Does Harley Davidson have a young customer base? I'm a millenial and I don't know anyone who bought a new harley. My boomer father was a life long biker. He gave up on Harley a few years before he died. He said it became an expensive fashion statement. Do you know any young people who bought a Harley?
Does Harley Davidson have a young customer base? I'm a millenial and I don't know anyone who bought a new harley...
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Bikers think they're tough and they usually aren't. They think they own the road, then I cut them off on purpose. Just because I can see your arms doesn't make you intimidating.
harleys are gay, young people like jap bikes because they're more fun to ride.
also HD already has plants in every country around the world, this is just huffing and puffing. Free advertising for the most part. Stupid ancient boomers might think they have to go out and buy one before they all disappear now.
I'll never understand why some change their headlight for a fucking spotlight that blinds me at night. I don't even know what lane they're in. It's like the god damn sun is rolling up behind me
Having an old bike would seem more cool than a new one anyway. Other than comfort.
fag detected
hop on a motorcycle if youre so bad ass dude? it takes some nuts and confidence to ride them
your post is the epitome of projection
No, they are a boomer product. Millennials buy Hondas and shit, which is why these tariffs do fuck all except accelerate the inevitable.
I had one in the 90s, it was agricultural tech compared to jap bikes even then.
Love the harley sound but they are seen as old man , mc 1% idiot bikes now
>cutting off bikers
Worse than racemixing thread shills
My father said that once Harley's patent on their v-twin engine ran out there wasn't anything special about them anymore. Other companies could make a bike as good or better for cheaper.