Tumblr is allegedly planning on raiding the site. I highly doubt that they would do something like this without one of you manipulating them.
Which one of you guys is behind this one?
Ethan Jenkins
Other urls found in this thread:
Jordan Harris
shhhhhhhh, don't give them attention
Connor Sanchez
Have they already forgotten what happened last time?
Daniel Robinson
Pissing into a swimming pool of piss on a cruise ship in an ocean of piss on a planet of piss in a solar system of piss in a galaxy of piss in a universe of piss in a multiverse of piss.
Parker Jenkins
What happened? I must have missed it.
Julian Flores
Yay, a future internet historian video
Angel Ortiz
>one of (((us)))
likely a butthurt godcap wielder
Hunter Lopez
I love the can’t get women line, kills me every time
Mason Myers
Vince made 50 sjw an hero and we lost about 200 sides.
Alexander Murphy
Pol faked a Tumblr post and started a war between Jow Forums and Tumblr. Internet Historical made a video about it.