Why is Jow Forums so racist?

>black people are violent and criminal
Yes, but not because they're black, but because they're overrepresented in the lower social classes. People who are poor and less educated are going to be more violent and criminal regardless of their race.
If you want to argue that it's in their DNA, the burden of proof is on you. As of today, there's no scientific evidence to support that claim.

Now, before you say 'hang the niggers' and 'gas the kikes', please try to give some actual arguments instead. I'm open to different views as long as you can substantiate them.

Attached: 75375377.png (1066x545, 100K)

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People hate them because they're niggers. Now go clomp back with your gay wood shoes to your wife and her Somali boyfriend. Clomp clomp.

Explain to me why poor whites and poor asians commit crimes less than poor blacks.

Rhodesia good Zimbabwe shithole South Africa turning into shithole

> they're overrepresented in the lower social classes.

Attached: 1527159206028.jpg (536x392, 28K)

give us a website welscher

Why are they always over represented in lower social classes of every country they have a large presence in?

Damn, how do I recover from this life shattering burn? Please don't procreate until science can confirm Asperger syndrom is not hereditary.

Have you ever opened a history book?

I thought you faggots from tumblr weren't invading till July 4th