You don't belong in my continent and you never did you are a foreigner a scum and a alien be gone before we rwanda genocide
Afrikaaners OUT
You realize this is all planned? They’re going to collapse the mining industry so the price of metals shoots through the roof.
enjoy your mass starvation
I want them out, I stress out over them everyday. Let them go
Nah l'll just genocide them it's more enjoyable they are a viruses and insect they need a purge
They literally feed you for fuck sake
Jews want gold to be cheap. Expensive gold calls bullshit on fiat currency.
Jews also want gold at a below-market price. SA's gold mines will end up with a few foreign whites doing the technical work, a whole bunch of blacks working for peanuts in unsafe conditions, the corrupt president will get a 2% personal kickback and everyone else will starve. Profit margins will be greatly increased, but most of that profit will go to the Rothschilds. Maybe that's the real reason why the Jew-puppet West has tried so hard to fuck over South Africa.
Nah I'm alright m8 Botswana is just fine now GTFO of my continent thanks
Dont live in SA mate I live in botsawana I think I'm good a dead white man is a good white man
We think exactly the same about you filthy niggers in Western countries. Just fuck off back to the bottomless pit you subhuman trash.
Botswana is a US puppet though
Just remember this, Whitey. When the time comes, "Remember the Afrikaaners!" will be a rallying cry while we remove blacks from our lands.
Larp. Niggers cant spell genocide.
dont know why the fuck these afrikaners just go back to europe. africa is not their home.
We export a lot of food to Botswana, if South Africa collapses not only will you have resource shortages, but you'll be flooded with people fleeing greater poverty. That's assuming you're Botswanan. But please don't stop, I love these threads. Posts more Saffer gore, it's the greatest recruiting tool for us.
This was a Rhodesian wasn't it? Also the girl on the top left in the OP isn't a farm attack, it's a home invasion, the woman in the bottom right is starving to death and I think the one in the bottom left was in an urban area. It's still white suffering, i'm just pointing out you're mislabeling your images.
Checked, of course it is. It's a KARA BOGA poster again.
>it's another meme flag pretends to be x nationality thread
Why did so many fall for this shit bait. He is using a UN flag ffs.
>You don't belong in my continent and you never did you are a foreigner a scum and a alien be gone before we rwanda genocide
Ok. But than same fate for non whites in USA and Europe.
Jow Forums loves bait
You’re right but the world controllers aware about to take the other side of the bet. That’s why they’re ramping up the debts and interest rates. They’re bringing the whol system down and putting it all on commodities.
No one gives a shit about you shitty meme culture or un orginal language (Dutch) so l'll call you "AFRICAANS" since you are so retarded as a mutt race.
Out of my continent thanks you don't belong here
No liberia is and look at that shit hole nice try anyway
Nah you'll be dead simple
Exactly GTFO out of my continent
Who gives a shit. Botswana can perfectly supply themselves with food plus every single country imports food m8 just look at the UK 80% of the food in there is imported
Even after the genocide no one will give a shit desu honestly who gives a shit about your thoses bantus and "AFRIKAANS"
No shit. Why would any civilized human want to live there? Niggers, diseases that can’t be cured, famine, niggers, everything is dirty and breaks because niggers are in charge. For fucks sake, get back to civilization and let’s leave Africa to implode. Stop all aid, give it 5 years, go in and clear out what’s left. Am I the only one that’s ever watched a zombie movie?
>meme flag
>I'm from Botswana!
>fuck whitey desu
1/8 shit bait. However, is correct - threads like this shine a light on what's happening here, and OP's intentions are essentially irrelevant. Thanks faggot!
Soon... Your time is coming even you can feel it lmao!
Not bait facts
Get off my board, nigger.
The chinese already has control over SA mines.
Have fun being a chinese puppet for the forseable future
Whites treated you better then you have ever, and will ever treat your own. Enjoy being sucked dry by the Chinese, for you have no friends left on this planet.
Daily reminder niggers do not belong to this planet and shall be treated for the primitive toxic species they are. In the future, once the west crumbles and cannot feed them anymore, the chinese will see to their needed extinction. They are no animal lovers and will feel no remorse doing so.
Always remember white man:
You lose because you feel for others. Empathy is reserved for your own, and only your own.
Who? Anyway out of my continent
Humans come from Africa so its everyone's continent.
>replying to roleplaying anons
Why should I care about other race who don't belong in my continent out..they are only 1000 chiense in botsawana and the population is 99% black so OUT
Get your fellow niggers out of our continent and then well talk.
You when you ENTER
I I'm now GTFO
I hope your'e ready to back up the shit your spewing. You are digging your own grave.
Ok does that mean that all Africans should be violently kicked out of Europe and Asia? Because if you support one and not the other you are acting on self interest and not a morally objective impetus.
Reveal your flag nigger.
No your grave m8 the funny thing you retards actually trained the bantus unlike before this includes them having a insane number advantage you gave them knowledge of your miltary tactics and knowledge to simply put you are idiots and Mongrol lmao gg enjoy your genocide!
Same with you
Your welcome here Afrikaans. Leave the niggers to starve to death.
The number difference between the number of bantus vs Afrikaners is the same as the difference between our IQ's, meaning we have the advantage here
Africa for Africans :)
Whiteys are a pest, they try to conquer as much territory as they can. If they had the opportunity they would have turned Africa into America.
Shut the fuck up and die you stupid fucking nigger.
Niggers don't stand a chance against White men, this fucking nigger is delusional.
No you don't not sure why you gave them miltary knowledge now they can fight in open warfare think about it O.o if your mutt brain can
lmao, fuck it. The Whites been there for what? 400 years? they built the fucking country (literally) and they don't belong there, why? because you say so? fucking stupid nigger.
What the fuck? you celebrate killing women and children? lmao, typical subhuman nigger.
Who are you negroid Mongrol monkey? Lmao at this slum monkey
You're showing a little too much agency there my "Black" friend, post timestamp. I'm basically an Arab btw, well an Arab/Iberian but i look like an Arab so that's what i am.
How is a nigger calling me a monkey? makes no sense. This must be a fucking Jew or a LARPing white boi.
Shut the fuck up Sven, you're a pathetic beta male.
Yes they don't belong fact negrorid mongrol that slum of yours won't help you think genocide is a beautiful thing
Don't bite you retarded niggers
I agree. And niggers don't belong in our countries.
Either way you are slum negroid mongrol monkey nothing more nothing less please enjoy your slum in peace thanks or go back to your goat dersert thanks you will never be white stop pretending most ""arabs"" there are heavily mixed with black,native and Portuguese dna.
We'll get out of your continent if you get out of ours.
Deal or no deal?
Shut the fuck up you low IQ slave, you were literally my ancestors servants. Who even are you you savanna monkey? get back in your mud hut. You should be grateful it was the Europeans that colonized you and not the Arabs or the Asians, it's the only reason you're still around.
>implying you're actually a nigger from fucking Botswana
Show me your real flag, fag.
It brings me joy knowing how white south african women are getting violently forcibly black bred. That the evil wh*te race is getting genocided by BBC's.
Hopefully, no wh*te man will be safe in their apertment in europe. Hopefully every night the masculine aggressive foreign voices will be heard into the windows of the wh*te males flat. Gangs of africans plotting to break into another wh*toids apertment, brutally murder him and if he is lucky to have a gf who hasnt already converted to BBC, well then that woman will get forcibly raped by 30 african bbcs
I'm Arab/Iberian but you can call me a spic if you want can't say i give a shit, i still don't get how a fucking nigger has the balls to talk shit about anyone. Makes no sense. You're probably mixed with Whites or you're some LARPer.
But you are a slum monkey makes perfect sense honestly you will never be white just a simple negrorid Arab slum monkey please enjoy eating in the streets thanks.
The thought of commies starving makes me smile. It's such poetic justice.
>turned Africa into America
That'd be nice, it would stop them from trying to turn America into Africa
>Muh AceStors
Once again who are you negroid Mongrol monkey? No one cares about your race Literally you are never important in the news other than being a terrorists simple. Now shhhh enjoy enjoy dirt on the floor in your slum lmao!
lmao wtf is wrong with you people?
lmfao, you're clearly a white boi, this is white boi speak. Nice LARP, faggot.
Soon in Europe, you will read daily of a murder committed in your city during a burglary. Media will not specify race. You will notice how it's no longer safe to be outside after 9pm, but that's fine.
You will hear african and muslim voices on streets from your apertment, very loud, drinking. One night you will get paranoid and look through the doorview and you will see 9 africans right outside your apertment, luckily they only break into your neighbours house and kill him.
Later you give the african police officer the witness statement. Little did you know that the african police has his relatives in the same neighbourhood, who informs about your snitching. Next week you are in bed, and you hear loud banging noise. Africans swarm you, beat your head in, crush and stab you into pieces and then you are another statistic, a newsarticle ignored.
Yes I have ball my race has the highest T unlike you pussies. Wtf is a goat fucker inbred Mongrol boy doing a slum hole lmao!!
Friendly reminder that Swedish government payed for all this. Swedish taxpayers money supported takeover in South Africa.
"My people" (i put it in quotes because i don't like Arabs/Muslims and i don't consider them my people, i'm Uruguayan after all) are literally raping Europe atm. What the fuck are you talking about? irrelevant? lmao. They are the last of the warrior races still standing after the Aryans and the honrrarry Aryans fucked themselves (for the most part) in WW2 (you can thank the Jews for that). I repeat once again, this are white boi talking points you're not some fucking nigger from Botswana, i mean where even is that? talk about irrelevant.
Greetings BBC warrior, How many white women have you bred?
Most people on Jow Forums has never had sex with their own white race, or even sex at all.
lmfao, this fucking niggers, i tell ya. It's hilarious, i feel like a WASP or some shit looking down on my lessers.
wtf is that image supossed to prove nigger? where's the timestamp?
"Determined" is the name of this photo, and winner of 2018 photog competition. It shows refugee's determination to enter Europe and enter white womens wombs.
The white race does not stand a chance, the extermination of the white race will occur this centiury.
Whites will be prisoners in their own neighbourhood. White women will be sexslaves to blacks no question about it
wtf, i still don't get how this dumb nigger talks shit on even the Arabs. I mean ffs, you're a nigger!! and African nigger at that!! from fucking Botswana whereverthefuck!! allegedly!!
Are you really this fucking dumb?
but who needs high t when you invent guns
Swedish flag
Nah you are just retarded slum negrorid mongrol here's something to make you happy
>A wasp are serious comparing superiority with a wasp
AHAJHABAHAHABABABABABABBAHA JESUS please eating toxic dumpster shit lmao you Mongrol!!!
uh, tell me your gender, race, age and occupation real quick. Also your religion or lack thereof. And do you have a significant other? no i'm not a cop, i'm just curious.
lmao, i'm wondering what you actually are now.
When China inevitabley wins the global race war, I'll take some solace in the fact these uppity negroes will be knocked down a few pegs
>Most people on Jow Forums has never had sex with their own white race, or even sex at all.
Projection much, Sven?
He doesnt need to ask
That's a future Astronaut-lawyer-doctor, if you turn him away your economy will go down the toilet
>Hahsgsjahsvw can you speak English chill out you negroid Mongrol monkey
Jesus how triggered are you fucking hell damn mongrol slum momkey
Hellooooo inbred why do you fucker look so retarded ?
The evil white race will finaly end! Rejoice! No more wage slavery, taxes or beauracratic bullshit! Freedom!
Please be real