you say you are a white supremacist and hate race mixing, but do you hate native americans?
you should feel guilty about stealing all their land and raping all their women.
You say you are a white supremacist and hate race mixing, but do you hate native americans?
disgusting unclean and monkeyish
Her vagina looks like she smeared poopoos on it
This is not my fetish
But they stole that land first from Pachamamá.
Quien roba a un ladrón tiene cien años de perdón.
Where can you find Native American porn? That's my fetish but it's usually just spics dressed as Indians.
My grandfather is a cherokee and he didnt accept government hand outs like those western Indians. My granps is a red neck so if say he assimilated like his forefathers. The violent ones shooting arrows and throwing tomahawks and scalping people got their shit kicked in.
They wanted the alpha cock. Keep telling yourself that.
Fucking Cortes easily won because an Indigenous betrayed her people because she wanted to upgrade.
Should have invented a gun a little faster and learned the jew tricks.