Why even among the caucasoids is the woman always whiter than the husband?

Why even among the caucasoids is the woman always whiter than the husband?
Is whiteness synonymous with femininity?

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Women have less melanin than men.

Real white men have the same shade of white as women, but the hair is usually slightly darker (because of testosteron). If men have a darker skin, it's because they stay more outdoors.

Also, some women in "some" countries tries really hard to be whiter (avoiding the sun and make up etc.)

Blonde blue is feminine beauty

Dark dark is masculine strength

Men work outdoors more and get a tan.

Yes. But it is subtle, not like fucking a nigger is natural.

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Testosterone = more melanin

It's not rocket science

>Real white men have the same shade of white as women, but the hair is usually slightly darker

nope, male skin shade even of and identic genotype will be darker due to more phisical work and testosterone.

look up those reniassance portraits

Vitamin C/gluthathione or vegetables help