
Psychotropic drugs like DMT, LSD, Psilocybin, and Marijuana are said to be enlightening and life changing by it's users, but I am wondering what Jow Forums thinks about them and if they are truly gateways to enlightenment or just as bad as other drugs like alcohol, heroin, meth, and cocaine.

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Our third eye uses dmt as a filter so we can observe past the veil of this reality

Light up and listen

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They uninhibit your serotonin pathways. When done correctly, your brain gets to experience what the world would look like if it wasn't constantly filtering "unimportant" things out. For some, this is enlightening and expanding, for others, it's fear inducing and unpleasant

they are a gateway to being influenced by demons and only work to hinder true spirituality and experience of God. Marijuana specifically encourages sloth and should be discouraged especially in youths

Bump I need source. Lysergi has no ald 52

just use 1P

Could provide you with a different perspective on your life, especially if you're going through a rough or stagnant patch.

Mushrooms are the reason i became a national socialist

Just use DNM's, they are safe

DMT is like the mansion scene in Eyes Wide Shut. The drug strips you of your essential form and grants you passage to a place that is normally off limits, lets you look around for a bit and kicks you back out promptly, minus the malevolence. With a little luck you happen upon a guide and they impart some wisdom to you which you get to take as a souvenir of your travels. My experience with the drug (one off time) has benefited my life in a positive way and I continue to glean insights from it nearly 9 years later.

Psychedelics are only a problem when you

A) Don't treat them with respect i.e. using them in an inappropriate environment that is not conducive to contemplation


B) abuse them, in that you seek further meaning from them by using them repeatedly without integrating the insights from the previous experience. You can get stuck in a loop of abstractions, trying to abstract an abstraction and so on, which ultimately leads to nowhere.

As McKenna said: When you get the message, hang up the phone.

you really understand the term 'ignorance is bliss' after some life changing psychedelic drugs.

The DMT, the DMT, the DMT...

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ignorance is bliss, but enlightenment is freedom. The shitty part is the immediate step after ignorance and if you remain there you will drown in despair, you need to go deeper

Micro-dosing Psilocybin is pretty good. You won't get the visual psychedelic effects. There's a lot of good benefits doing this rather than just eating a bunch at once. Here's what I notice off the top of my head:

>generally in a much better mood.
>more focused, akin to the caliber of focus from adderall
>slightly more talkative
>more creative (helps with music)
>I feel more coordinated and smooth when doing physical fitness training. No bullshit I feel almost psychic during grappling/sparring.

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Idk taking acid and reading the bible and watching occult videos on youtube are how I came to have faith in Jesus Christ. I do believe you are right though doing it attracts attention from beings evil or not. If you have faith in Jesus Christ and speak his name nothing can posses you. We are untouchable.

My best friend growing up got possessed by drugs. Was actually Xanax that lead to it. Hes not even the same person. Never was a Christian in the traditional sense. Drugs made him a lying selfish thief who would steal from his own family. They have even offered to take him back if he goes to in-patient rehab. He won't do it. Living on the streets.

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LST and Psilocybin basically overrides your 'icon' low resolution view of the world that you have developed all your life
so when you look at a tree it's like your seeing it for the first time again, you know that it is a tree but looking at it you are imbued with overwhelming sense of potential

that's the best explanation I can give outside of the normal descriptions of visuals and sensations

It's just a shill psyop trying to trick people into doing drugs. Why do you think absolute retards and known paid shills like Joe Rogan, Seth Rogen etc shill for drug use and ''woah dude it will like open your mind dude.''
Psychotropic drugs make you hallucinate and make you delusional. These drug users end up with false senses of enlightenment, they spew shit about how they discovered something mind blowing white high, but the moment they try to explain their insane delusional, it's all just schizophrenic gibberish.
Some of the less insane psychotropic drug users just sound like they've been watching Avatar The Last Airbender and the things they say sound like quotes from the show that I watched and understood at the age of 12 without needing to do heavy mind altering drugs.

The biggest problem with these drug users is that they all think they're smarter and more enlightened than they actually are. They end up more close minded and their thinking becomes more rigid as they settle down on some very basic vague philosophical ideas like ''woah we're like one of the same dude'' and that is where their emotional and philosophical growth ends. If you have any more complex things to say they will simply call you stupid, tell you to do drugs and that you're too dumb to understand what they say, which is usually the same quote that they will say and then make the ''mind blown'' motion with their hands.

tl:dr don't do drugs


Mao took the DMT

LSD lets you glimpse the maze you have built around yourself, next comes stopping looking for an exit that doesnt exist and instead head for the center.
Westworld was actually very redpilled if you understand what it was trying to tell

Your retarded. Leftest Hippy Degenerates =/= Psychonauts. When a retard takes LSD he thinks 'woah we're like one of the same dude'' when a genius takes it:

Francis Crick, the Nobel Prize winner who discovered the double-helix structure of DNA, used LSD during his research. As early as the 1960s Crick was a strong advocate for the legalization of cannabis. Crick was turned onto LSD after reading about Aldous Huxley's experiences with the drug.

Neurocientist John C. Lilly is best known for being the first person to map pain and pleasure pathways in the brain. Lilly discovered this while experimenting on a personal level with LSD. Lilly's findings on brain mapping and the effects of LSD often overlapped, which means LSD helped this discovery on two levels.

Steve Jobs felt that using LSD was "one of the two or three most important things he had done in his life." Jobs even said that Bill Gates was unimaginative because he never used psychedelics. The irony is that Gates actually did use LSD.

PCR is a means by which DNA is more easily isolated to allow for advanced testing. The founder of this technique was Dr. Kary Banks Mullis, who was under the influence of LSD at the time. Mullis said, "Would I have invented PCR if I hadn’t taken LSD? I seriously doubt it. I could sit on a DNA molecule and watch the polymers go by. I learnt that partly on psychedelic drugs."

Research on the effects of psychedelic drugs can be attributed to psychedelic drug user and Harvard Professor Timothy Leary. Leary used LSD and conducted many experiments with the drug while it was legal for a brief time in the United States. Leary was later fired by Harvard.

Physicist Richard Feynman is best known for his work in the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics. Sound trippy? That's because Feynman used LSD and marijuana frequently in his study of hallucinogens. He even touched upon it in his book, titled Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman.

BTFO shill.

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Now which of the scientists you named isn't a far left anti-racist?

This is all Degenerate bullshit. All drugs do is strip you of your ego and allow you to see the world for what it is, which is something you should be practicing anyway.

Regardless progress was made. Tangible physical results. The problem is the kids are just taking acid and going to a rave full of people and then taking molly and they feel like everyone is their friend and everything is awesome.

If you want to use LSD to think about shit do it on your own and a read a book or watch a documentary/instructional video.

Its all how you use it. People who take LSD at festivals are not enlightened. I have taken more LSD then you can fathom and I am racist as fuck. Not everyone is the same bro. Don't assume the drug makes you a socialist. It doesn't, their own MK ultra programming has done that to them.

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how much are the kikes paying you to post this once every 2 days?

Someone stating that they were on drugs while making a discovery isn't a tangible physical result.
Some scientist claiming without any evidence that they discovered something because of LSD doesn't invalidate the completely legitimate observation that drug users are fucking retarded.
For every 1 scientist who claims (and probably lies) about discovering something while high, there are thousands of Joe Rogans who use psychotropics daily, claim to be enlightened, yet have not said a single intelligent thing in their entire life.

>>not posting anything about Richard Alpert

nigga please

why are you trying to discredit factual information? How much are the kikes paying you to shill

Did those scientists ever claim to be enlightened? See the difference.

Joe rogan is a retard no doubt. Hes also a controller. So you think hes a real person? Like he just gets to say whatever he wants? Like its not all scripted to steer Joe Rogan fans away from the truth?

All I am saying is not everyone should do LSD. Retards should stay far away. They don't understand it or what is happened. They get this false sense of enlightenment but honestly no one can be enlightened. No one will know the truth until death. So if they really were thinking about shit while on it they would realize that. Death is the ultimate trip.

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Speaking of factual information, Francis Cuck didn't discover the double helix.
The double helix was photographed by Raymond Gosling in 1952, look up Photo 51. Francis Cuck didn't discover it, he based his double helix model on the work of Raymond Gosling. Total plagiarism, and now a bunch of druggies are using this stolen work as evidence as a justification for their drug habit.

>Joe rogan is a retard no doubt. Hes also a controller. So you think hes a real person? Like he just gets to say whatever he wants? Like its not all scripted to steer Joe Rogan fans away from the truth?
That's why he is pushing for drugs, genius.
People like him are paid to steer you away from politics, keep you pacified by dumb hobbies like sports and drugged up on LSD and false ''enlightenment.'' He will get you so ''enlightened'' and high on LSD you won't care that you're being replaced in your own country.

Lol You are retarded. All that nigga did was take a picture. He did not know what he was looking at. He did not know it was a double helix. The work of Watson and Crick is what lead to the final model and whole structure that works chemically. All your nigga did aws take a picture. No further work. So sorrry aint buying it.

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Joe Rogan does not advocate for LSD use. He advocates for DMT use. Never heard him talk about LSD.

Most people are scared of LSD anyways. The government does a good job of spreading false info on it. Just answer me this if they want u doing that shit why is DMT and LSD the most illegal drugs you can get caught with? Its worse then cocaine or meth. Talking manslaughter charges and shit like that if you sold it.

Why is our law enforcement so afraid of it? Is it all a ruse? Or could their be something they don't want us to see? Something they wan't exclusive access too?

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And here come the incoherent nigger ebonic babbling. Enlightened drug user.
Dumb nigger literally saying that a scientist specifically putting DNA in an x-ray scanner had no idea that he was looking at DNA as he was photographing DNA trying to prove the already existing theory of the double helix.

Enlightened intellectuals right here.

>Psychotropic drugs like DMT, LSD, Psilocybin, and Marijuana are said to be enlightening and life changing by it's users
One of these is not like the others.

LSD is literally a performance enhancer, why do you think "microdosing" is a thing.

Your retarded drug laws don't have any meaning behind them. All the drug laws are arbitrary and are changed only if some lobbyist wants them changed for profit.
Your politicians are all on coke and many of them are involved in pushing cocaine, and since America is in bed with Saudi Arabia, that might have something to do with the heroin laws. As far as we know there is no profit in any politician pushing for DMT or LSD. That might something to do with it, but no, it's all a conspiracy to keep you from using psychotropics because they like don't want you to be awake man, they be nigga like knowing muh nigga dat be awakening ur mind nigga.

Imagine being so triggered by a chemical that you automatically discount anyone who consumed it. We all know Boris taking Krokodil down the street is degenerate, but it doesn't mean all drugs are degenerate or can't be used for productive purposes.

He knew he was looking at DNA but that does not mean he could formulate a working model from the picture. You are applauding a man for taking a picture. Which yes it is impressive. But the fact is he didn't get the Nobel Peace Prize. Some druggies did. So are all the nobel laureate just a bunch of thieving hippies? Its all just a giant ruse to get you to use drugs? lol

If you do not build a working model what good is a picture? See what I am saying. It might have led to one but that nigga didn't build the model. They didn't steal the DNA discovery from him. He helped sure but the heavy lifting was done by real scientists.

some americans are so retarded. God put plants here to show us spirtuality, including marijuana and shrooms.

Nice non sequitur. Completely explained why that wigger was implying that a scientist looking at DNA trying to prove the double helix theory didn't know what he was looking at.


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>tfw when did shrooms and learned my place upon the earth and that it wasnt necessarily always positive
It was quite something, would recommend. Wish I could find or synthesize my own DMT though as I would like to see what that offers.

Its super easy to make. Its in literally everything. I knew a kid IQ of 95 who could make it out of grass and bark. One of the troubles behind making DMT illegal is that technically almost everything living is holding.

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>said to be enlightening and life changing
Yea dude smokin weed and sitting on the couch watching Rick and Morty while eating burritos is tots life changing

and cocaine, alcohol are top tier drugs. I'd rather snort a line of coke than smoke weed

>needed drugs to understand that not everything is always positive

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I'm assuming there's a more in-depth guide here? What concentration of NaOH? What is an ideal non-polar solvent? What else may separate? Do I ingest the non-polar solvent or do I need to filter that? Do I just drink it or smoke it?

I should use Google and am definitely overthinking this.

I was feeling stressed about my future and felt that I had to live up to the expectations of my peers. It helped me come to terms that that wasn't necessary to work up towards socially demanded goals to be happy with my lot in life.

It was something I knew, but I accepted it more completely on mushrooms

Yeah there is way more in depth guides. It will turn into crystals that you smoke in a crack pipe lol. It needs to evaporate not burn. It also needs a higher temp then a bic will get you to evaporate when you smoke it.

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Time to invest in one of those blowtorch lighters and a crack pipe...

Where the fuck do you get it without contacts

If someone cut a hole in the back of your head, jammed in a couple of electrodes and sporadically completed a circuit, you'd also see some similarly wacky pictures. Possibly enlightening pictures, and possibly death.

Don't forget your brain is a fragile piece of biological circuitry that substantiates most of your being - the rest is your CNS and nerves in your gut. You can create any experience you'd like, if you know how to stimulate it correctly.

I want to try mushrooms but I don’t know how I’d react
I will probably grow my own (you can legally buy the spores online for insanely cheap) if I ever want to try them

Stay away from pot, huge downsides long term. Not enlightening.

DMT, try it at least once. Really incredible and impossible to describe.
LSD, only do it if you can't get Mushrooms or DMT
San Pedro >>>> LSD or Psilocybin
The best way to experience psychedelics is Ayahuasca with a shaman who knows what they're doing.

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>San Pedro >>>> LSD or Psilocybin

Which is a phenethylamine, which neurons tend to find toxic.

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Machine Elves are servants of Baphomet

I think drugs have nothing to do with enlightenment or with seeing the world in a higher spiritual way. They just mess up with your brain. I can tell you this cause I have many friend who are drug users and they are not spiritual in any sense. They use the drugs just to have a good time. Also, my ex girlfriend used to do psychodelic drugs in a frequent way, and the only things she got, were more and more problems, including psychological ones.

If you want to be more spiritual,you should do things that are good for the soul. For us, christians, that's praying and do spiritual reading.

So basically they abused them

You get out what you put in

Which drugs do they do? Smoking weed, snorting coke and rolling Molly won't enlighten anyone.

Pot (always), LSD (sometimes) and MDMA (sometimes)

This. Except, LSD should be used 5 times more than mdma. Mdma melts the brain and is shit except once in a long time like dmt

Drugs is too general of a term. Psychedelics are in a class all their own, it isn't fair to have them in the same category as Xanax, heroin, cocaine, meth, etc.

I'm in my 30s and recently experimented with psilocybin mushrooms. It was a wonderful experience. Like others have said, use in a calm environment. I was out in the woods with some loved ones who watched over me. It's impossible for me to explain the sensations. I was completely aware. It was like my senses were heightened. But it was only once. I plan to do it again this weekend.

Drugs are the tool of the Jew, user. It's no coincidence that drug legalization has always been a leftist agenda item.

Mushrooms and she-boon professors

Smoking weed once in a while is very enlightening. I think of all sorts of things while high that my sober mind would glaze over. Cannabis rescued me from Adderall addiction. Tobacco, molly, coke, those are trash.

Its no joke.Many people got fucked up side effects of it.

Modern culture (rap, etc) talks about Xanax, cocaine, codeine... stuff that mainly affects you physically. The substance they claim as "cool" that comes closest to being a psychedelic is MDMA.

How many modern songs condone mushrooms, LSD, DMT, peyote? Those are the ones that are the most powerful.

>Idk taking acid and reading the bible and watching occult videos on youtube are how I came to have faith in Jesus Christ.
certainly how and through what the Holy Spirit works is a mystery but personally my experiences that drugs are a hindrance not a help
>I do believe you are right though doing it attracts attention from beings evil or not.
There is no "attracting" the angels (of God or of the Devil). Demons are always interested in stealing your soul, a constant pesetering; While angels will come only to deliver the messages of God
>If you have faith in Jesus Christ and speak his name nothing can posses you. We are untouchable.
Again I would exercise caution here. If you are in the Holy Spirit yes this is true but recall Acts chapter 19 vv. 13-16
>13Then certain of the vagabond Jews, exorcists, took upon them to call over them which had evil spirits the name of the Lord Jesus, saying, We adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preacheth. 14And there were seven sons of one Sceva, a Jew, and chief of the priests, which did so. 15And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are ye?
>My best friend growing up got possessed by drugs. Was actually Xanax that lead to it. Hes not even the same person. Never was a Christian in the traditional sense. Drugs made him a lying selfish thief who would steal from his own family. They have even offered to take him back if he goes to in-patient rehab. He won't do it. Living on the streets.
Lord have mercy.

Pic related to this thread

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plenty of rappers talk about psychedelics and rarely do they have a good message

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Psychedelics magnify whatever your essence is. That's why they are pretty dangerous for people who have skeletons in the closet, or are very negative in their outlook.

The direction of the vast potential lies in who you are as a person. They only make you a better person if you had the potential for good in the first place. I don't know if you can change someone who has a malevolent core in their psyche.

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>plenty of rappers talk about psychedelics and rarely do they have a good message

Why the fuck would you turn to nog music to be educated? That's incredibly dumb.

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dmt is incredibly easy to make. im genuinely suprised its not everywhere.

Have you ever done it before? What are your experiences? I've done mushrooms and LSD before, the heaviest dose was around 250ug.... it opened me up into some pretty exotic concepts and did a lot of good for me.

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your post seems incredibly new-age to me so I don't know how to approach it honestly
>Psychedelics magnify whatever your essence is
Whatever our essence is? What is this essence, how do you define it? "Magnification" I don't agree. It certainly makes you more aware of your spiritual surrounding but opening your eyes does not cure you of blindness, if you permit me a metaphor here.
>That's why they are pretty dangerous for people who have skeletons in the closet
We all have a fallen nature. To recognize this certainly can be frightening especially when one is not repentant and hasn't accepted salvation.
>The direction of the vast potential lies in who you are as a person
I would say that the "direction" if you will of your spiritual awareness depends on which way you are facing. If you are facing towards God you might experience the Holy Spirit, if you are facing towards the Devil your experience will be of weeping and gnashing of teeth.
> They only make you a better person if you had the potential for good in the first place. I don't know if you can change someone who has a malevolent core in their psyche.
Everyone is offered the gift of salvation, and we can all face towards God and receive the Holy Spirit, although it is hard road. Yes, all Man is offered redemption for our fallen natures through the Son of God.
God bless user.

I want to score some boomers.

It's been a while.

I took a hero dose of shrooms last summer, it was me and two friends, but we could only buy an ounce of some of the best shrooms I've ever seen, so we decided to split it 3 way in one night, so we each took a bit over 9 grams each.... I don't recommend it, it was crazy for about 30 minutes, then I blacked out for about 4 hours, just a complete waste lol.

I'd be happy to elaborate. For one, I'm exclusively talking about LSD. These are the insights I got from my own trips.

I'm going to go over your points, so give me a few min.

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The drugs themselves are not enlightening, the ability to experience reality from a non-standard perspective and integrate that perspective into your conception of reality is.
>bbut user, you can do that without using drugs.
Sure, drugs are not a substitute for meditation and mindfulness. When an unintelligent or unread person does LSD (or similar substance), the extent of their takeaway is usually, "woah man that was cool."
Psychedelics are a tool to gain access to a different perspective for a short time.
>Haha look at me, I'm not partaking in these substances and I do just fine!
Cool? You're missing out, but whatever.
>My dipshit friend did drugs and turned into a drugged out dipshit.
Perhaps find better friends? I have friends that do more drugs than I do and are hyper-productive.
>Niggers do drugs, niggers bad, therefor drugs bad.
A+ reasoning. I hope you never realize that they drink water too.

Weed makes you high, that's all I see it doing, even the stoner culture is more or less glorification of lazing around and simply feeling a sense of peace with the world.

Otherwise I've only had experience with LSD and it alters your perception to the point that you can get "epiphanies" about reality. Not a psychologist or neuro-surgeon so this is probably entirely inaccurate, but it seems to me like your neurons start searching around trying to make new connections, not unlike when you are dreaming, which is why you sometimes come up with whacky but insightful ideas when you dream and you start getting ideas and forming concepts which will seem ingenious. Watch one of your favourite movies or look at certain art and you may find that you may gain either a whole new perspective on what is "actually" going on (stuff where people who "don't get it" will ask whether you are high) or make you feel what you already felt about it, only even more intense. I watched the 1990s version of Lord of the Flies on LSD and could not stop thinking about the concept of monstrosity and savagery lurking just beneath the surface in all of us for weeks on end.

Once the trip is over you need to reflect on the ideas you had and check if they actually are valuable insights or just whacky shit you dreamt up while tripping.

Back when I still watched Jordan Peterson he talked about Psilocybin and according to him that shit can be life-altering. Not exactly for the worse because the people they first started clinically testing it on used their insights to become better people, but apparently it's not something you go back from.

For what it's worth, I'm not a "hippy" in any sense of the word. The concepts that you're exposed to while tripping are truly beyond human words and concepts, which is why you see a good amount of variation of explanations from people, who are grasping to find words to match with whatever they experienced and however they subjectively reacted to it.

The word essence depends on what level you're focusing on. I'm talking about mentally who you are, and what you want. It is your biggest abstract desires. Do you want peace? Do you like taking things apart and seeing how they work? Do you want to destroy the word because of whatever traumatic experiences that happened to you? Whatever the dominant thoughts are in your head are what ultimately constitute the rudder in your life- your actions and reactions.

I don't agree with the concept we're all fallen, I think that's a made up concept to sabotage people's view of their life. I think we're infinite beings temporarily suspended in finite organisms. We can do anything we want in our lives, but there is a higher invisible path that's the most beneficial for us and everyone around us. It's beyond morals or ethics; everything may have its place depending on the context. If you're moving in the direction of evolution and development, and trying to pull other people up, then you're doing what you should be doing.


This is also my experience, not to become a national socialist but certainly piqued my intellectual curiosity and left me questioning a lot of things that I had taken for granted.

>Hitler being the ultimate evil for example

It also rid me of a significant amount of social anxiety and reconditioned my emotional/spiritual connection with others and my environment (this I believe had been adversely affected by a period of SSRI/SNRI use).

Marijuana however, I felt absolutely no benefit from. It makes me feel lethargic, heavy and stupid.

And yes, your direction ties into your essence. Like attracts like. It is all tied together. If you want good and seek good, you're get it. Likewise applies to the opposite. These are things that may become more and more ingrained in you as time goes on, but ultimately its all a choice. And that choice depends on your values and ethics, which are derived from your mental essence.

I'm kindof rushed in typing all of this because I know threads can 404 and I don't have all day to better put together my words and thoughts as a result of it. But I wish all the best for you as well, user. I don't condone psychedelics for everyone. A lot of my experiences were scary and had the potential to hurt me if I didn't see them as just effects from whatever substance. But the perspectives I derived from it made it all worthwhile. You will gain perspectives that vanilla human thinking will never take you to. These exotic trains of thought can be an amazing force for good if you're channeling them in a productive way, and aren't just sitting around.

Anyone got the version of this (or something along this lines) which ranks all the different drugs against eachother?

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Why the fuck does it matter what Jow Forums thinks?

Why doesn't it matter?

I always thought psychedelics were degenerate until my friend got me to try some. It gave me a very different outlook on things. Almost as if you sacrificed to see less of this world to see more of an another. I think it definitely changed me as a person. But psychedelics still shouldn't be widely available to the public but they do give you experiences you wouldn't normally live through on every day life basis, almost like a glimpse of a different world.

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I have taken a small amount before. It was a lot of geometric patterns and it obscured my vision. The time felt like i was on the bench for 15 minutes while it had only been 3. I plan on taking some soon once i get myself into a better headspace and get checked out by doctors. ive been having some weird perception stuff recently and im not sure if i should or not.

ive taken lsd imitations 2 or 3 times then i finally found a guy with real lsd. I took 2 tabs with an ex of mine and it was one of the single most important nights ive ever had. i would give my right nut to go back to that night even though i had a bad trip for part of it. However, since then ive had no desire to do it again and im not sure i would if given the opportunity for a while. Not because im scared but because i feel i got what i needed from it and theres no reason to take it again right now

however. mushrooms make me think about myself and give me an incredibly different view on things like lsd. and im much more willing to take them by myself I like them because its not as rough/sketchy to take as lsd. They give me more insight to myself and the world around me. Psychedelics really are a key to your own brain. I could talk for hours about psychedelics but the character limit will stop me.

Anyone who has never taken them should just remain quiet when trying to discuss the morallity and lack of benefit of them because there is no way to understand them and you have no idea what youre talking about plain and simple. They are much more than conventional drugs. Also avoid anyone who brags about muh "i ate 12 hits of acid once. it was nuts" these arent people you want to be around when tripping. At least i dont want to be.

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Well user I see where you are coming from and I can say that I have been there as well and I know many others who are also in this mindset. Some stay there their whole lives and think in circles instead of finding the path that leads to God. I'll give you my perspective on a couple of things because I view it differently than you but ultimately your journey is your own and I recognize that. I will say this though, you and a lot of people in the drug-using community are caught in a specific heresy called Gnosticism and I hope that you come to realize the wisdom of our ancestors and wise men of the past centuries.

>The concepts that you're exposed to while tripping are truly beyond human words and concepts, which is why you see a good amount of variation of explanations from people, who are grasping to find words to match with whatever they experienced and however they subjectively reacted to it.
This is what we call in the Christian tradition as "mystery" and it is a state of closeness (it is in the core of your being) and otherness (it is beyond your understanding). Contemplation of the mysteries is paramount but again its important to be guided to avoid heresies like Gnosticism (doctrine of personal direct revelation).
I don't agree with the concept we're all fallen, I think that's a made up concept to sabotage people's view of their life.
I can see this view as reasonable if you forget the second half of the Fall which is the redemption through the Son of God which is freely given.
>I think we're infinite beings temporarily suspended in finite organisms
This is another specific heresy although I can't remember its name right now. We are not "finite organisms" our bodies were made in the image and likeness of God and through the resurrection our bodies are restored to their immortal and God-like state. Jesus sits at the right hand of God IN HIS BODY, the dust of this earth is in Heaven.
Lord have mercy on us, user

psychadelics should be legally sold. I have the idea of some kids getting sold rcs in the guise of lsd and them permanently getting fucked up from them.

it might be tin foil hat level to say this but i honestly believe that they are illegal becasuse they can undo years worth of programming in 8 hours or less.

i hate the idea*

i only ever used LSD twice, the second time was 200ug about 2 months ago and it has given me some kind of severe anxiety disorder, imagine that end of the world feeling you got in school before you were going to do a class presentation, except that feeling never goes away and keeps you up at night with thoughts of the nature of existence, what happens after death, fear and paranoia of my own wellbeing, also pretty terrifying depersonalisation and derealisation, i'm constantly worrying over whether im developing schizophrenia or some other form of psychosis. Physical symptoms like breathing difficulties, it feels like im suffocating, my muscles are stiff and constricting my body, particularly my neck.

I can't enjoy anything like i used to, these dark thoughts never go away and are always lingering, i'm going to see a therapist soon and hopefully this mental hell comes to an end and i get to be normal again.

All i have to say is don't fall for the bullshit that psychs are the most harmless drugs in existence, i probably wouldve been better off if i had smoked meth or crack.

Thank you for your time to explain your views.