here, but we all know it's just a desperate overcompensation for how much of a doormat you are IRL. If you decide to lash out and act a bit sexist now and then, I can't really complain.
After all, we do pretty much run the show. Men rely on us, work for us, spend money on us, buy us houses and cars and clothes, sign prenups that we can turn around and cash in when we feel like ditching them for a younger, cuter piece of ass.
Got a kid with a girl? Don't fool yourself, it's HER kid, not yours. Piss her off and she'll take it and leave your ass, and you can pay her a nice chunk of child support for the rest of your life.
Yep, this is the power we hold over you. So you go ahead and make your rape jokes, really. I still know that when you see me on the streets you'll be watchin
Jesus i wanna inseminate all three especially the one on the right.
tits or GTFO
Hey bitch then explain why it's ok for you to wear makeup.
tldr n Sage
fuck you bump
>female here
uh huh
1. You're an ugly whore who uses makeup, without it the red spots on your ugly face would be too visible and your eyelashes would be too invisible which would make you look like Gollum
2. Even the ugliest man is still worth more than you
I have a strong jaw line, how do I find women like you?
oy gevalt
> breeding with a shitskin
Roasties also get the rope.
Noice pasta there m80.
Idk why is it allowed for girls to wear any kind of makeup or bras that make their tits look better than they are? Why is it allowed for people to shave body hair? What you see is very often not what you get, also life can do various things to a lot of people. You need to examine people better that you want to have kids with.
You can add, why is plastic surgery allowed aswell. People can also have had accidents that change their appearance so that some beta looks better than them but genetically are less handsome.