It’s one of the most shameful chapters of US history, and today’s decision now joins it

Can't argue against that one

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How was that a bad thing? Sage

Yup they are the exact same thing.

Except totally different!

I don't really care. Do u?

All humans must be able to enter the US on a whim, and they can't be removed once the get here. These are universal human rights, enshrined by our constitution for the whole world since it's founding. Now bake that fucking cake

>denying someone entry is akin to imprisoning citizens because of their ethnicity

Do people not remember the absolute destruction the Japanese caused? I understand they have completely changed but for crying out loud they were monsters.

>empty claims of national security

I shiggy diggy.
Funny they don't mention the german internment camps tho, hm? Suppose that was a "legitimate" national security concern.

>empty claims of national security

Do these dipshits forget what happened on Niihau?

Move to another country, this one is ours.

>Empty claims
There are literally dozens of cases of sabotage by Japanese nationals. Hawaii had a famous example where a bunch of islanders had to protect themselves from a Jap sympathizer/national (hawaiian) and a downed Jap pilot.

>Supreme Court

Wasn't that an executive order by our socialist cripple leader? Normies will believe anything, thanks faggots, enjoy your bullet and rope, soon to come!

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>Spies of foreign powers can't exist

Shut the fuck up about what we went through, we take pride in surviving those stupid camps without complaining

You're all a bunch of whiny babies including most white people

>Imprisoning thousands of citizens without due process is morally equivalent to not letting people from certain countries come here to begin with.

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Their sense of morality is based around the idea that white people must be destroyed for human liberation, all else flows from that

Trump is beating the Jews in DC and in court. It is unreal. Godlike.

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I don't get how people can be outraged like this 24/7. Does it ever occurred to them that their belief system might be flawed?

Sometimes you do what you have to do and pay reparations later.

Well they can't, many are burning out, and it's how we're winning

8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens | US Law

The President can block "any class" of aliens.
He could block "redheads", "midgets", or "woman named Janet" if he wants to.

No it's the same thing, Japanese internment was reasonable then and so is the travel ban. The real problem with the travel ban is that it doesn't go far enough. Saudi needs to be on the list, as does Israel, but not even Trump has the balls for that. It's a start though.

ACLU is a bunch nigger loving queer Juden.


kind of the point mr bergstein

I know but those twitter comments just flow and flow constant hate and they we are the hateful ones.

Norway sucks dick. Kill your German monarch, dumbfuck.

SCOTUS specifically cited and refuted the "internment camps" meme. Arabs in foreign countries aren't Asian people who are citizens already living in America. There is NO constitutional right to move to the United States.

But I don't expect the Jewish NGO knows as the ACLU to understand the difference between a citizen and a non-citizen when they just got done shilling for open borders from Mexico last week.

A democrat liberal was the president though ha. My gosh I hate leftism.

Write us:

125 Broad Street, 18th Floor
New York NY 10004

And yet Japanese Americans are a real well adjusted minority that don't start shit, work hard, make tons of money for it and nobody wants to gas.

Seems like today's ruling might put more of them on the right track

The took Germans and Italians too.

None of them are complaining or lying about it 70 years later either fyi

Oh no

Japanese Americans vs Non-American-not-even-in-the-country-wannabe-tourists

Don't go around trying to revise revisions shitlord

>empty claims
How about the jap sabotage that didn't happen because they were locked up?
The only thing shitty about interning the nips was when their property was seized and sold without consent. And most of that happened in Canada.

Jews should've all been expelled to Israel after the Rosenberg nuclear sabotage by the way. That had world-ending ramifications.

Japanese Internment
>LEGAL US citizens
>rounded up and imprisoned based on ancestry

Mexican imprisonment
>ILLEGAL aliens
>jailed for breaking the law

I want to hear opinions from Japanese US citizens on this matter. I feel sorry for them because their past despicable treatment by the US government is being compared to criminal activity perpetrated by scumbag migrants.

hars but just ,you can let million of potential traitors to live free until the end of the conflict
this time usa was right


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>Don't go around trying to revise revisions shitlord

Country attacked us and bombed a navy base on US soil = Empty claim of national security

ACLU is a meme

This, same thing was done with FOB German and Italian nationals/families during WW2, but nobody ever talks about that

I’ve met a jap American from Hawaii, they are nigger tier


When they can’t logically defend a position this is what they do. Suddenly morals mean something to them. I thought morals weren’t absolute though? What about that moral relativism?

lol this really shows where we're going as a country

the travel ban was basically an open and shut based on the issues, I'm not a lawyer but I remember citing 8 USC §1182(f), which is exactly what the Supreme Court pointed to...

Congress gave the President the authority, why not make Congress repeal that shit if you're so butthurt you liberal lunatic freaks

the sad thing is the leeway given to the President on immigration is why Obama was able to do all the migrant and DACA bullshit, but now with Trump in they're outraged that he would try to exercise the very same powers to do the opposite

Trump is locking up muslims citizens in camps? Based.

a Hawaiian anything is nigger tier

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>Ive met a

>singular equals total plurality

This is the most prevalent logical fallacy on Jow Forums and on 4 chan in general. People here take one singular instance and extrapolate it across an entire population. Makes it difficult for people to take the idea/statement seriously or sympathize with it.

Korematsu has nothing to do with this. Illegally detaining US citizens != barring foreign aliens from entry. Why is the left so hellbent on false equivalences?

>The Supreme Court's job is to solve all of our biggest problems! This issue is too big to be left at the mercy of the electorate!


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The left does it all the time with their magical dancing non whites that can do no hard, their constant generalizations of whites and their constantly calling everyone nazis if they don't hold the same views. the fact you think it's exclusive to the right just shows how indoctrinated you are. The funny thing is the people you described are a minority of the right wing while most of the left is exactly how i described.

Because it's all they have, the left has no real grounds in arguments these days.

Ok I’m using a small sample, but since all of them appear to be niggrified I would say the power of my observations are increased as much as my certitude

How did the American public go from hating sand niggers due to propaganda after 9/11 to this in 17 years? I do not understand how this happened. When I ask people they say we went into Iraq for no reason. I told them the reason was cause Bibi the jew told us there were WMD and the same is being done to Iran now. It is infuriating.

>Foreigners have a constitutional right to immigrate to the US whenever they like and no matter who they are

This is the greatest delusion of the contemporary American Left

I have an entire book full of all the cartoons Dr. Seuss drew during WWII. He was no hold barred back then. What a champ.


thread theme

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You're retarded, look in mirror.

it's sad that it's impossible to determine whether, or not, you are being sarcastic.

Yeah, that FDR sure was a shit President, I concur.

Underrated comment. Top Kek.

>Can't argue against that one
Except it's fucking apples and oranges. In 1944 it was US citizens interned during the most epic war the world had ever seen. Today it's a bunch of beaner leaches WHO AREN'T FUCKING CITIZENS and broke the law by jumping the boarder.

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Since the travel ban does not include Saudi Arabia and Qatar, actual sponsor of terrorism that has struck the west, I agree this whole thing is bogus. Either do things well or don’t do them. This is pure populism

shhh ICE is illegitimate but they should use their (((discretion))) to let eveyrone into america

this whole situation with the courts was retarded.
way to go, dems. wasting tax-payer money for nothing again.

Stop! Don't you know that history is only bad when Nazis do things!

I do want to say that Saudi has been stepping up it's security and actually keeping track of it's citizens under the new monarchy. While I politically disagree with the leader, I'd say he wouldn't qualify as a place worth banning under the reasons of the current travel ban. (they even had comicon this year.)
The same goes for israel. While I don't like them, and that goes for everybody here, they do know how to keep track of their citizens and we do know who they're sending over. We'd have to invent entirely new reasons to ban these two countries from coming to the US. IE, terrorism or malcontents.

>Detaining a bunch of American citizens because they share an ethnicity with a nation currently at war with the United States and placing them in camps.

>Banning immigration from countries with high risk for fundamentalist islamic terrorism. A ban that was made and upheld throughout the previous Presidential Administration.

>In any way related to one another or even similar.

These people are just making shit up.

>Feel shame for things you didn't do!
>Don't feel pride in accomplishments you haven't earned!
Always two sides of the same coin, and they're so brainwashed they think that's 'nuance'.

But it wasn't shameful. It was an absolutely necessary measure in a time of war against an enemy whose goals were completely unknown.

It might be shameful in hindsight with the knowledge that the Japanese had no significant plans to invade CONUS, but civilian and military leadership had no knowledge of this at the time and considering the incident on Niihau Island I don't see why those leaders wouldn't see first generation Japanese residents a threat.

This is why leftists can't be generals
They are incapable of making the tough decision

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Remember the 6 milloin japs who died in US concentration camps.

Real holocaust with masturbation machines and all.

Yep, it's always heads-I-win and tails-you-lose with the Left. That's the magic power of doublethink

>can you believe this shit we kept them in CAMPS like NAZIS

>no mention of dropping two atomic bombs and killing 200,000 japs

This is how you know it's 100% political rhetoric. They don't really care about the historical implications at all.

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SCOTUS is a terrorist institution

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Post 9/11 there was an immense amount of pro-Muslim propaganda in the media, believe it or not. That's when the phrase "religion of peace" was first used (by that idiot Dubya)

Honestly, as horrible as a civil war would be, I really think it needs to take place sooner rather than later when things are worse, because it will easily be decided in our favour

it really is. glad I get to watch it unfold with my frens

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Yeah that's not hyperbolic at all.

Do they text or email you talking points?

I hope to pinch your parent's skin off with pliers.

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They always argue
>America was built on immigration
And that being against immigration makes you racist.

>jews telling Americans what is and is not moral


>>America was built on immigration
Well now that it's built maybe it's the time to say construction workers goodbye?

Confirmed best POTUS of all fucking time. He promised winning and he hasn't faltered a single moment.

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