i miss him lads
I miss him lads
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dubya certainly did bring the lolz, the 00's were strange years from what I can remember from my drugged induced haze
eat shit
Oh yeah, how do we even go on without manufactured wars and nine elevens and shit
I don't, Dubya murdered thousands of soldiers for the Jews.
Take me back to pre-2007
>muh neo-con
>muh 9/11
>muh no child left behind
>muh tax breaks
>muh war of terrorism
>muh great recession
>muh Dick Cheney puppet
Dubya was just a slightly less evil but way funnier Obama
The dumbest president ever.
Aim higher and lead more, faggot.
Holy shit unironically KYS he was the biggest Shabbos Goy since churchill
So what?
Try a parcel bomb!
Explain how Trump has been a bad President. Pro tip, you can't.
I don't
Honest question: was there anything good about his presidency? Why did he get reelected?
Plis serious replies.
Inb4 war, oil and 9/11 jokes
massive deregulation of wall street, giant tax cuts for the rich, exploding the deficit to $1 trillion per year
Hey Obamaleaf Remember Debt and Deficit are different and to cite your sources because i know you have a problem with that
I don't
he scared the shit out of boomers
it was constant fear propaganda on fox news 24/7 that there was a terrorist lurking around every corner ready to kill u
he ran on " I can keep America safe" after fucking 9/11 happened on his watch
that's the power of conservative exceptionalism
>massive deregulation of wall street
Lol still not as bad as Clinton repealing Glass Steagall which was a direct cause of the 08 recession
>i miss retarded warmonger
And hundreds of thousands of patriotic troops miss their arms and legs.
u get fucking destroyed every time u post that made up fake chart
your numbers are completely made up
median income soared to record highs under obama
why do u paid shills keep posting the same GOP establishment fake news propaganda when i destroy it every time?
I don't.
That's because you're a Briton. Leftists may be chimping out in the streets under Trump, but let no man be fooled: most of them were children while Bush II was in office. Bush II was far and away the most terrifying president of the most terrifying regime that America has ever known. Your nation was still in its pre-Brexit comfy grabbies then. Get back in your lane until Saudis and jews fly jets into the Houses of Parliament and Theresa May reads aloud "My Pet Goat" to a schoolroom of paki children. You literally have no idea. Shut the fuck up and finish your curry.
got reelected because dems had nobody.
was worse than trump in every way possible.
Or the quantitative easing done under obama which made it far easier for the big banks to pay back what they owed while fucking over the poor and middle class
It's so surreal to see leftists sucking' the dick of Bush now that Trump mindbroke them.
Actually Trump's deregulation is even worse.
And it was Bush's deregulation and housing policies that crashed the economy
don't believe everything the GOP shills program u to believe on Jow Forums
core conservative ideology is deregulation. it's pretty hilarious that u cucks try to dindu it
>obamaleaf calls me out for not citing sources
Fucking Lol half your infographs arnt sourced retard
>neocons are conservatives
no, sweetie. kill yourself.
>Actually Trump's deregulation is even worse.
I seriously fucking doubt it
> (You)
>he ran on " I can keep America safe" after fucking 9/11 happened on his watch
Fucking lol!
Trump gave Wall Street the biggest tax cuts in history.
The banking industry is poised to save $30 billion this year, thanks to tax cuts
Corporate stock buybacks are booming, thanks to the Republican tax cuts
>don't believe everything the GOP shills program u to believe on Jow Forums
also i learned about all this from my time at occupy wallstreet
they're all sourced
you're just mad because i completely fucking destroyed you
It’s par for the course.
every fucking time
right wingers are pure dindus
Yep and far worse. And this Brit is feeling saudade for that fucker's presidency
I already read your post you fucking retard thats why i linked to it in my OP
u shoulda seen sean hannity back then
it's pretty funny how all these 12 year old neckbeard edgelords love him now
no u didn't
He got reelected because Kerry was such an unlikable faggot and had literally nothing to offer.
Lol KYS retard
*be a saudis puppet and help them to spread their proxies all over the world*
>right winger
lol. nice made-up term.
what was the name of that bill?
why the fuck do conservatives dindu deregulation when that is your core ideology? what's next you're gunna dindu tax cuts for the rich and wealthy elites?
Debating obamaleaf is such a fun time it makes me feel like im a big brained nibba
I'll take "things that never happened" for 300
most right wing retards don't even know that China already had nukes for decades lmao
that's how stupid u fucking morons are
still waiting for trump to label china a currency manipulator tho
>already resorting to Ad homs without making any sort of argument
and my work here is done
i love it when u get destroyed so fucking easily that u can't even source your own charts
or backup how the fuck u claim median income fell under obama when it soared
u just ignore it because you know you're a paid GOP shill who comes here to spread fake news
i love how u can't even answer simple questions
u get destroyed so easily i love it
what was the name of that bill?
why the fuck do conservatives dindu deregulation when that is your core ideology? what's next you're gunna dindu tax cuts for the rich and wealthy elites?
Theres a source listed on the infograph you fucking illiterate
unironically this
had a liberal friend send me a picture of dubya with the caption he wasnt so bad considering
i had to be like, no he really was, because he was clinton 2 but you just dont get it
jesus christ
Retard, he brought the current mess in the middle-east.
>answer ad homs
Ok faggot
i love when u squirm and dodge like a bitch
why the fuck do conservatives dindu deregulation when that is your core ideology? what's next you're gunna dindu tax cuts for the rich and wealthy elites? (You)
Bush is most popular among conservatives. Most Trump voters were Bush voters.
He was quite terrible. I didn't realize how bad he was until Trump showed me how good he should have been.
it's just made up
Show me actual proof from the US Census Bureau or BLS or FRED that median income fell under obama. You can't. Because u just made it up. Wait let me guess. You just believe fake news GOP shill infographs without even looking into the information yourself? Are you literally fucking retarded? You're mentally incapable of doing research?
see (You)
Isn't he a war criminal?
Bush sucked, but what choice are you given with these idiots? Obama/McCain were both idiots. Obama/Romney were both idiots. Hillary is a similar idiot, and we'll see whether Trump is an improvement on the idiocy.
trump was against the iraq war idiocy, son
clinton(s) supported it
Killing Bush family members is every Americans duty
>median income
retarded leaf shill
Bush is most popular among conservatives. Most Trump voters were Bush voters.
u don't even know what that is because you're mentally handicapped
It's OK, Jeb. I'm sure deep down, your brother still loves you, the failure that you are.
He was funny but virtually everything he did was against the interests of American citizens.
Trump took Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, states long ruled by Clinton/Obama et al, so Trump obviously bit deep into their supporters.
he won those 3 states by 70,000 combined
mostly due to black voter suppression
>t. retarded leaf shill
Not going to lie, I miss the old days. Invasions, war on TV, Bush and Blair. Sigh.
>black voter suppression
>t. retarded leaf shill, still
trump got 90% of the Republican vote. The same Republicans who voted for Bush.
I don't miss his gas prices. He was a retard. He blamed a terrorist organization for a Jew insurance job. While, I am glad he destroyed the terrorists, he should have arrested the Jew too.
I’m just a lurker and even I can tell your an assblasted little retard that can’t stand the fact that trump is doing way more in less than 2 years than any of the previous 5 presidents did in their full time as president.
“Let me just post this one graphic without backing it up with a source, I’m sure they will believe it!”
>chinks and norks had nukes for decades before shitlery and bill freely gave them to chinks and the norks
lol. and hundreds of trillions in trade and rockets. mhmm.
literally the worst president ever
he couldn't even finish a sentence without his brain malfunctioning
coke head buffoon