Why is Jow Forums so racist?

>black people are violent and criminal
Yes, but not because they're black, but because they're overrepresented in the lower social classes. People who are poor and less educated are going to be more violent and criminal regardless of their race.
If you want to argue that it's in their DNA, the burden of proof is on you. As of today, there's no scientific evidence to support that claim.

Now, before you say 'hang the niggers' and 'gas the kikes', please try to give some actual arguments instead. I'm open to different views as long as you can substantiate them.

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Other urls found in this thread:


People hate them because they're niggers. Now go clomp back with your gay wood shoes to your wife and her Somali boyfriend. Clomp clomp.

Explain to me why poor whites and poor asians commit crimes less than poor blacks.

Rhodesia good Zimbabwe shithole South Africa turning into shithole

> they're overrepresented in the lower social classes.

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give us a website welscher

Why are they always over represented in lower social classes of every country they have a large presence in?

Damn, how do I recover from this life shattering burn? Please don't procreate until science can confirm Asperger syndrom is not hereditary.

Have you ever opened a history book?

I thought you faggots from tumblr weren't invading till July 4th

Racial profiling becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.

>if you're not racist you must be a SJW

Because "anyone who doesn't look like me is bad".

That's all racism boils down to. It's just giving into primal instincts.

Why do blacks do worse in school even when when adjusted for income levels?

>Yes, but not because they're black, but because they're overrepresented in the lower social classes.

So, you have evidence that blacks commit equivalent amounts of crime as other races in the same income bracket or social class? I would love to see this information.

There is nothing inherently wrong with primal instincts. It's our primal instinct to comply with authority figures and social peers, does that make it inherently wrong?

>Yes, but not because they're black

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>a wild faggot appeared!
>throw one Black pill
Because niggers have never contributed anything to modern society and haven't done anything to improve their own wat of living or technology for the last 2000 years. They're basicly parasites that are driven by instinct rather then logic or reason. Now fuck off antifa-left-wing nigger hugger. Fuck Groen Links and fuck your mentality.

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whats with you nederlander FAGGOTS and your stupid eurocuck naivety? fuck you both

Test bias, labeling bias, content bias, methodological bias, prediction bias, and selection system bias.
Source: archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/books/first/j/jencks-gap.html

>Test bias

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I'm not like that fucking faggot, nigger. I'm a Bataaf. Also, nigger Hate thread, Now!

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Spijtig dat er geen medicijn tegen autisme is. Antifa mag dood van mij en GroenLinks is na Denk en PVV wel de laatste partij waar ik op zou stemmen.

>Supreme Louis V shades
Too real


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You are a very fast reader.

someone post the gif of the black gentleman eating the lower leg of another black gentlemen while other black gentlemen cheer and dance around him, and shut this idiot OP up once and for all.

Jij denkt nog dat stemmen daadwerkelijk zinvol is hé? Brave slaaf.

>T. Good Goyim slave

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I kekd to this

>blacks score lower because when they go home after school they're exposed to niggidy noggidy muh dick rap culture
kek. So just being around black people makes you dumb.

Bereau of justice . Com

Really not that hard you kiwi you fucking dipshit you fucking retard you cunt

This is a compelling argument because other races have never done horrible things.
>wtf i hate black people now

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not like that, not every day in every country where they nest. They are literal sub humans, for them evolution slowed to a halt some 60,000 years ago, they were and are perfectly adapted for the life of nomadic hunter gatherers in a hostile and savage land, but try to place them in a civilized society and look at what happens, they can't change who they are, there are ZERO low crime black neighbourhoods in the west, prisons in majority white countries are filled with blacks, they do commit more violent crime, they are lower IQ, they are literal cave men.

retarded igger why don't you kill yourself you fucking moronic curry-munching whore. Go suck some chinese cock

De kans dat één stem een verschil maakt is bijna nihil, maar ik hoef letterlijk 10 sec te lopen naar het dichtsbijzijnde stemlokaal. Jij lijkt me echt een aanhanger van de Piratenpartij die niet gaat stemmen door een combinatie van diabetes type 2 en pleinvrees.

So either all of those studies have absolutely 0 flaws and are 100% true or black people just aren’t as smart

>be you
>see picture of stats with source provided
>be retarded
>still you
>hey? Where dem source at bruv
Have you though about killing yourself? Id highly recommend

If you disagree with the studies, the burden of proof is on you. I doubt you've read any of them, though. It's way easier to have a permanent circle jerk in the Jow Forums echo chamber.

Yeah that’s what I thought too. I guess they came early to scope the place or out of curiosity. What a bunch of niggers

Het stemsysteem stamt uit de tijd van de cholera epidemie, vriend. Corruptie in Nederland is absoluut en zowel politici als "adel" weten dit naar al te goed. Maar als je zonodig een 'guttmensch' moet zijn en de wereld wil verbeteren, begin dan bij jezelf en spring van een flat. Dat scheelt weer idioot in de genen.
>Pickle related "Black science"

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Can someone post the blog from a lawyer that works in a black city in murica

I remember they chimp out at the lawyer for losing the case when the premise is indefensible in the first place.

>Why is Jow Forums so racist?
it's the politics board on Jow Forums

Hoe weinig stemmen ook uitmaakt, niet stemmen lost per definitie niets op. Ik zou je een langzame en pijnlijke zelfmoord toewensen maar ik schat zo in dat de cijfers onder depressieve autisten met agorafobie dermate hoog zijn dat dit probleem zich vanzelf wel oplost. Protip: probeer eens een overdosis medicatie waarvan eerst je lever het begeeft.

The whole thing is an absolute joke. Someone must have it

Stats on low income WHITE criminals disprove your bullshit theory idiot

They have small sloped foreheads an indication of a defective frontal lobe.

>because they're overrepresented in the lower social classes
Kek dutchfag thinks he understands the nigger problem. I remember being like you.

Most violent white criminals are also middle class.

Prove me wrong then. I'd love to be enlightened too.

You live in Netherlands you know nothing about niggers so shut up.

Foute inschatting, knul. Je moet ook niet trachten inschattingen te maken van anonieme posters op een forum. Maar met jou narcisme heb je waarschijnlijk net zoveel vrienden als dat je sociale meerwaarde hebt, zijnde 0. Ga je maatschappelijk debat lekker op joop.nl voeren nigger en kom niet op 4 chan de moraal ridder uithangen, je zet jezelf alleen maar voor lul. Of kom eens uit je moeders kelder, misschien dat jij dan niet jouw eigen asperge niet hoeft te projecteren op anderen.

>don't tell People on Jow Forums they have autism when you yourself come to Jow Forums to argue about niggers, nigger.

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Ah, you've never been to Amsterdam. Never had a problem with any of them. I know it's a scary idea but have you ever tried to actually talk to them?
Maybe I have a very radical lifestyle but here's what I do: judge people based on their actions, not skin color and stereotypes.

Maybe they wouldn't feel "oppressed" or be a "lower social class" if they didn't commit so much self-destructive crime.

Your entire argument is standing on the grave of sociology. Your argument doesn't have hard scientific evidence either, so why would i need to meet a criteria that you yourself have not met?

>Je moet ook niet trachten inschattingen te maken van anonieme posters op een forum.

>Now fuck off antifa-left-wing nigger hugger. Fuck Groen Links and fuck your mentality.
>Maar met jou narcisme heb je waarschijnlijk net zoveel vrienden als dat je sociale meerwaarde hebt, zijnde 0
>Of kom eens uit je moeders kelder, misschien dat jij dan niet jouw eigen asperge niet hoeft te projecteren op anderen.

Kanker, jij bent dom. Spellen kun je ook al niet dus je werkt waarschijnlijk op de sociale werkplaats. Ik wil dan ook mijn excuses aanbieden voor mijn eerdere verwensingen want toen had ik nog niet door dat ik tegen een gehandicapte aan het praten was. Nu snel van het internet af voordat je begeleider ziet dat wat je allemaal aan het posten bent.

We hate the negro race becauss of their actions. The fact niggers with light skin are still violent savages proves the muh skin color argument wrong.

Here you go: archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/books/first/j/jencks-gap.html
Of course it's (mostly) sociology. Did you want to solve this issue with math? Sociology can still be science as long as the scientific method is properly executed.

Atleast post the source: washingtonpost.com/gdpr-consent/?destination=/news/wonk/wp/2016/03/23/poor-white-kids-are-less-likely-to-go-to-prison-than-rich-black-kids/?utm_term=.16a3341041f6&utm_term=.7db6e3689b70

And here are multiple arguments compiled along with genetic differences.

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Iemand die met sociale wetenschappen op Jow Forums aankomt is inderdaad fucking brilliant, achterlijke steunzool. Gelukkig kun je nog altijd argumenteren op internet. Pleur gauw op van Jow Forums en ga rossen video's kijken op jewtube, mongool. #rossendetected

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>NY times
Blijf lekker kwijlen.

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>Sociologie is de studie van de sociale relaties tussen mensen, en in het bijzonder van de politieke, culturele, religieuze en economische aspecten van menselijke samenlevingen.
Waar dacht je dat dit onderwerp dan over ging? Misdaadcijfers etc. vallen hier ook onder, maar ik zal je minibrein niet verder vervuilen met lastige dingetjes als wetenschap. Nu snel je triangel zoeken want je moet zo nog optreden.


I lived in poor white communities. The crime is different.

Not everyone has the primary instinct to be a cuck like you.

Well, it took a few posts, but finally someone provides some arguments. I'm going into read it and compare it with other studies first.

i don't like niggas but fucking REKT

This isn't even true. Even when standardized for income Africans have a horrrifc criminality regardless of where they are or what society they are in.

Kom. Je uurtje recreatie is bijna voorbij, je mag zo weer je therapie gaan volgen. Echt jij bent zo bijzonder hypocriet en kanker blind dat ECHTE wetenschap, en nee, dat is niet je sociale wetenschappen (ook al doet het laatste wordt dat vermoeden) nog een hoop van je kunt opsteken. Negers zijn negers door karakteristieke eigenschappen die voor hun soort specifiek zijn. Zoals abnormaal gedrag waaronder statistisch aangetoond ; verkrachten, moorden plegen, afpersing, misdaad in het generaal en kut muziek. Houd nu je bek dicht en lik me tenen, plebs.

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all people are criminals if given a chance


>(ook al doet het laatste wordt dat vermoeden)
Stop alsjeblieft met posten. Jij bent letterlijk de laatste persoon ITT die iets zinnigs kan zeggen over 'wetenschap'. Je komt er nog wel achter hoe dom je daadwerkelijk bent als je binnenkort een keer met onbegeleid verlof mag en zelf boodschappen moet doen.

Welp better let in 3 billion nogs

clomp clomp


People aren't rascist because other people don't look like them,they are rascist because people that don't look like them brings division and destroy societies.

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hahahahah als hij niet zo boos was zou je denken dat ie het expres doet

>Clomp clomp.

>Yes, but not because they're black, but because they're overrepresented in the lower social classes. People who are poor and less educated are going to be more violent and criminal regardless of their race.
You got that backwards. They're dumb and violent, so they end up being poor as hell and represent quite a sizable portion of poor fucks. Because they are dumb and not that good at solving problems by fixing them, they take from others that already have the solution.
>Now, before you say 'hang the niggers' and 'gas the kikes'
"Gas the kikes, racewar now" you cretin. Now lynch yourself.

Too bad that's not supported by any evidence. In fact it's contrary to all observation as the crime rate is similar to countries without racial profiling.

>countries without racial profiling
Such as?

It's not racism if it's true

>If you want to argue that it's in their DNA, the burden of proof is on you. As of today, there's no scientific evidence to support that claim.
Yes there is you fucking moron nigger. Gtfo Netherlands.

Monoamine oxidase A
>This gene has also been associated with a variety of other psychiatric disorders, including antisocial behavior.

No. Niggers are in lower classes because they are stupid, and often violent.
Restart from there retard. In France, poor white rurals and factory workers are peaceful and do not commint crimes. Despite being poor. Which absolutly destroys the narrative of niggers being oppressed n shiet. Lurk more.

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And you ?

>they're low class is due to low IQ
>both low IQ and skin color are genetic
>DNA comes from inherited genes
>it actually is their DNA that makes them low IQ, low class, black skinned, criminal niggers

>If you want to argue that it's in their DNA, the burden of proof is on you.

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What about the upper class blacks, those in charge of African country's, there's some real monsters. Frankly non of them, are worth a carrot as far as rulers go.

Calling bullshit. I'm a working class person, my family were coal miners, nurses, housemaids, skilled manual labourers etc until the 1990's, they all lived in poverty or close to it for generations, but despite that they never once took government handouts and none of them have ever been in jail or done anything to warrant going there. They all pretty much had stable marriages and raised their kids properly in accordance with our culture. Millions of my countrymen are in the exact same boat, yet we're the class who built this country and maintain it to this day with our labour, blood, sweat and tears. Stop making excuses for people who will abuse your naivety and stupidity all day long, why don't you understand you are not helping them by playing Great White Saviour, you are simply fuelling the cult of victimhood, emasculating their men, infantilizing their women, excusing every single action with your bullshit. Just fucking stop. You're ruining civilization.

Here you go friend.

Just to inform the newfags here, OP is trolling to fill up his race realism folder and/or harvest (you)s. You can dump stuff if you want but don't expect to "change his mind", he doesn't actually believe any of this shit he is writing.

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France. Ethnic statistics forbbden + affirmative action + billions spent on nigger infested suburbs.
Results ? More niggers, more crimes, less business, dirty streets and vandalized buildings and equipments. The very opposite of what can be seen in majority white areas.

Putting baboons into university will not result in them graduating with honours.

It's racist to force endless immigration on cultures with birth rates below replacement levels and who are less than 15% of the global minority. You're not an anti-racist, you're an imbecile.

Only idiotic women would have sex with black men.

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I would unironically rather send money to Israel than give a check for 2500$ to every bum, nigger, and hobo in this country.

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>flagless Jow Forums
feels good
please bring it back

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>Yes, but not because they're black, but because they're overrepresented in the lower social classes. People who are poor and less educated are going to be more violent and criminal regardless of their race.
>If you want to argue that it's in their DNA, the burden of proof is on you. As of today, there's no scientific evidence to support that claim.
Yeah there is en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monoamine_oxidase_A