When and how did being an SJW become so trendy?

I mean, obviously SJW types have always been around, but it's clear that the current type is more than anything a trend. There was a time when every other white middle class teenager on Twitter didn't have 'feminist' in their bios. Seeing people whine about white people was limited to certain corners of social media. Generally the attitudes of leftists before was "yeah racism is bad and Obama is a pretty cool guy." Now it's "WHITE PRIVILEGE! POC AND LGBT NEED TO BE REPRESENTED EVERYWHERE! CULTURAL APPROPRIATION! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"

Before people would be outraged when encountering genuine racism. Now they look for the most petty and trivial things to be outraged by.

From memory it was at some point between 2013 and 2015. I first heard the phrase 'social justice warrior' in 2015 but had started to notice these types becoming more and more common before then.

So what was the turning point? Occupy Wall Street? Ferguson? Gamergate? Maybe even the emergence of Trump himself?

TL;DR: See thread title.

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For me, it was partly Ferguson and the Mizzou protests, both of which turned out to be based on lies.

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I really have no idea. From the gate, SJWs were shrill and acerbic and completely unlikable. I have no idea why anyone would look at that and think "I wish that was me. I wish I acted like that."

I can understand ugly-ass people who have no other outlet for their inferiority complexes, but for those halfway attractive girls that sign on? Don't get it at all. Why would you waste your youth being a greasy unlikable twat?

Facebook, Ironically enough.

It's the Attention Economy, user. Attention generates revenue. Combine that with using SJW's as a knife to slice up the populace and you have the full answer.

First started with the Bush/Fox News in the early 2000s. Went into overdrive when we put a nigger in the oval office.

Also, for your 2013-2015 time window, if you really trace this shit back to it's bare beginnings, it was actually sometime in 2007. For whatever reason, 2007 was when the ball really got rolling on shit just falling apart and becoming fucking retarded.

shitty annoying women have been around for ages but it took the internet to allow them to amass an orbit of beta faggots

Most people I know hate 'em, even the "non-political" people. Then again, I'm in the workforce, and everyone I associate with is as well. It might be anecdotal, but I suspect that might bias my worldview a bit.

iphones, the normieisation of the internet.

A decade ago.
They found that they can play victim to get the things they want.
Social media allowed them to play victim much harder thanks to the likes of Myspace, facebook, twitter, tumblr, etc.
Now beta cucks bend a knee afraid of being called out when a decade ago SJWs were a joke.

Around GamerGate 2012-2013, these pigs took over the media because media was dying in the social media age. Their "Fuck WYPEPOO" bullshit is the only thing that was getting clicks and generating Ad Rev. This happens because it stimulates a dopamine response and it's stupid easy and cheap to produce. So that's why we're here today and we have literal morons and useful idiots as journalists.

Technology murdered media and the entertainment business. So literal idiots have replaced talented and respected people. That's why we're here today.

Started off around 2009 when Obama got elected and social media took off

but it didn't really become the problem it is now until around 2012 when OWS and intersectional feminism combined with progressive stacking during those rallies derailed everything into the current SJW shit show we're in now

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Yeah like I said, SJWs have always been a thing. I just don't remember this outrage culture being so prominent until a few years ago. Although it was the late 2000s (so 2007 onwards) when Facebook, Twitter and smartphones all really took off, which led to SJWs getting their platform.

Back then I recall a lot of the outspoken leftist mob were more concerned about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan rather than there not being enough black women in a movie, or a white musician wearing dreads, which was fair enough really.

I mean, in 2011/2012, did anyone on here even know what SJW stood for?

Feminsts and S-O-Ybois
Feminists tell men that if they disagree with them they are misogynists/racists etc, so by not wanting to call them out on they're obvious bullshit they submit. Then they also crowbar their narrative in such classes such as sociology or gender studies also
muh equality

>Most people I know hate 'em, even the "non-political" people.

Yeah, I have a load of mates with typical liberal views. Racism is bad, the welfare state is good, anything right of centre sucks, et cetera.

Even those guys think they're a bunch of retards.

You’re totally right. Feminism was never this extreme up until around 2012ish.

>I can understand ugly-ass people who have no other outlet for their inferiority complexes
Can confirm, literally just the other day I overheard some absolutely hideous hamplanet working at subway talking about how everyone should raise their children gender neutral the other day and complaining about "cis bigots" and the piercing-laden, absolutely testosterone deprived basedboy colleague of hers without hesitation agreed

Social media has always been a platform for people to complain about how victimised they are. Remember the whole emo thing in the mid 2000s, when kids would log onto Myspace and whinge about how shit their lives are?

In a way, SJWs are the new emos. A bunch of attention seeking social media whores who are ridiculed by everyone who isn't them.

I was looking at some twitter feed yesterday. As soon as one criticises what another has said they immediately start to cry and lie about how what they meant was all along.
Basically you'd might as well talk to the cat or the TV because they are simply saying what they think the group wants to hear (as dictated by TV).

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It messes with feelings and all you have to do to buy their ideology is listen to their stories about righeousness and shit, while to nonsjw you have to read a book here and there.
Also its really popular among teenagers, there are a lot of pedophiles/pederasts who get a lot of sex trough their networking.

>for whatever reason
Well, there was that whole housing bubble and the recession...

People who don't believe in God have no sense of purpose, their lives are meaningless. SJW's fill that void by championing the rights of those they perceive to be oppressed. It doesn't matter so much whether or not the group is actually oppressed, what matters is that they have a "struggle". They need it to give their lives purpose. That's why liberalism is quite literally a mental disorder. They will always be pushing the envelope beyond the limits of what is actually good for society or even rational. They have a victim complex. And if they ever for a minute believed that there was no systemic oppression, they would have no idea what to do with themselves, because their life has lost it's purpose. That's why you can't reason with these people. You argue with them, believing you are both trying to solve a problem; they are arguing for the existential urge to have a purpose.

Big Red Thread?

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Everything you think that pisses you off was created in 2012 by a israeli with a laptop

Also, remember those black people vs. white people videos from around 2013?


Corny humour but good humoured. White people are reserved and polite, black people are loud and react to things extremely. If these videos were made now, it'd be all WHITE PEOPLE ARE RACIST! BLACK PEOPLE ARE THE VICTIMS!

>People who don't believe in God have no sense of purpose, their lives are meaningless.
Dogmatic Christians are so laughably naive, it's not even funny.

This is true. You notice how these people use the exact same phrases as each other. 'Unlearn our racism', 'socially conditioned to be racist', 'need to do better.'

Occupy Wallstreet is when the (((Elite))) successfully shifted the focus away from "the Bourgeois vs the Proletariat" to the more culturally marxist "the Oppressors vs the Oppressed". You will find it all coincides with the beginning of Atheism+.

Zipf's law. Once you reach a tipping point it all comes crashing down

The SJW faggots obviously can't handle living in a godless world I think is the point. They worship the state and flagalate before the original sin of whiteness.

Which is why their working class larping has failed. Big business is overwhelmingly liberal, while the actual workers have gone to the Right. So they pick up all the druggies and trannies and NEETs with a victim complex.


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This is a philosophical answer...
I want to provide something that perhaps other anons havent.

Essentially we have discovered that our lives are even less meaningful than we previously thought in generations past.
With greater access to information and knowledge, what we once thought were life's great mysteries have been revealed; modern science has rudely pulled back the curtain, and can see ourselves for what we are.

To counter that, I think people are looking for something.
Magical thinking and the mysterious have been swept aside by scientific realism.
Some call that realism, nihilism; but you can be a realist without being a nihilist.
The religious have always been ok, they've God to fill their lives with.

Most people arent very good at deciding for themselves a direction in life, they've not been taught to think that way.
Rather they've been taught to submit to authority to tell them what to do -parents, teachers, boss, police etc.
People embrace the SJW ideology because it gives them a cause, a purpose.
It's 'ready made' and has 'value-positions', much like a religion.
Likewise people become NeoNazi because it gives you a purpose too and is the exact proposition as being an SJW
By real contrast, people are conservatives because this seems to be nature's default.
Nature will kill, it's not a respecter of persons.

More people are into politics now because it suddenly gives you something to talk about.
It gives you a purpose and reason to share something online. Other than life's ordinary business and frivolities.
On a deeper more primitive level, we're scared.
Scared of the meaningless of life from the cold hard light of scientific realism.
Scared of the meaningless of life and followed by the certainty of death.

Why do I come here? Because I know it's containment.
We are anonymous, and can be free for a while.
I can fill the void, with meaningless drivel...
Scientific enlightenment has shown how meaningless our reality is.

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I can kind of agree with that, but it isn't the state they worship (knowingly). They worship what they consider to be THE GOOD,and THE GOOD follows certain rules that everyone knows because the tv and movies told them so.

Like National Lampoon's Vacation remake, where they actually repeat 'there are no borders only boundaries' fthree or four times in a single scene.

>Magical thinking and the mysterious have been swept aside by scientific realism.
No, it's only been occulted more. But if you fall for it being obscured, then I agree with the rest of your post. It's the logical outcome of not believing in more (which does, in fact, exist -- just not like most people think).

You're still recovering from the blackpill, I see. It's clear you possess the faculties to recover though, don't lose hope. Or rather, remember how to find hope.

We are at a pivotal point in man's spiritual development; man has learned what comes after post-modernism: Traditionalism.

Science has not contradicted any facet of Christianity. Christianity embraces the Truth no matter where it comes from.

On the other hand, basing your entire worldview around Materialism is foolish and ignorant. To declare there is no God because our limited science can't perceive or comprehend Him is like a character in a Sims game declaring "there is no player one". Yet player one exists even though the Sim is not capable of fully understanding what he is like, or even perceiving his influence on the world.

disenfranchised people with no purpose will cling to the first purpose you give them.

>implying you would not hit her with a whip.

one covered in spiked barbs...for several hours until my arms get tired or she dies

It was not the cause you doughnut. The iPhone brought the internet to the masses and we've hit era of a yearlong summer all over the internet.

So people just logged onto an iphone and suddenly gained similar thought to each other and began to berate everyone else in similar fashion?

Wow, what's in those iphones? :^)

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i don't follow societal bs, so i neither care nor know.

in this case, ignorance is bliss. let's hope they all die when their niggers arrive.

I think all of the posts here are correct in their observations and are part of a bigger picture of a social theory.
I think we need a name for this anecdotal social theory.

Summary of best unique points
>It's the Attention Economy, user. Attention generates revenue

>Went into overdrive when we put a nigger in the oval office.

> annoying women have been around for ages but it took the internet to allow them to amass an orbit of beta faggots

iphones, the normieisation of the internet.
They found that they can play victim to get the things they want.

>Basically you'd might as well talk to the cat or the TV because they are simply saying what they think the group wants to hear (as dictated by TV).

>People who don't believe in God have no sense of purpose, their lives are meaningless. SJW's fill that void by championing the rights of those they perceive to be oppressed.
>They will always be pushing the envelope beyond the limits of what is actually good for society or even rational.

>2012 by a israeli with a laptop

>Everything you think that pisses you off was created in 2012 by a israeli with a laptop

((Elite))) successfully shifted the focus away from "the Bourgeois vs the Proletariat" to the more culturally marxist "the Oppressors vs the Oppressed".

Zipf's law. Once you reach a tipping point it all comes crashing down

>people arent very good at deciding for themselves a direction in life, they've not been taught to think that way.
Rather they've been taught to submit to authority to tell them what to do -parents, teachers, boss, police etc.
People embrace the SJW ideology because it gives them a cause, a purpose.

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The social justice culture started becoming apparent to me around 2011. I started noticing it in gaming-related YouTube comments, and vaguely remember there being arguments over race. Take AC3 for example.
>"man, [shoehorned indian protagonist] is such a boring character, and he seems so out of place in this game. i wish we played as [better developed white character] instead."
>"you must be racist"
Radical leftists decided to open the male-dominated, politically incorrect can of worms known as the gaming community, and it only got more ridiculous from there.
The culture peaked in popularity during 2014, IMO. A combination of Gamergate, Donald Trump, and the left's own bullshit are why most people have become fed up with it since then.
Ferguson was the tipping point for when I started seeing blacks as niggers. I was redpilled by angry old whites speaking their minds in the comment sections of relevant Yahoo! articles.

Started about 10 years ago when I was in my earlier 30s. I think people my age were the last to really make it through college etc before it became absolutely 100% insane liberal brainwashing. Before that people with weird colored hair, air pit hair, were just seen as annoying weirdos not to be taken seriously and were basically snickered at as losers. Clean cut, no piercings etc was the way you were suppose to be seen. Now the degenerate shit is everywhere. Even women my age walking around looking like idiots with purple hair(always fat by the way). Disgusting. I feel like an 80 year old man with the way I dress and conduct myself.

So as that indoctrinated group came of age lots of tools for them to communicate took off as well. Facebook with its bullshit stories targeted at dumb heard animal women. Smart phones which allowed easy access to said internet, stupid trash like Twitter. People began putting their real names to public comments resulting in a lot of social pressure to 'be nice' and follow the heard. That still blows my mind. Then you have things like Gamergate which is what started to turn me etc. The final explosion being Trump getting elected. It is absolutely amazing how many people cannot except that happened especially older women. Jesus Christ did it hit older women hard, my MIL for example and my older coworkers wives just fucking lost it. Formerly politically inactive people running around in pussy hats and all that dumb shit. None of the nasty shit Hillary did mattered because she had a vag.

I don't know where it goes from here. I voted R for the fist time with Trump and now find myself completely conservative. I've got four sons and I don't see myself ever voting D again since everyone on that seems to vilify and hate white men. I do see my sons generation for example as being more conservative as I listen to them and their friends, maybe there is hope as conservatism will be the new counterculture.

I also feel that with the emergence of the alt right around 2015-ish identity politics has really come to the fore. Two sides constantly vying to be louder than the other which has led to a snowball effect.

For me, it started with my generation idolizing social revolutionaries in school. We were constantly being read quotes and being told how big and revolutionary these heroes were, that it became an aspiration to achieve that goal.

Now what is the outcome when these brainwashed youths become adults? They themselves are seeking self worth as social justice is the only value they've been taught to aspire to.

Based Patrick McGoohan was warning about this way back in the 60's.

>No society has only been occulted more.
I'd say only the wealthy elite who are less educated but have gained their wealth and fame through creative means, e.g. acting, professional sports, pop stars, are more occultist.
I think this is because their wealth is so disproportionate to what they do and their own level of understanding and education, they invoke some entity to be satisfied or sacrificed to maintain their market position.
e.g. Tom Cruise, Madonna etc..

>Science has not contradicted any facet of Christianity. Christianity embraces the Truth no matter where it comes from.
There are lots of denominations of Christianity.
Some of whom claim the earth is only 6000 years old. Are you suggesting science has not contradicted this?

>We are at a pivotal point in man's spiritual development; man has learned what comes after post-modernism: Traditionalism.
No I argue this would just be another ideology again to fill the meaninglessness of it.
Not sure what you mean by Traditionalism anyway.

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SHILL THREAD -- Note how they always start with a presupposition that is unfavourable to us.
SJW is NOT trendy, there has never been more stigma attached to it.

No, the kike media the masses like to flock to to were now easily available 24/7. Enough to fry people's minds into thinking their idiotic virtue signaling on every step makes them better people

>SJW is NOT trendy,
Just go social media o and post a picture of your brown shoes with the description 'my nigger brown shoes'.
Come back with anecdotal observations on trendiness.
Brown shoes were once called nigger brown.

I first saw this crap when I worked at a university in 2011 or so. I had been at universities since 1995, and had a lot of contact with students. By 2011 every other student was from the "tri state" area - the university started making "community service" a requirement and the students paying 50k plus a year got right in line. At the same time Teach for America and Americorps kids were flooding the city, and all of them were communists. Also at the same time the OCCUPY movement came to our town. Suddenly we had thousands of "social entrepreneurs" and community activists all over the place. It totally ruined that city, which I shall not name. Bunch of fucking yankee lesbian idiots that couldn't wait to neuter all the animals and the men too. Foundations pay for this shit. Bank on it.

You're just completely blinded by what you were raised around, fully accepting the degeneracy present in your formative years, then immediately frowning at the first thing to come up after as "too much". Barring some huge cultural upset, the following generation will feel as accepting of all the things happening currently as you are of the mores of your childhood and as outraged by the left-wing causes of their day (post-natal abortions or something).

The West has been in a non-stop cultural and moral freefall since the 18th century at the very latest and people who don't accept this plain fact are a lost cause.

Women like getting money and attention. People (kikes) literally paid them to screech like harpies and make life miserable for everybody.

Besides that, it's just a tool for worthless people and social rejects to get back at society for rejecting them.

Also you could see the SJW ideology as a subset of the over-arching Political Correctness (PC).
We have Political Correctness because it's enforced by the State to varying degrees e.g very strong in the UK, Sweden, Germany, much weaker in Russia, and Turkey.
The State has the monopoly on authority, thanks to being able to enforce it's views with legally backed violence or threats of violence.
Hence why Political Correctness is held up as an authoritative view and thus the default view; because most people submit more readily to authority.
The State enforces Political Correctness because it is the glue which (just about) keeps together multi-cultural societies.

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>There are lots of denominations of Christianity.
Some of whom claim the earth is only 6000 years old. Are you suggesting science has not contradicted this?

It's just as you said. There are lots of denominations of Christianity, who bicker about non-fundamental aspects of the theology.

Science has not refuted anything fundamental to Christianity. The belief that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, that he died and rose from the dead. If there is certain proof that the earth is older than 6000 years than the interpretations of the Bible that posit the Creation story is allegorical are probably the accurate versions. The Bible did not fall from heaven in one piece. It is a collection of writings assembled over thousands of years, which God oversaw the collection and dissemination of. It is full of poetic books, prophesies, and historical records as well.

>Science has not refuted anything fundamental to Christianity. The belief that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, that he died and rose from the dead
I think medical science has refuted that it's very unlikely and I even say impossible to rise from the dead, after three days, if you are crucified and speared in the side.
Let's not be silly.

Don't be such a brainlet. Of course that's medically impossible. That's why it was such a big deal when it happened.

Science has not refuted that it did happen. And I am not saying that the disciples testimony is conclusive proof.

This mostly. There was also the late 00s/ early '10s wave of atheism which became entangled with social justice which used the historical crimes of Christianity as a hook. Atheism, Occupy Wall Street, and Obama seem to form the trifecta which allowed the fire of social justice to be lit. However I don't think any of those three are the direct cause. SJWs are ideological. No one just becomes or decides to be an SJW. It needs to be taught and nurtured and the internet and college both are to blame for that.

It really comes from the right wing portrayal of what a liberal is. Look up the Frankfurt school and stuff like it. Whatever cons were criticizing this is who they were criticizing and vice versa. It's as if the left and right understood what would happen if each side was crazy, eg Bush/Iraq War, SJW/PC.

PLus if you look at the New Atheist movement when it rose, it was the first to be called Islamophobes because of their critiques of Islam.

>Of course that's medically impossible.
It's not medically possible for a human being to be physically dead from asphyxiation and a spear wound for three days and then to come back life.
I say this so confidently, I wil eat my own dick if you can prove me wrong.

You are missing the point. Jesus was God incarnate. Him rising from the dead is proof that he is who He said He was.

Science has not proved that Jesus did not rise from the dead.

its the easiest way to get power over others, that and sjw logic was the official us government stance during obama. for a while the world kneeled to their whining and it wasnt until they started attacking other people on the internet that sjws ever met resistance.

As an atheist it breaks my heart to see that many people will somehow find their God in something but think themselves virtuous simply for not being Christian.

>Science has not refuted that it did happen.
Science has not proved that Jesus did not rise from the dead.

No you're right.
Science has no business refuting flying teapots or mythical stories about men or Sons of God dying from cruifiction and spear wounds, before magically reanimating on their own after three days.
If you believe this is real, then this belongs in the super-natural, because it's out of bounds of what nature provides for.

There is evidence that the events did happen. Personal experience is an arbiter of truth. The rapid growth of Christianity after Jesus died, without conquest, among zealous jews who risked persecution and life in prison for their beliefs is one. The disciples who purportedly made the whole thing up would have had no incentive to go live in poverty and die gruesome deaths for refusing to recant. You don't have to accept their testimony as conclusive proof, it's not supposed to be.

Nevertheless, Materialism cannot disprove their testimony. We are finite beings with five limited senses. It is folly to declare that "supernatural" things cannot exist just because we aren't capable of perceiving them. See the SIMS character example in my earlier post.

Either way, you have at least agreed with me that Science is a limited tool that is capable of only proving what we can know and perceive. It is like shining a flashlight in a dark room and declaring that the only thing that "exists" is the small spot illuminated by the beam.

I'll tell you exactly what's going on: times are good, so people feel purposeless and thirst for conflict. People then start making up villains that don't exist like this invisible Nazi uprising and muh Russians, and racists everywhere, etc.. When actual hard times come back, the SJWs will shrink to nothing.

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They've existed and been made fun of since at least early 90s, see Space Moose comics.

They just conform to the policies of CEOs out of reputation-seeking fear, that's not trendy that makes everyone hate you

If it became trendy it means the movement is about to die.

The left.
Simply put.
The longer answer is the Jews of course.

It started with califory becoming the dominant technology and movie industry hub in the USA.

It financed a big group of people who keep democratic dominance in most local government seats. Democrats have in turn brought alpt of praise and this more money to projects that donate to keep them flush. Just two monkeys scratching eachpthers back.

Well, Hollywood turns around and throws the wrench in the workings and says that anti-Semitism needs to be a fundamental part of the democratic party.

Can't stop the money now, so they do. This of course started the Cascade of other groups wanting legal protection. You can't deny them without exposing the Jew money. So we started legislating SJW shit before there were even SJWs.

At the same time heavy focus was put in entertainment for "inclusion". We started getting black shows on tv, we started over emphasizing black music.

Left leaning news channels started advertising gay pride, and support for gays. Trickles at first, but they filled our late 90s entertainment with minority opinions. It was cool to support minorities now. Racists and mysogints we're already in need of purging.

Fast forward, it's cool to be black, funding going to LGBT in schools. Left leaning entertainment, and suddenly you are now the cool kids if you support this shit. Many fall for this forced narrative.

Like all forced memes, it only pleases the normies. You put all this shit through normies entertainment and tell people that they are WOKE if they accept the anti white male conspiracy.. now it's a big deal. Now they get their fix. Now they feel special.

That is how they gain popularity. You appeal to kids seeking attention. Kids wanting to feel special. Make all media filled with this shit(which is what most of the anti Trump shit is)

Big Jew money pays for kids brainwashing.

I have an interesting task for you. Read all New Testament, and also read in parallel muslim account of Jesus, jewish pamphlets and gnostic gospels. It is like a brainfuck movie, where each text reveals just a part of a story from different perspective. And than try to combine all of them together.

Than you will realize what really happened and what Jesus what taking about. However, this is very different from what church is telling you.

Jews, with their media being able to reach everyone, have perfected propaganda. The counter to their mass indoctrination system has a small voice in comparison.

Kids unironically love Trump though. They think he’s a meme president.

President Obama gave them the right to straight up murder anyone that disagreed with them.


Now President Trump is rolling that back, along with every other Obama Administration policy, and the journalists that created the SJW movement are desperately trying to incite them to violence before they all lose their chance at being President For Life of the United Socialist States of America.

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Pretty much this.

Take this normal stage of adolescence, give it an audience, throw em in a classroom taught by disgruntled failed marxist radicals from the 70s, and this shit was basically inevitable.

It certainly didn't help that the right blew its last few decades on top pulling witch hunts on innocuous hobby shit like D&D and becoming ovely reliant on religion to justify everything.