> Woman gets assaulted by teacher, develops depression
> Plans to commit suicide
> About to jump
> Bunch of feral chinks form a crowd yelling “JUMP” and “HURRY UP”
> She jumps
> Dies
Why are Chinks so heartless? This isnt the first time its happened something similar went viral last year.
There was some great posts some user made a while ago about how chinks are quite literally mongrelized bug people, as a result of being conquered and race-mixed for hundreds, nearly thousands of years. Any divine spark of humanity left them the more they became misceginated, it's why the Jews are trying to hard for Westerners to meet the same fate.
based chinks
Race mixed ? I thought chinks are racially pure
Chinese(and to some extent all asians) act as insects It possible if they are separated from the hive to act human again
Do you remember that video of the little girl getting run over and like 20 chinks just walked past her dying body ? That’s when I realised they are not normal.
No, that's what chinks like to think. They tell themselves and others they're "Han" Chinese but the people of that dynasty all died off in one of the many brutal, terrible wars they had centuries ago.
China has been invaded by so many nations who raped and pillaged their way across the breadth of China so many times that all of them inevitably left some of their genetics. Mongols, Tibetans, Vietnamese types. I really wished I saved the picture with those posts because it provided great insight into China and why they how they are.
Maybe now, historically there have been many different 'chinese'. I'm not as well-read on the subject as the user who made the post referred to in the first post here, but essentially the Han wound up dominating the region and supplanting/erasing the previous dynasties.
Dan Carlin covers some of this in his podcast on the Khans, mainly talking about the incursions into the west but also setting up how that came to be by laying out some of the history of the steppes in general. I'd actually like to learn more too as we have the image of the Chinese being one monolithic force today rather than a patchwork of interconnected peoples.
That’s a mix of different ethnicities but they are still the same race.