What did USA Today mean by this?

We are at war


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>We are at war
We're at war against corporations and criminals.

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Russia so badly wants a US civil war

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You mean Israel?

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USA Today meant they've never opened a history book and think war constitutes telling people to leave while screaming and not showing up outside their house at 3 am with torches and killing them

It's just tens of thousands of commie loonies, also you can't have a civil war if the other side won't fight you.

It will just be commies vs the US military.

This article is a liberal dogwhistle. In essence, they are spreading the word that everyone should harass Trump supports if they dare go out in public.

>other people are doing it
>you should too

>harassing the demographic most likely to own guns

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They've won already. To think you could kick things off by posting MSpaint images onto facebook.

Civil war can't happen if you keep getting broken up by riot police. Unless you seriously think it's ok to attack riot police, but either side that tries to start that shit will get knocked the fuck out pretty quick and with majority support.

The best you can hope for is a riot that lasts about a day with few injuries / casualties. They'll lock everyone up in the same prisons, regardless if you support Trump or hate his guts.

In the end, the system always wins.

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15 lakes 3 oceans and S-P-A-C-E S-P-A-C-E

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Should Glenn Harlan Reynolds be ambushed on his way to work within the next 72 hours, loaded into an unmarked van, taken into the desert and shot in the back of the neck, to be buried in a shallow grave full of pig entrails and shit?

>Kicked out of restaurant
>Literal dedicated denial of service attack
>The war has begun
I have a feeling that they legitimately believe that 'this' is 'what war is'. They have no idea what they are summoning against themselves.

Read Spengler's "Decline of the West". Basically, all societies end this way. The founding ideals of the society are questioned and eroded by both women and educational instututions. Everyone instinctually feels the loss of their culture and the lack of purpose in their lives, so they split into two groups: those who want to progress into a new society and those who want to conserve the old one. The discourse becomes less about fact and more about who has the biggest stick. "Caesarism", blatant lies and ad-hominem on both sides becomes the norm. Eventually, civil war breaks out. The native population is raped and murdered by roving gangs of men who form their own tribal communities (gangs in other words) and take out their anger on whoever isn't with them, which is generally everyone. Eventually a foreign power steps in and the nation is conquered from without.

Pretty sure it begun when some lefty loony shot up some Republican congressmen and miraculous none died.

Also the GOP train derailment went down the memory hole.

OP is an accelerationist shill

shameless stupid clickbait like every other news site

Based black man

You are misinterpreting the article user. They're saying that this is how the war begins.

The Civil War didn't really start at Fort Sumter, you know. It started long before that in the hearts of the American people, with the caning of Charles Sumner, and the raid on Harper's Ferry, and Bleeding Kansas. Likewise with the American Revolution- Lexington and Concord were just the final straw. Americans had already set their hearts on independence with the Boston Massacre and Stamp Act boycotts and the Boston Tea Party.

We aren't at the "open street warfare" stage yet but we are zooming towards it. This is just the beginning.

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Welp, time to start wearing my maga hat on the daily again.

This. But yeah, Liberals need to understand you can't tell one half of the country you'd rather replace them with foreigners and expect to live in a cohesive society.

The lists keep growing

They are REALLY pushing for it.

>Respond accordingly

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Attached: Anti trump. Always the same bots and shills. Krassenkikes were further down..jpg (603x784, 142K)

Attached: anti trump. krassenkike at it again. Your forefathers never wanted a brown america let alone Muslims (624x529, 95K)

Best picture on Jow Forums right now

Imagine being a proud black but also a weeb

I was going to call him a traitor to the founders, but then I noticed


Not even shocked Tbhfam

Goss30Goss might find out what the business end of a .300 sounds like

>doesn't know about the Barbary pirates
>doesn't know a fucking thing about American history
>kike pretends to emulate the feelings of the Founding Fathers
This platitude shit needs to end soon.

I wonder who could be behind this article

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I'm kinda wondering myself if it's Russia stoking this.

>I'm coming with pliers and a blowtorch

And ICE is coming with guns and tear gas. Have fun.

I love me some big Sarah milkers.

His forefathers were traitors. Thomas Jefferson, my forefather, made Islam illegal in 1786. The left isn't tweeting it's best. LOL @ some British faggot disseminating the dumb.

Fate of empires is shorter

> Fighting a Country that's military numbers have improved 100 times over since the original Civil War took place

Provided, the US government would probably not just glass the shit out of their own infrastructure, it would have to be a much more sophisticated battle.

Also, this "oncoming Civil War" has no opposing army, or any military leadership, or even locations to occupy. It's just confusing.

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