Which one of you guys is behind this one?

Tumblr is allegedly planning on raiding the site. I highly doubt that they would do something like this without one of you manipulating them.

Attached: b530e0a.jpg (1065x1593, 186K)

Other urls found in this thread:


shhhhhhhh, don't give them attention

Have they already forgotten what happened last time?

Pissing into a swimming pool of piss on a cruise ship in an ocean of piss on a planet of piss in a solar system of piss in a galaxy of piss in a universe of piss in a multiverse of piss.

Attached: Kiira5.jpg (235x300, 7K)

What happened? I must have missed it.

Yay, a future internet historian video

>one of (((us)))

likely a butthurt godcap wielder

I love the can’t get women line, kills me every time

Vince made 50 sjw an hero and we lost about 200 sides.

Pol faked a Tumblr post and started a war between Jow Forums and Tumblr. Internet Historical made a video about it.