Why is Hitler dubbed the worst man ever?

Why is Hitler dubbed the worst man ever?

Hitler: 6 million
Stalin: 10 million
Mao: 20 million
Turks: 6 million Armenians
Belgians: 10 million Congonese.

Why him? Others have been just as atrocious.

Attached: 2498656_600.png (600x360, 20K)

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Communism didn't intentionally kill people like Hitler's genocide of the 6 million Jews

What about Belgians?

Who owns the media, user? It's not rocket science.

Attached: (((Who))) Massacred Russian and European Christians last century.png (650x994, 600K)

Take a wild guess...

Well, 6 million Jews did die, so we can't underplay that.

Is this sarcasm?

In History Channel WW2 documentaries they say that Hitler caused the deaths of 50 million people by blaming him for starting WW2. They conveniently ignore that around 40% of those deaths were Russians from Operation Barbarossa and the Eastern Front. They also conveniently ignore the events surrounding the start of WW2, the slaughter of ethnic Germans in Poland, the Polish maps drawn in the late 1930s that staked claims to everything east of Berlin, etc, etc. Basically anything that could explain Hitler's actions was omitted.

>communism didn't intentionally kill people
>what is Holomodor
>what is the Great Leap Forward
>what is the Cultural Revolution
>what is the 4 Pests Campaign
>what is the Khmer Rouge
Go on, say more stupid things.

To fulfill the ancient Talmudic prophesy of 6 million "burnt offerings", allowing the Jewish people to return to their "homeland".


>what is the Great Leap Forward
An economic programm you fartbrain