That LARPS as a NAZI on a mongolian basketweaving imageboard
That 30year old Boomer
Ian Rivera
Other urls found in this thread:
Oliver Sanders
Not the worst of the boomers tbfh
Hudson Howard
Yep, that's me, til death.
Josiah Hernandez
Some boomers can be based after all
Joseph Rivera
Literally me
Ryan Robinson
Why do none of you know what a "boomer" is?
Daniel Cook
>30 year old
Anthony Smith
lmfao these under agers have a vague concept they know only through meme pics, pathetic.
Eli Thompson
better than larping as multi-cultural or whatever the fuck it is most normans do these days
>don't have a single nigger "friend"
>dont even talk to niggers
Zachary Wilson
This meme is gay and dumb and you should consider suicide if you're using it.