

The U.S. is now ranked among the 10 nations considered to be the most dangerous for women, experts say:

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>experts say

Somebody needs to shoot this Experts guy

(((experts say)))

meanwhile experts say Europe has never been safer for women, the migrants have really helped to lower crime rates!

>worse than mexico
>worse than any country in central or south america

guess we can't give them asylum anymore!

Yeah, I guess this isn’t a good place to seek asylum anymore. Better let those spics and their spawn know

Yeah, because the fucking #MeToo shit is bad enough to rank the US alongside fucking Saudi Arabia.
Jesus Christ

Truly women are oppressed in America

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>Bring in third world
>Suddenly unsafe
I am heartbroken. Now where will all those asylum seekers go? Clearly we can not protect them or give them a better life.

Here's the list
1. India

2. Afghanistan

3. Syria

4. Somalia

5. Saudi Arabia

6. Pakistan

7. Democratic Republic of Congo

8. Yemen

9. Nigeria

10. United States

I haven't meet a single fucking roastie in my life who had their own gun. They can shoot a rapist is they get molested, but they're too fucking stupid to take advantage of what they have.

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