If the Trades are white man work why are a majority of trade workers brown?

If the Trades are white man work why are a majority of trade workers brown?

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because brown people can't go to college without gibsfermative action and all the white people are getting psy-oped to go there

Because millions of illegal beaners are taking our jobs. But I'm an electrician, so I have some job security since Paco can't do my work without turning himself into refried beans.

>i'm better than Mexican people because i am an electrician of all things
>being an electrician is some high level shit
>there are no Mexican electricians

How long until you are making decent money? I mean from the start of your education. I see a lot of openings for helpers in my area back home.

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>Because millions of illegal beaners are taking our jobs.

rolf. why are you giving them your job away kike?

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You're confusing unskilled labor with the trades.

Because the world is backwards and upside down now

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Yeah, why pay a plumber $750 to fix your pipes when Miguel from down the street is offering his 'handyman services' for $100 or whatever you can afford? He'll just pop in to Home Depot and get all the parts you need and you're good to go.

Miguel doesn't know what a water main is. He doesn't know how to turn it off. And he's never soldered a pipe before. But he's pretty sure he can do it. And it saves you $550, so why not?

Stupid memeflag

They aren't

>If the Trades are white man work
Trades are a man's work, not white man's. Just keep in mind that blacks aren't people and we'll be fine

Miguel can build a fence in one day for super cheap. Sure the post holes aren’t deeper than a foot and sure the planks aren’t level, but hey, at least you didn’t have to do it yourself right?

>explodint police snitch on internet

rolf. shut the fuck up snitch!

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OH SHIT, MIGUEL NO! Miguel what did you do?

You are all gen Z pantywaists with no skills, terrible at using your hands (on tools, not controllers). Why does it concern any of you?

Mind your own business. Back to steam, I hear they're having another sale.

Stupid memeflag bot

This. The Mexicans waiting outside Home Depot hoping for work are labourers, not tradies.
The carpenter, plumber, or landscaper that picks them up IS a tradie, went to technical college, did an apprenticeship etc.

>some kike bitching about mexicans doing their jobs

say kike. divide and let them fight? kike? are you ok? shall i call your kike police?

Because they come into an area and will work for less. The companies that hire them make more and can bid lower. The Latinos often live together and more cheaply. This changes the demographic of workers in the area pretty quickly.

do you really any kike here cares about? all of them are paid by state dep and FBI to snitch and start wars.


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Because onions. Most white men have become as women.

I have literally seen millions of beaners do your job. It is idiot work. The only things spice cant into is bending pipe because spics are terrible at math. So they just bend the pipe and then cut to length like a scrub.

White people dont work anymore, they sit back and watch Mexicans do the heavy labor. Hubris will be the white men’s undoing.

they have their sons work with them and teach them. they still use an apprenticeship type system. There was a huge meme started in the 90s that manual labor was below white people, and this

Your point being...?

im willing to say you havent seen shit lol

Because they work net, which is cheaper than legit people who work gross.

>this is even remotely close to what user said

Illegals are only prominent in the very low risk/skill trades like painting and sheetrock. anyone can get a foothold if they're willing to work for $4 an hour and live 15 to a 2 bedroom apartment

There's tradesmen hiring wetbacks to do their grunt work, then paying for their training. This is what pisses me off the most. Tradesmen who want to build up companies are hiring these guys and paying them to get their union certifications because they can employ them cheap and then get them to pay off their debt once they've been trained.

There's a greed element at play that needs to be corrected. Everybody wants to start their own business, and they think they can kickstart it with cheap spic labor.

They’re not. What nigger shithole do you hail from cunt?

Nice reading comprehension retard

>If the Trades are white man work
This meme has to stop.

These beaners can only hang drywall and paint.