Attached: japan.png (977x955, 935K)

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so working as intended? the dispute was resolved by the looks of it.

a final resolution

That's savage tier banter.
That or some crazy stalker went crazy on them.

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that's just fucking funny honestly

Is this an onion article?

oppressed loli freaks are dangerous

I was worried that Nobitu got attacked

I would not feel safe in Japan. Many strange sexually frustrated men there. London is much safer.



Nobi and his brack people rants are so based.

That headline is amazing.

a nation of chronic masterbators

Ohhhhhh I know what they have gone through~~~!!!

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Japan has crazy people too. One time a touhou fan made death threat.


Japanese prior military goes on and kills with a gun, need more gun control

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finally, something happened in Nippon

he messed with yakuza

Attached: 3777993[1].jpg (520x347, 48K)

Naroohodo nihonjin kun


please be yuta please be yuta please be yuta please be yuta please be yuta please be yuta please be yuta please be yuta please be yuta please be yuta please be yuta please be yuta please be yuta please be yuta please be yuta please be yuta

shut your filthy gook mouth

Was the man he argued with some insane touhou fan?

>ashamed of showing jap flag
>use vpn
>trynna look like American
No exceptions, always. Jap

Matthew Lesko?

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I love Japan, fuck ecelebs kill them all

What a beautifully innocent and naive country.

>The killer's last words were "gg eazy noob"

Dispute status: solved

>Gets stabbed

0/10 shitpost.
American's don't get to talk about crime in other countries.

Attached: You have to go back.png (540x823, 404K)

>Everyone I don't like is Japanese

Japan is extremely safe statistically.
You can't just link one violent incident and say it's a dangerous place. Compared to many parts of the rest of the world, it is a very safe country obviously.

What if that's what he was teaching?