Countries you don't take serious: >Turkey >Australia >Argentina
Bro countries: >Finland >Latvia >United States
Countries which are just pathetic: >Sweden >Russia >UK
Carson Wood
Also: >Reddit spacing.
Logan Rodriguez
Oliver Long
Countries you don't take serious >Turkey >Australia >Brazil
Bro countries >Russia >Japan >Belgium (Flanders) >Denmark
Countries which are just pathetic >Sweden >Belgium (Wallonia) >Canada >United States >UK
Unironically deserve more love: >India: The stereotypes are true, but their posters on here can be pretty nice people. >Israel: Their posters on here usually are friendly and can take some banter. I respect their ability to keep coming to this place.
Nolan Mitchell
To be honest, Americans have an equal amount of posters for each of the first three categories, they have good shitposters, they have some bro-tier posters but they also can be the worst posters on the entire board.
Brandon Johnson
Indians have it even worse regarding the Muslim problem than we do. They will be allies when we clean up the sandnigger filth
Brody Allen
Countries you don't take serious >Denmark >Canada Bro countries >Finland >USA >Norway Countries which are just pathetic >France >Mexico >Great Britain