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ITT: Favorite Saints
Trump isn't a Saint. He's the Messiah.
Amurigan creaturas idolatry of Trump is disgusting and completely blasphemous
I am 24/187 catholic irish mud so my favorite saint is Patrick.
The hagiography of Sergius Radonezhki is great.
non saints orthocucks
Tsar Nicholas II was sainted by ROCOR and the Moscow Patriarchate
Saint Simon of trent
So what? Orthoshill Sect "beatifies" any pro orthomemery political figure, Stalin was close to become an orthodox saint
I assume you're Roman Catholic?
Wow. Is that shit stuck in your teeth?
fuck this bitch and fuck vladimir for bastardizing our faith and culture.
the only reason why they forced christianity the rus was purely for political reasons and greed.
olga and vladimir can be compared to the traitorous globalist scum politicians that plague our societies with their shit policies in the modern age.
Hi Varg.
Stop proxying.
Saint OP: Protector of Homosexuality
Shut the fuck up you dumb favela ape
Fuck off,.
We kicked your asses into obscurity.
You're nothing but a marvel superhero worshipper and a goat fucker.
Now fuck off and take your degeneracy with you, hippie.
>Catholic cuck whose heresy schismed from the original Chalcedonian Church in favor of muh filioque and muh papal infallibility thinks he has a say on who's a saint
Literally nobody is calling for Stalin's canonization besides communists and retarded nostalgiafags, you papist faggot
>fuck this bitch and fuck vladimir for bastardizing our faith and culture.
Go back to khokholstan then, faggot, and see how great it is with the irreligion and celebration of pagan niggers like Sviatoslav. Be careful, though, I hear the POZZED sodomites at the Kiev pride are frisky.
i love Christmas trees
>worship dead people
>call yourself a christian
It's ok to pray to saints. Their spirits still live on in the hereafter
How is worshiping bones and icons not Idolatry?
My own.
based finder of lost things
He was a great man, but depicting him as a saint is a bit heretical, and I don't think that is what he wished for